Tuesday, September 27, 2011


[Read:  John 3-4]

Jesus had been walking for quite a was a hot day....He was thirsty and tired.  So He sits down by a's about noon.  He had told His disciples to go into town and get something to eat.  I personally believe Jesus wanted "a break" from them, so He sent them away.  No doubt He just wanted some time to be alone.  But... His Father had other plans!

Jesus finds a woman drawing from the well.  This was an unusual sight because it was not the culture for a "proper woman" to be there at this time of day.  He asked her to give Him a drink.  And the conversation begins!  [See:  John 4:1-26]

This was a DIVINE APPOINTMENT!  It was a divine exchange.....she gave Jesus a cup of cool well water and He offers her "living water" (everlasting life).  

He knew her PAST...and He knew her NEED.  They met...and her life was CHANGED!   This woman was guilty of many sins--but after she met Jesus, she never returned to that sinful lifestyle.
What about you?  How has your life changed since you met Jesus?  Can people see the change(s) in you?

God does extraordinary things on very ordinary days--using ordinary people, such as yourself.!  Is this your day to have a DIVINE APPOINTMENT with Him?  Or, is this the day He's going to use you to meet someone who NEEDS a touch from Him?

Ask Him to use you today; allow Him to work through you; look for opportunities to bring His "living water" to refresh thirsty souls.

Let Him schedule a DIVINE APPOINTMENT with you today!  You may think it's merely an INTERRUPTION, but it's not!