Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Delayed obedience is nothing more than PROCRASTINATION!  When we delay doing what we know we're to do, we delay receiving a blessing.  We're given a task to do, but we "put it off"...wanting to do it when we want to do it--not when we're asked to do it.  Folks, this is a form of passive-aggressiveness!    

We miss out on divine appointments, opportunities, and blessings when we DELAY responding to His Word.  Atrophy begins to set in; we develop a poor work ethic; our promises carry little weight--most are forgotten, broken, or stored away for another day.

God told Adam and Eve to "tend The Garden."  That meant to maintain it; to continue to do good work.  When we DELAY doing what we need to do (or what we've promised to do), the work piles up like a traffic jam on the expressway.  Everything comes to a stand still!  

Procrastination is a form of pollution that can poison God's people.  Once affected by this dis-ease, we start to stumble and fall.  I Peter 2:8 says, "they stumble being disobedient to The Word to which they were appointed."  Again in Titus 3:3 we're told that we're "foolish, disobedient, deceived--serving lusts and pleasures...".

Remember this--"Delay causes Decay!"