Monday, May 21, 2012


There was an old TV show called "Mission Impossible."  The team was given an impossible mission to accomplish, but somehow they managed to complete it.  In reality, some things are impossible for us to accomplish on our own....BUT "with God ALL things are possible!"  Should you choose to accept this mission--He will show you the way to accomplish it.

In Habakkuk 2:2 we're told to "write the vision (also another name for a Mission Statement) so those that read it can run with it."  Moses' Mission Statement can be found in Exodus 3:16-17; John the Baptist's Mission Statement is found in Luke 1:14-17; the church's Mission Statement is found in Matthew 28:19.  In fact, all those great men and women who were "called" by God had a personal Mission Statement to follow. 

What's your personal Mission Statement?  Are you focusing on how you want to live your life, on what you want to accomplish; does it list your values, contain action steps, and include your dreams?  Do you have a PLAN for your life?  Do you have a road to travel on...a destination you want to reach, etc.?

Remember the cartoon FAMILY CIRCUS?  Often it would show a little boy walking home from school (or from somewhere else)...but he wandered all over the place...pausing here, stopping there, being delayed, and not paying attention to the time or where he was going.  It was cute, but it he had no real plan....he just wandered around and dilly-dallied--sometimes getting lost along the way.

People, if we ever want to reach our "Promised Land," we've got to have a PLAN; then we must follow the plan!    Dr. Victor Frankl (a Holocause survivor) said "We detect, rather than invent, our missions in life."  Don't try to do it YOUR WAY!  Do it HIS WAY!  Why?  Because His Way IS THE BEST WAY!  In John 14:6 He says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through Me."

Do you have a personal Mission Statement?  You'll find yours (just as I found mine) in His Guide Book --The Bible.  (I found mine in Isaiah 58:6-12.)

Once you are given your Mission Statement, write it it....and run with it!  Don't stray from it, but GO (with Him) ALL THE WAY !