Saturday, September 17, 2011


Our readings for today are Luke Chapters 5-6I'm going to center in on 5:1-10, which talks about Jesus ministering to the multitudes (by borrowing Simon's boat--using it as a platform to speak from) and for ministering one-on-one with Simon.  Note also that Jesus uses everyday objects when He ministered (the boat) and includes ordinary people (like Simon).

Here's a truth to hang onto:  The closer we draw to Christ, the more we'll learn from Him...the better we'll come to believe in Him...and the more we'll be personally BLESSED!

After Jesus finished speaking to the crowd, He wanted to reimburse Simon for the use of his boat...not with $$$, but in a much better way!  He told Simon to "launch out into the deep and let down your nets." 

Simon DOUBTED what Jesus had to say--why, every good fisherman knew that the best time to catch fish was at night....and this was midday!  However, he reluntantly launched his boat into the deep and threw over a net (even though Jesus said use several nets).  Like we often do--he didn't fully TRUST what Jesus had to say; nor did he fully OBEY!

Jesus was not only repaying (blessing) Simon for the use of his boat, but--more importantly--He was s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g Simon's FAITH.  In Mark 9:24, a man says, "I believe, but help me with my unbelief."  I'm sure Simon thought something similar when he was overwhelmed by the BIG CATCH.  For in vs.8 he fell down at Jesus' knees and confessed that he was a sinful man.

The word CATCH in Greek means:  "To capture alive."  Once Simon was a he was going to learn how to "catch" men.  What a promotion!!!

Simon's doubts about Jesus' fishing abilities progress to doubts about himself.  The 1st doubt is overcome by a miracle; the 2nd doubt is overcome by a promise (vs. 10).

Overcome your doubts and fears by trusting and obeying God's promises!