Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Grateful Heart

Don't WHINE in the wilderness...instead, WORSHIP the Lord!

THE WAY through the wilderness, the dark valleys, and the dry spells of your life is to WORSHIP the Lord by expressing an "Attitude of Gratitude."  1st you need to thank the Lord for all He has blessed you with in the PAST.  2ndly, you need to walk by faith during your days in the wilderness, which is you PRESENT set of circumstances and challenges, by believing the Lord will guide you through.  3rd, know that by following the Lord, He will take you to your Promised Land of the FUTURE.

PRAISE propels you forward.
WORSHIP lifts you higher so you can rise above your circumstances.
FAITH provides the fuel.
PRAYER gives you vision to see (in the spirit) what the Lord's promised you.

You must believe--you must endure--you must pursue!

BELIEVE and you'll RECEIVE all that the Lord has for you!