Friday, September 14, 2012


My husband and I used to say, "We have a PROBLEM!"  But now we have learned to say, "We have an OPPORTUNITY!" 

  • Problem:  A perplexing or difficult matter.
  • Opportunity:  A combination of circumstances favorable for the purpose.
Too often we try to solve things "on our own."  WRONG WAY to go!  Invite Him to join you as you process through your problem.  You'll discover it's an opportuntiy to grow in your faith, find favor with Him, and benefit in the long run.  Let me give you a personal example:

Recently our son (quite suddently and unexpectedly) lost his job.  He has a wife, three children, a house, and lots-and-lots of bills!  Oh--this was a real PROBLEM!!!  Or--was it?  So I began to LOOK to the LORD for help, knowing that He is a "present help in time(s) of trouble."   [Psalm 46:1] 

I began to pray, "Make a way where there seems to be no way...and may he walk there in it."  I kept believing...I kept asking the Lord to "show favor" on my son and "move on the hearts of the 'kings' (the bosses) to offer him a job."

I asked the Lord to "strengthen" him.  [Philippians 4:13]  I knew that the only way that would open the right door for him was God.  "He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life!"  [John 14:6]   I also know that what's "impossible with men" is possible with God, for "He makes all things possible."  [Matthew 19:26]

Well, a month later, the OPPORTUNITY came!  A DOOR was opened...and our son walked through that door and was offered a new job.  That's a miracle these days, in our struggling economy and lack of job opportunities.  Most unemployed people have to wait and search for a year or so to find adequate employment.  True--he will be making less money, but he got a promotion from his last job and will be working in a better environment and closer to home, etc.

Please start seeing your problems as opportunities for a better future by trusting in the Lord and traveling with him each and every day.

I read this quote once:  "Sometimes opportunity comes disquised as a challenge!"  (Are you up for the challenge?)