Monday, May 7, 2012

Flawed Flower Pots

We were in a garden shop the other day; and, I was looking around at all the flowers they had placed around the store.  The flowers were displayed in simple clay pots.  The flowers were beautiful, but the clay pots had many flaws--cracks, chips, and were marred.  They reminded me of a verse from II Corinthians 4:7 - "...we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us."

Yes--we're "flawed"--just like the clay pots--yet, when we accept Jesus Christ, we contain something beautiful (Christ is alive within us...and is growing)!  We come filled with dust--dirty from sin--yet out of us comes such beauty.

How do we grow more of Christ within us; how do we grow more of Christ for others to see?  I believe one way is to work into the soil of our hearts a daily application of CONFESSION and PRAYER.  [See:  James 5:16]  If applied consistently and correctly, it will keep bugs and dis-ease away.

We're to draw people's attention to the beautiful flower within us...not to us, the flawed pot!

And remember this:  "Flowers grow in manure!"  It may not be a pretty saying, but it's the truth!  Life gets pretty dirty and messy--but you can beautify your world by allowing others to see Christ in you.  And, what's more, you'll be a sweet-smelling aroma to offer to a stinky world.

BLOOM....BLOSSOM...and BEAR FRUIT (fruit that will remain)!  [See:  John 15:16]