Thursday, February 7, 2013


There are 4 kinds of (spiritual) heart conditions:

(1)  A Greedy Heart - This is the heart of "a taker"...a person who wants it all for themselves and doesn't want to share or give any of it away.

(2)  A Grieving Heart - They don't want to lose anything.  This person's heart resents when others receive who they don't believe deserve it or haven't earned it.

(3)  A Generous Heart - A person who gives liberally to others.

(4)  A Grateful Heart - A person who receives with deep gratitude.

The first two operate out of wrong motives:  Their blood is septic and there are blockages that stop the flow.  The second two operate out of right motives:  No blockages and a pure blood stream that flows to-and-fro...willing to take in and flow out.

Are you willing to allow the Lord to examine your heart?  If so, will you pray this prayer with me today:

Examine me, O Lord  Shine Your Light into the dark areas of my heart where I cannot see.  Therefore, if there be anything hidden therein that needs to be removed or repaired--I ask You to reveal it to me.  If there be any sin within, I ask You to forgive me.  I give You permission to remove any blockages that stop the flow.  Purify any septic sin that has polluted my body or damaged my heart.  Cleanse and heal my heart, Lord.  Amen.

[Psalm 26:2; I Corinthians 11:28; Galatians 6:4]