Sunday, October 30, 2011


I was a "tomboy" when I was a child.  I remember one time I helped dad put shingles on a playhouse roof.  I thought I was a big help!  However, most of the nails I pounded in ended up bent and crooked!  Dad never scolded me for not doing a good job...nor did he make me quit.  He accepted my help....and most of all, he accepted me!  God's like that, too--He will let us try to help  even though we really aren't able to be of much help...even though we don't know what we're doing ! 

A good father "trains-up" the child in the way he should do things. We all learn by "trial-and-error!"  Our Heavenly Father doesn't expect us to do everything perfectly, but He does expect us to build on His foundation and to complete the work He's called us to do.

In the end, the house we've built (and the life we've lived) will have a final inspection!  What will the "Building Inspector" find?  Has your work been built on a solid faith foundation?  What materials did you use:  Wood, hay, straw--or gold, silver, and precious stones?  Is it "fire proof?"  

Be careful how you build!  Your life depends on it!

I Corinthians 2:12-17