Thursday, September 29, 2011


[Read:  John 5-6]

Chapter 6 has much to say about Jesus being "The Bread of Life," but many of those who followed Him could not digest the depth of  WHO He was.

This chapter begins with a "miracle of multiplication."    There was a great multitude of people following Him--some 5,000 men + their families.  Jesus knew the crowd would soon be getting hungry, so He "tested" Philip by having him try to figure out how to feed them all.  While Philip was trying to solve the problem, Andrew comes forth and says, "there's a lad here who has 5 barley loaves and 2 small fish...".  (Frankly, this was a "miracle" in itself...finding a boy who was willing to give his lunch away!)

While Philip was adding up how much the lunch would cost, Jesus RECEIVED the boy's offering, He multiplies it!  He's performing a MIRACLE right before those closest to Him--He revealed it to the 12.  Jesus 1st "gave thanks" (prayed) before breaking the bread--then asked His disciples to distribute it  (serve it).  The food just kept multiplying right before their eyes.  Consequently, ALL were fed...ALL ate 'til they were full.  There were even LEFTOVERS...nothing was lost.  He had the 12 disciples gather all the fragments....each collecting a basket full.  Boy, did they get an eye-full that day!!!

The crowd got what they wanted (food), but the disciples got more than they could have imagined.  Jesus revealed His miraculous power, which they all saw materialize before their eyes.  Each one beheld "The Living Bread" in action, up close and personal!

You can have as much of "The Bread of Life" that you want.  However, most believers only go to Him to have their carnal appetites fed.  But, there are a few who want more!  Those few are the ones who have a deeper appetite for spiritual food.  They "hunger and thirst" for more of Him!