Thursday, May 17, 2012

Caught In the Middle

Have you ever been caught in the middle of a divorce...caught in the middle of a huge debt you couldn't pay...caught inbetween a job change (unemployed), etc.?  You couldn't go back to "the way it was" and you can't seem to go're stuck--in limbo--and struggling.  You feel desperate and as though you are sinking!  Well, this happened to Jesus' disciples, too.

The disciples had been commanded by Jesus to get in the boat and "cross over to the other side."  About halfway across, a fierce storm arose.  Now several in the boat were experienced fishermen; however, they'd never seen a storm like this!  Furthermore, they didn't expect this could happen to them 'cause Jesus was on their side!  Afterall--Jesus had told them to get in the boat and row to the other side.  All they did was TRUST Him and OBEY Him.  Now what?

Now--they were fearfully floundering around in the turbulent water like fish caught in a net.  They couldn't believe this was happening to THEM (of all people)!  Why--they were Jesus' CHOSEN disciples....His best friends!  Now they were just THE FROZEN CHOSEN....paralyzed by FEAR!

Suddenly Jesus appears to them--walking on the water--and calls out to them, "Take courage, I AM here!"  Jesus is not just "a fair weather friend." He's there through all our storms, trials, and tribuations; in the darkest of nights; He is our friend who sticks closer than a brother.  After all....He is the great "I AM!"

Peter finally gets it...and calls out to Jesus.  He asks to come to Him and permission is granted.  Peter walks on water for a moment.  But he loses FOCUS--he takes his eyes off Jesus...he hears the roar of the sea...he feels the waves splash on his face...he swallows some sea water...and he becomes scared and starts to SINK!

Then Jesus stretches out His hand and they walk together back to the boat.  He stretches out His hand once again--and He calms the storm. 

Take His hand....He will lead you safely to the other side....He will calm the storm....He will give you peace.  Just CALL on Him in times of trouble--and take His hand!