Friday, September 30, 2011


[Read:  John 9-10]

Jesus practiced "on-the-job training."  It was an ordinary work day for Him, so He used this particular event as a teaching session.  They came across a man who had been born blind.  He was physically blind.  [See:  John 9:1-34

His disciples asked a question:  "Who sinned, this man or his parents?"  Jesus answered:  "NEITHER!"  They were quick to "assume" that it was somebody's fault (sin) that he was blind.
Jesus was about to teach them about spiritual blindness.

He begins to minister to the man by spitting on the ground and making a ball of clay; then He anointed the man's eyes with the clay.  Next He instructs the man to go and wash in the Pool of Siloam (which is translated "Sent").  A crowd had gathered by this time--a mixture of neighbors and others in the community who were well acquainted with this man's history of blindness.  The man did as he was instructed....and he received his sight!

The plot thickens!  The people then brought this formerly blind man to the Pharisees (the religious leaders) on the Sabbath and told them the miraculous "work" that Jesus had performed.  The Law stated that no man shall "work" on the Sabbath.  The Pharisees were "spiritually blind"--they could physically SEE what Jesus had done, but they couldn't see WHO was standing before them.  They were accustomed to laws and man's works, but they couldn't perceive that Jesus had been sent to do "the works of Him [His Heavenly Father] who sent Him," nor could they see a "work of righteousness" when it was right before their eyes!!!

The formerly blind man went and SHOWED others he'd received his sight.  And we're to go and TELL others what Jesus did and who He IS. 

We, who call ourselves "believers" are instructed to go....SHOW and TELL the world His story!


[Read:  John 7-8]

Let's look at John 8:1-12

Jesus was teaching in the Temple.  Next thing you know the scribes and Pharisees hauled a woman into the midst of the congregation to expose her sin.  They'd just caught her in the act of adultery!  (The Law in those days punished such acts by stoning the person to death.)

These religious leaders were setting a trap--hoping to catch Jesus if He,in any way, would stray from the Letter-of-The-Law!  They were just using this woman as "bait," hoping Jesus would bite off more than He could chew!

Self-righteous people often conceal their own sins by judging and condemning others.  These scribes and Pharisees were playing "The Blame Game."  The devil, known as "the Accuser," always blames and CONDEMNS....puts people down!  Jesus always CONVICTS people and lifts them up!

Well, their little plan backfired!  Instead of condemning the woman, Jesus CONFRONTED her accusers with these words:  "He who is without sin among you, let him throw the 1st stone!"
It only took one sentence to disarm them!  They, one-by-one, dropped their stones and left the Temple.

Now don't get me wrong....He didn't excuse the woman's sin!  But He sternly cautioned her to "go and sin no more!"  Jesus came into this world not to condemn sinners, but to save them and set them free from sin.  Jesus loves the sinners, but cannot tolerate SIN!

We are pardoned when we confess we are sinners--saved only by His grace and mercy--repent (turn away) from our old ways and walk His Way.  We're "saved" in an instant (as was this adulterous woman).  No longer  held under by "The Law," but lifted up by His grace.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


[Read:  John 5-6]

Chapter 6 has much to say about Jesus being "The Bread of Life," but many of those who followed Him could not digest the depth of  WHO He was.

This chapter begins with a "miracle of multiplication."    There was a great multitude of people following Him--some 5,000 men + their families.  Jesus knew the crowd would soon be getting hungry, so He "tested" Philip by having him try to figure out how to feed them all.  While Philip was trying to solve the problem, Andrew comes forth and says, "there's a lad here who has 5 barley loaves and 2 small fish...".  (Frankly, this was a "miracle" in itself...finding a boy who was willing to give his lunch away!)

While Philip was adding up how much the lunch would cost, Jesus RECEIVED the boy's offering, He multiplies it!  He's performing a MIRACLE right before those closest to Him--He revealed it to the 12.  Jesus 1st "gave thanks" (prayed) before breaking the bread--then asked His disciples to distribute it  (serve it).  The food just kept multiplying right before their eyes.  Consequently, ALL were fed...ALL ate 'til they were full.  There were even LEFTOVERS...nothing was lost.  He had the 12 disciples gather all the fragments....each collecting a basket full.  Boy, did they get an eye-full that day!!!

The crowd got what they wanted (food), but the disciples got more than they could have imagined.  Jesus revealed His miraculous power, which they all saw materialize before their eyes.  Each one beheld "The Living Bread" in action, up close and personal!

You can have as much of "The Bread of Life" that you want.  However, most believers only go to Him to have their carnal appetites fed.  But, there are a few who want more!  Those few are the ones who have a deeper appetite for spiritual food.  They "hunger and thirst" for more of Him!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


[Read:  John 3-4]

Jesus had been walking for quite a was a hot day....He was thirsty and tired.  So He sits down by a's about noon.  He had told His disciples to go into town and get something to eat.  I personally believe Jesus wanted "a break" from them, so He sent them away.  No doubt He just wanted some time to be alone.  But... His Father had other plans!

Jesus finds a woman drawing from the well.  This was an unusual sight because it was not the culture for a "proper woman" to be there at this time of day.  He asked her to give Him a drink.  And the conversation begins!  [See:  John 4:1-26]

This was a DIVINE APPOINTMENT!  It was a divine exchange.....she gave Jesus a cup of cool well water and He offers her "living water" (everlasting life).  

He knew her PAST...and He knew her NEED.  They met...and her life was CHANGED!   This woman was guilty of many sins--but after she met Jesus, she never returned to that sinful lifestyle.
What about you?  How has your life changed since you met Jesus?  Can people see the change(s) in you?

God does extraordinary things on very ordinary days--using ordinary people, such as yourself.!  Is this your day to have a DIVINE APPOINTMENT with Him?  Or, is this the day He's going to use you to meet someone who NEEDS a touch from Him?

Ask Him to use you today; allow Him to work through you; look for opportunities to bring His "living water" to refresh thirsty souls.

Let Him schedule a DIVINE APPOINTMENT with you today!  You may think it's merely an INTERRUPTION, but it's not!


[Read:  John 1-2]

John 1:1In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with God,  and the WORD was God.  Genesis 1:3 - God SAID "Let there be LIGHT...".

Everything begins with the WORD....the Word birthed the LIGHT....Jesus is the Light...and the Light gave us LIFE (life everlasting)!

John 1:14 - And the WORD became flesh and dwelt among us. 
Psalm 119:105 - Your WORD is a lamp to my feet and a LIGHT to my path.

Get the picture?  We're to abide in the WORD and walk in the LIGHT.  He has "separated the light from the darkness" and He has "called us out of darkness into His marvelous light."  [Genesis 1:4 and I Peter 2:9].  How special is that?  How profoundly simplistic!

We're told that "out of the abundance of the HEART, the mouth speaks."  God not only spoke from His heart, but He demonstrated how much He loved us (we, who are in the world) when "He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting LIFE."  [Matthew 12:34; John 3:16]

Everything began with the WORD....He spoke the first word....and He will have the last word:
Revelation 22:13  "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.


Monday, September 26, 2011

The GOOD, the BAD, and the UGLY!

[Read:  Luke 23-24}

Clint Eastwood starred in a movie, many years ago, entitled:  "The GOOD, the BAD, and the UGLY."  And we could title the scene from Luke 23:13-25 the same:  Jesus was "the GOOD guy"...Barabbas was "the BAD guy"...and the crowd got "UGLY!"

Movies, when I was growing up, always had stars that were "the GOOD guys...the HEROS!  My personal favorite was "The King of the Cowboys," Roy Rogers!  It was easy to tell the good guys from the bad guys--the good guys always wore white hats and the bad guys wore black hats.   Now-adays, it's not so easy.  It's more popular to be BAD!  Clint Eastwood made another movie called, "Dirty Harry."  And that seems to be the theme these days in Hollywood.....the dirtier, the more ugly or frightening they can make a movie--the better!  Bad is "mixed" with good.  X-cons become the heros, stealing becomes an art, and lying and cheating (especially in marriages and in business) is deemed not only entertaining, but also acceptable.  No wonder our society is gravitating to the dark side....favoring the demonic, the immoral, and the destructive.

What are we teaching our youth?  What are people seeing and hearing from us?   Is it a Christ-like nature!  Stars are supposed to SHINE!  We are to be followers and fans of Christ.  He's the STAR that we are to worship!  Look towards the LIGHT...quit setting in the dark!

Many so-called ministers today have disquised themselves as "wolves in sheeps clothing"--actors who stand on a platform (stage)--performing.  Not preaching the pure Word of God (their messages are not taken from The Holy Bible), substituting a script written only to "tickle ears" (entertain)!

Let us be committed followers of Christ.  Let us follow after Him...devoting our lives to Him,  He is truly the only STAR we are to worship!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Calm Before the Storm

[Readings for today:  Luke 21-22

I'm centering on Luke 22:39-46, which is more fully revealed in Matthew 36-45.  This is the Garden scene at the Mount of Olives, where Jesus often went to pray.

This was the "calm before the storm!"  Following the supper meal with His disciples, He and His disciples headed for the garden to have a time of prayer together.  (Notice that He did not go to the Temple--He communed a garden...out in nature.) 

He knew what was coming...Judas would soon betray Him and he'd bring a legion of 6,000 soldiers along to arrest Him.  So Jesus' prayer was more intense this time.  He'd asked His disciples to wait a "stone's throw away" and He instructed them to "watch and pray," so they would not "fall into temptation."  However, they fell asleep!  Three times He prayed....each time He went back to His friends for support, but each time He found them asleep.

Satan seems to put a "sleeper hold" on many of us when we try to pray!  Either that, or our weary and weak flesh causes us to fall asleep when we need to pray.  Our spirits are willing, but our flesh wimps out and we lose the battle!   The emeny lulls us to sleep--satan tempts us to comfort our flesh rather than battle the enemy, for the battle always begins in our minds.  Could this be why so many of our prayers aren't answered?   Are we lacking power in our lives?  Are we feeling drained and defeated?   How strong is your prayer life?  How consistent is your prayer life?  Think about it!

Jesus always prayed before He made any decisions...before He took any action.  He always sought His Father 1st for counsel and direction...for strength and courage.

Remember to pray!  Remember--PRAYER PRECEDES POWER!!!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Get Right with God!

[Text:  Luke 19-20]

Today I'm going to center on Luke 19:1-9.  A crowd is gathering to see Jesus.  There we find a tax collector by the name of Zacchaeus.  Tax collectors were rather wealthy in those days, as they held a well-paying government job.  Zac was short in statue, and couldn't see over the crowd, so he climbed a Sycamore tree to get a better view.

Tax collectors then, as well as those in government office today, were over-taxing the people....allowing tax breaks for the rich, but overcharging the general public.  The rich were getting richer while the middle class and the poor were getting poorer!  So Zac was hated by the majority of the people.

When Jesus saw Zac clinging to the tree, He paused and said to him:  "Zacchaeus, make haste and come down, for today I must stay at your house."  Now the people were accustomed to seeing Jesus minister to the sick and mingle with the poor--but not to the rich!  However, Jesus sees the NEEDS of the rich as well as the poor....and Zac surely had a need that only Jesus could help him with, as Zac struggled with GREED and worshipped $$$ rather than God!  But after Zac met with Jesus, he was a changed man.  He had a change-of-heart.  To demonstrate the change, he immediately gave half of his goods away to the poor...and he offered to restore 4-fold anything he had taken falsely from anyone.   

Zac  gave away a lot of goods (money) that day, he lost his desire for greed, and he received a better gift...he received "salvation" (eternal life).  Why?  Because he REPENTED, turned his life around, and got in a right relationship with the Lord!

America needs to do the same today....repent.  How do we, as a nation do that?  II Chronicles 7:14 tells us how:  "If MY PEOPLE (we Christians) who are called by My Name will HUMBLE them-
selves, and PRAY and SEEK My face and TURN from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will FORGIVE their sin and HEAL their land."

Our "Pledge of Allegiance" states that we are "one nation under God"  (under God's authority), however, many have rebelled against His authority; therefore, we have sinned against Him and are slidding down a slippery slope of depression, defeat, and financial failure.  But the only way to SAVE this nation is to TURN back to God, to get on our knees and PRAY for this nation and its leaders.

Pray, people--PRAY, so that GOD (will continue to) BLESS AMERICA!  


Friday, September 23, 2011

A Heart of Thanksgiving

[Read:  Luke Chapters 17-18]

Jesus was passing through Samaria and Galilee, enroute to Jerusalem.  As He entered a certain village, He met 10 lepers, "who stood AFAR OFF."  They weren't CLOSE to Him...yet they shouted out to Him, "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!"

Jesus responded to them, saying, "Go show yourselves to the priests."  And as they went, they were cleansed.  (Healing is sometimes "a process."  It is often a progressive work--and it involves our participation.)  The priests were the physicians of the day and in that culture.  They needed to seek the priests approval before they would be allowed back into the temple to worship.  This was The Law!

Later, ONE returned to thank Jesus....only ONE returned to worship Him!  Only ONE drew CLOSE to Him!  The 9 remained still AFAR OFF--returning to their religious roots (legalism and The Law) rather than worshipping the one, true High Priest!

Although the 10 were physically healed--only ONE was made completely "whole" in his soul and spirit. 

John 4:24 - God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.

Jesus is THE WAY...THE TRUTH...and He gives us LIFE--more abundant life, everlasting life, a more complete life when we draw CLOSE to Him!

We need to GO to Him, so we can come to KNOW Him (develop a deep, personal relationship with Him)....then we will truly learn to love and worship Him by serving Him all the days of our lives!

Thursday, September 22, 2011


[Readings for today - Luke Chapters 15-16]

Chapter 15 is packed with profound parables:  "The Lost Sheep," "The Lost Coin," and "the Lost Son."  What's the running theme?  Answer:  Something, or someone is LOST!!!

Notice that the sinners and tax collectors (the LEAST favorite people in their day) were drawn to Jesus.  The religious leaders (the Pharisees and scribes), kept their distance and voiced their discontent.  So Jesus wisely spoke in story-form (parables) to them.

Religious people wouldn't associate with those who would not adhere to their rules and religious way of life whereas Jesus would accept and minister to ANYONE who desired to listen to Him or draw near to Him.  

Many so-called Christians today hide behind their doctrines and denominational walls--keeping others out.  But Jesus tells us to GO OUT and seek the LOST and bring them IN.

In each story, something was found that was LOST.  In each story there was REJOICING over that which was LOST.    

The Pharisees correspond to the 99 sheep, the 9 coins, and the elder brother.  The tax collectors and sinners correspond to the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son.

The legalistic, self-righteous Pharisees were not even aware of their NEED.  Sheep that are LOST lie down helplessly--realizing they have a NEED... and the Shepherd hears their cry.

Many are LOST...many are crying out for someone to "draw near" to them--to "reach out" to them--to "lift them up" and show compassion upon them.  Who can you touch today?  How will they see Jesus today in YOU?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Be Careful Where You Sit!

[Read:  Luke Chapters 13-14]

Let's look at Luke 14:10-11 for today:  In 14:10 it talks about when you're invited somewhere, "go and sit down in the lowest place" and allow the person who invited you to come and move you to a higher place.  And in Vs. 11 we're warned by Jesus that "whoever EXALTS himself will be HUMBLED"...and vice-versa.  Let me tell you a true story that demonstrates what these two verses are trying to say:

Years-and-years ago I attend a Joyce Meyer's Ministries Ladies Conference.  Thousands-and-thousands of women came from all over the country to see her.  Well, several hundreds of us were anxiously waiting outside the conference center--wanting to be the 1st to get in when the doors opened.  We stood there waiting for over an hour!  Finally--the doors opened....and suddenly a herd of wild women stampeded forward....pushing, running, shoving ....nothing was going to stop them from seizing the front row seats!

Now these women were supposed to be "sweet, gentle, Christian ladies," but you could've fooled me!  We stood back and observed their  bullying behavior...what were they thinking?  They could've seriously injured people.  I'd expect this kind of behavior from beer guslling football fans, but not from so-called Christian women!

Well, just before the conference began, one of Joyce Meyer's daughters came on stage and exhorted those unruly ladies.  She ordered them to get out of their select seats and move to some rows in the back.  And she invited some other ladies (who were nearly trampled to death) to come and take the front row seats.

This true story illustrates the two verses I've mentioned above:  The moral of the story:

For whoever EXALTS himself will be humbled,
and he who HUMBLES himself will be exhalted."

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Disciples' Outline for Prayer

[Readings for today are Luke Chptrs. 11-12]  

In Luke 11:1-4  we see quoted what we've always thought to be "The Lord's Prayer."  However, it is only an OUTLINE for prayer.  The disciples have daily witnessed Jesus praying, and they realized there was more power and substance in His prayers than in theirs.  Now they'd been people of prayer for years!  So what were they missing?

Look at these verses!  See--it's an outline.  It is not a formula for repetition!  You are to fill in the blanks!  For instance:   "Forgive us our sins (trespasses) as we forgive those who trespass against us" here is where you itemize/confess your individual sins!  "As we forgive those who trespass against us" is where you list theirs!

This is the disciples "Outline for Prayer!"  In John 17:6-19 it shows where Jesus prays for His disciples; and in vs. 20-26 He prays for all believers.  This is "The Lord's Prayer!"

Try using this outline when you go to prayer.....and fill-in the blanks!!!  See how your prayer life will deepen.

"If your day is hemmed in with prayer, it is less likely to unravel!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Following the Leader

[Readings for today:  Luke 9-10]  Today I'd like to center in on two verses -- Luke 9:23-24.

Let's break down the vs. 23:  The first word that stands out to me is ANYONE.  The Lord does not play favorites!  Anyone can follow Him!  Anyone, that is, who has a deep DESIRE to do so.  When I was a kid (and I'm now 70), we used to play a game called "Follow the Leader."  I preferred to be the leader 'cause I could choose which way I wanted to go and what I wanted to do.  But, when I grew up, I realized that in order to be a good leader, I had to 1st learn to be a good follower.

We're to lead others to Christ; we're to set a good example of being a Christian.  So my question is this:  How many people are desiring to follow your lifestyle?  Is there enough evidence to convict you for being a Christian?  Or are you hiding your identity and blending in with the ways of the world?  Are you being "politically correct"...are you "a yes person," a person who can never say "no" you suffer from "approval addiction."

Vs. 24 again mentions DESIRES.  We must prioritize our desires.  Seeking after the Lord is, and should remain, our lst priority.  Our desires go on the back burner.  I've learned this--I may have certain selfish desires, but the more closely I follow after Christ, the more my selfish desires diminish and my desires become more-and-more what He desires for me.  When my carnal will lines up with His perfect will, I lose my selfish ambitions and passionately desire to be more like Him.

We're uniquely designed to pick up our own individual cross.  Cross here represents the work He's called us to do, the way He's asked us to go, and the attitude we're to have along the way.

Check your priorities today...allow room for unexpected DIVINE APPOINTMENTS...and enjoy the journey as you walk with Jesus today.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


The scripture readings for today are from Luke Chapters 7-8.  In these two chapters it speaks about  Jesus ministering to many different people with various problems.  We all know that it is the Lord who "saves" and it is the Lord who "heals."  But did you know He asks that we participate in being saved and receiving our healing?  Let me show you:

In Luke 7:50 Jesus says, "YOUR FAITH has saved you..." .   And in Luke 8:48 Jesus says, "YOUR FAITH has made you well...".

                                          We need to BELIEVE to RECEIVE!!!

We are a generation that must 1st "see it" in order to "believe it."  But the Lord asks us to "walk by FAITH, not by sight."  [II Corinthians 5:7We more often should be identified as "DOUBTERS" rather than "BELIEVERS."

I love to participate in sports--sports help me to relieve stress and feel mentally better.  It's a way to enjoy myself and relax.  Most professional athletes, who win regularly--prepare mentally to win by picturing themselves winning.  In other words they 1st "believe" they can win even before they play the game!

Well--FAITH is like that.  First we believe we can receive; then we walk-out that belief until it is manifested/achieved in our lives.

The woman that was "saved" went to Jesus 1st to worship him.  She knew her sins were forgiven because she believed.  Therefore she received forgiveness and salvation.

The woman who was "made well" received her healing because she believed that Jesus could, and would, heal her.

True faith is demonstrated in our actions.  True faith is:  "An outward manifestation of an inward work."  Our hearts are changed; therefore our lives are changed!

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Our readings for today are Luke Chapters 5-6I'm going to center in on 5:1-10, which talks about Jesus ministering to the multitudes (by borrowing Simon's boat--using it as a platform to speak from) and for ministering one-on-one with Simon.  Note also that Jesus uses everyday objects when He ministered (the boat) and includes ordinary people (like Simon).

Here's a truth to hang onto:  The closer we draw to Christ, the more we'll learn from Him...the better we'll come to believe in Him...and the more we'll be personally BLESSED!

After Jesus finished speaking to the crowd, He wanted to reimburse Simon for the use of his boat...not with $$$, but in a much better way!  He told Simon to "launch out into the deep and let down your nets." 

Simon DOUBTED what Jesus had to say--why, every good fisherman knew that the best time to catch fish was at night....and this was midday!  However, he reluntantly launched his boat into the deep and threw over a net (even though Jesus said use several nets).  Like we often do--he didn't fully TRUST what Jesus had to say; nor did he fully OBEY!

Jesus was not only repaying (blessing) Simon for the use of his boat, but--more importantly--He was s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g Simon's FAITH.  In Mark 9:24, a man says, "I believe, but help me with my unbelief."  I'm sure Simon thought something similar when he was overwhelmed by the BIG CATCH.  For in vs.8 he fell down at Jesus' knees and confessed that he was a sinful man.

The word CATCH in Greek means:  "To capture alive."  Once Simon was a he was going to learn how to "catch" men.  What a promotion!!!

Simon's doubts about Jesus' fishing abilities progress to doubts about himself.  The 1st doubt is overcome by a miracle; the 2nd doubt is overcome by a promise (vs. 10).

Overcome your doubts and fears by trusting and obeying God's promises!

Friday, September 16, 2011


9/16/11 - Luke Chptrs. 3 and 4 are very rich and meaty Scriptures, which give us much to chew on and digest.  But today I'd like us to taste just a tidbit of wisdom from 3:8, which tells us to "bear fruit worthy of repentence."  Repentance here means "an internal sorrow that results in turning away from bad behavior."  Godly character ("Fruit of the Spirit")  is spoken of in Galatians 5:22-23.  Before we come to know Christ, we bear some ungodly behavior, such as the 3 groups of people mentioned in Luke 3:10-14:  People, tax collectors, and soldiers.  They needed to change their life styles.  The people were too stingy, the tax collectors were too greedy, and the soldiers were too intimidating! 

Luke 3:9 tells us that if we do not bear good fruit, an ax will be laid to the'll be cut down and thrown into the fire.  In other words, those who do not become branches that are attached to the Vine (come into the family of God and take on Christ's nature) will be cut down and discarded.  That's bad news!

However, in John 15:2 we are told that God (The Vinedresser) will prune some branches (parts of our nature--bad behavior) that are not bearing good fruit.  Learning to live a life in Christ is a "process"--it has seasons of growth.  Some of our old nature has to be pruned; some seasons produce more good fruit than other seasons; some seasons grow abundant amounts of fruit.

So having "fruit that is worthy of repentance" means choosing to repent from "dead works" by repenting and changing our life styles to please and glory the Lord.