Sunday, December 11, 2011

Use All The Ingredients!

One time I made a cake and I didn't add the sugar.  Ugh!  It tasted awful!  One time a friend of mine forgot to add yeast to her bread mix.  It was flatter than a pancake!  We each forgot to add to the mix an important ingredient, so our efforts resulted in failure!  The same holds true re:  our FAITH.

                  It's paramount for you to mix [His] THE WORD with [your] FAITH!

  • You must do the work
  • You must add all the ingredients
  • You must follow all the instructions
  • You must believe you'll achieve the end result you'd hoped for
Here are some supporting Scriptures:

Romans 12:3 -...God has dealt to each one a measure of faith.
Hebrews 11:1 - Faith is the substance of things hoped for...
James 2:20 - ...Faith without works is dead.
James 2:22 - ...Faith was working together with His works...

The 1st thing I do when I want to bake or cook something is to make sure I have all the ingredients.  Now, my husband is more apt to start cooking--then realize he doesn't have one or two of the ingredients.  So he has to run to the store and get them....which causes delays (and causes me frustration)!  Oh--he's gotten a lot better about this--but he's had to learn THE HARD WAY!

How 'bout you?  Do you mix The Word with faith?  Do you demonstrate your faith by showing us your works?  Is your faith alive and actively serving the Lord?  Remember the old saying, "I'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day!"