Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Christmas Past

Many years ago I gave my husband a tandum bike for Christmas.  We rode many miles together on that bike--and we went several places. 

  • He rode up front and I sat behind him. 
  • He led the way--but, we pedaled together.
  • He protected me from the strong head winds.
  • I could talk to him while we traveled.
  • Sometimes we had to pedal hard to get up a hill; and, sometimes we could relax and coast     downhill.
  • We even added a babyseat on the back of the bike so our 2-year old son could go with us.  The 3 of us took many rides together.
Isn't this the way we're to be with the Lord?  He leads the way; He protects us from strong winds; we can talk with Him as we go along the way; the way may not be easy, but He always takes us through the hard places.

We no longer have the bike.  Our son is grown and has a family of his own.  But the memory of those times we rode closely together will never be forgotten.  What memories will you be building this Christmas that will not be forgotten?

Many Christmas' have PAST, but that's one that'll always LAST!

Give a gift that keeps on giving--year after year:  Give a gift of time.  Give a gift of unconditional love.