Thursday, January 3, 2013

A little known secret!

I read this saying, by J. M. Barrie:  "The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one has to do."   This reminded me of a quote by Rev. Robert Schuller:  "Bloom where you're planted!" 

So many people are discontent in their jobs or because of unpleasant circumstances or locations.  They develop a "bad attitude" because they aren't getting "their way."  We prefer to "do our own thing" or "go our own way" rather than be "Followers of THE WAY."  Before the new believers were called "Christians," they were called "Followers of The Way." 

Paul learned to "be content" no matter where the Lord sent him or no matter what the Lord asked him to do!  He bloomed wherever he was planted.  Although he preferred to be "foot-loose-and-fancy free" on the missionfield, he willingly went bound to Rome (under "house arrest").  Although chained to guards 24/7, he continued to be faithful to his Lord and do the work he'd been called to do.

 Keep your FOCUS on the Lord...bloom wherever He "plants" you!  Be "a tree of righteousness--planted by the Lord--that He might be glorified!" [Isaiah 61:3]