Thursday, December 27, 2012

The 1st Snowfall

Yesterday was Toledo's 1st snowfall of the season.  As I gazed out the window, watching the snow pile up during the day, I was reminded of my childhood.

Our family lived along side a steep hill, which was a great place to go sledding.  Kids would come from all around the neighborhood--hauling their sleds--eager to slide down our hill.

It was such fun and so exciting to fall (belly-flop) on our sleds and slide swiftly down the hill.  However, it was not so much fun climbing back up that steep hill!  In fact, it took a lot of strength, effort, and required great endurance to climb back up that hill while dragging the heavy sled behind you.

You had to COUNT THE COST!  Was it worth climbing the hill?  Oh, YES it was!!!  The JOY of experiencing the ride on the sled made it all worth the trip!

(This reminded me of Jesus carrying His cross up Calvary's Hill.  That was a much more difficult climb--carrying a very heavy cross.  He, too, had to COUNT THE COST!  But He chose to ENDURE the cross for the JOY that was set before Him.)

Most kids today have "no clue" what it's like to sled down a steep hill on a snowy day.  Nor do they know how to climb back up--dragging a heavy sled behind them.  In like manner, most so-called Christians have no idea what it takes to carry "their cross" and follow Jesus and "go up higher" with Him.

There's JOY in the JOURNEY with JESUS, if you have the courage and the faith to climb the hill!