Friday, December 14, 2012

Too Heavy At The Top

Our 1st Christmas tree only cost us $1.98--but that's all we could afford!  (My husband was an Airman 3rd class.  His annual pay was only $800.)  We didn't have many ornaments to hang on the tree (and they were pretty cheap-looking).  However, we had a very big star to place on top of our spindly little tree.  The star caused the tree to bend down and hang low.  [It looked like the "Charlie Brown Christmas Tree!"]  The tree simply could not support the star!

Isn't that a picture of what's happening in our country today?  We've become too TOP heavy!  The "little tree" represents our "middle class."  The "star" has become "tarnished" by corrupt leaders and businesses, puffed-up and over-compensated politicians, etc.  Sadly to say--there are "too many chiefs and not enough indians!"

The backbone of this country (the middle class) has become weighted down.  It's growing weaker.  Many branches have been discarded, are deformed, or have not been cared for properly.

The tree doesn't need trimming...our country's budget does!!!  We need to remove, reform, or revise what's on TOP!

Our money has printed on it, "In God we trust."  But do we?  We, the people MUST put our trust in God rather than in government programs to provide aid and assistance.

The only way to save our land it to do what we can.  We can pray...we can put our trust in God...and we can obey what His Word has to say!

The wisemen went seeking THE STAR so they could worship THE SAVIOR.  If we're wise, we'll "Seek Him 1st and renew a right relationship with Him....then all these things (this country needs) will be given unto us."  [Paraphrased from Matthew 6:33]