Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Yesterday was the hottest day ever recorded in Toledo during the month of May (106 degrees).  Everyone was encouraged to drink a lot of water.  Dehydration is a very dangerous thing.  It can cause dizziness, disorientation, fainting, or even death.

Marathon runners often receive cups or bottles of water from by-standers along the route.  Everyone knows the runners won't be able to finish their race if they become too dehydrated.  They will fall short of the finish line.

Even Jesus was becoming dehydrated after walking a long ways on a dusty road.  He paused at a well at high noon (the brightest and hottest time of the day) and asked for a drink of water from a woman of the night.  She was an outcast in the city--shunned and shamed for her sins.  She drew some water from the well--and He received it from her.  In return, He told her He could give her "living water" from a well that would never run dry.

Our relationship with the Lord should be like was of GIVE-&-TAKE:  We give Him our sins in exchange for life (eternal life).  SUCH A DEAL!!!  Who could pass that by?  But many do!  The Priest passed by...the Levite passed by...only the Samaritan (shunned by the religious) offered to help the one who had fallen on the side of the road.  [Luke 10:30-37]

Jesus says that if we do something for the least of them--you've done it unto Me.  In other words, when we give a cup of cool water to someone who is thirsty, or feed the hungry, or visit those in prison or the sick, etc.--we've done it for Him.  That's the DEAL!!!

People are hurting!  Many are unemployed...many have lost their homes....many have no medical insurance...many have no one to help them.  Jesus wants us to care enough to help where we can.  We're to GIVE where we can; and, in so doing, the Lord will supply our every need.  In other words--we need to:   SUBTRACT in order to MULTIPLY!!!

Remember the little lad who gave his lunch to Jesus (and He multiplied it to feed over 5,000)?  Remember the little widow lady who emptied her jar of flour and cruz of oil for the Lord's prophet?
(She never ran out of food during the famine.)

We may be in a recession....or a great time of depression, but if we continue to give what we have to SERVE the Lord--He will MULTIPLY it...He will SUPPLY all our NEEDS.