Tuesday, January 1, 2013


It's the beginning of a new year.  Have you set any goals for this year or made any new year's resolutions?  I used to make new year's resolutions, but about three decades ago I started asking the Lord (in prayer) what He wanted to work on or change within me for the coming year.

The 1st year I prayed for PATIENCE:  Oh my, I had no idea what I was in for!  My prayer must've sounded something like this:  "I want patience, Lord, and I want it NOW!"  [The Lord thought that was funny...but I wasn't laughing!]

The 2nd year I prayed for FLEXIBILITY:  I was a very organized and structured person.  I had my plans and my way of doing things.  Then my son became a teenager....and my plans changed drastically!

The 3rd year I prayed for an ATTITUDE like Joseph's...but I forgot that he was rejected by his brothers and falsely accused by his boss's wife!  Ugh...rejection and false accusations really hurt!

Finally in the 4th year I prayed for WISDOM!  Now I begin each new year asking for wisdom and direction as to what the Lord wants me to change, improve, or do in my life.

I encourage you and urge you to ASK the Lord what He wants to change or do in your life this year.  Then LISTEN to what He has to say....and DO it!!!  There's no better way to start each day!

I pray you have a blessed and life-changing year on your journey with Jesus.