Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Those Who CARE are (always) THERE

For the past few weeks I've not written a devotional.  Some family crises had arisen unexpectedly.  One of my friends e-mailed me to ask why I had stopped.  And, just the other day another friend of mine called--wondering why she couldn't pull-up my blog.  They were just what I NEEDED to lift me up--just knowing that they CARED and were concerned about me.

Ecclesiastes 4:10 says, "Woe to him who is alone when he falls...".  I thanked God that I wasn't blog buddies came to my side!  Those who care are (always) there!
Yes, it's true--those who really CARE about you will BE THERE for you.  They will seek you out...they will encourage you...they will lift you up when you feel down.

Sometimes family just isn't enough...sometimes family isn't even there!  So we NEED to develop friendships.  There are some "friends that stick closer than a brother."  [Proverbs 18;24]
Cherish your friendships--don't neglect them or take them for granted.  And BE THERE for them to let them know you truly CARE!!!

Let me close with this poem from Mae Lawson:  THE LOVE OF A FRIEND

O, for the love of a friend who can be made the sacred trustee of my heart; one who is more to me than the closest relative; one whose very name is so sacred that I want to whisper it softly; one who lingers near my door in time of distress, and stretches forth his/her hand, which is not empty or cold, and who says little, but feels largely.