Tuesday, December 13, 2011


We're living in the midst of people of "The ME Generation!"  But we're of "The CHOSEN Generation."  Quite a difference!  Those of this latter group have been picked from among the larger group--those who think it's all about them--for special service.  

"Many are called, but few are CHOSEN" for this special service!  [Matthew 20:16]  Only those that have ears to hear the call and do what is commanded of them will qualify.  They have spiritual ears to hear the Lord calling them.  They are atuned to His voice and have heard His word.  In so doing, they have developed faith, for   " comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God."
[Romans 10:17; John 10:4]

We, His chosen,  fight not as regular soldiers fight...we fight through praise and worship.  We will only experience power for spiritual victories as we prioritize and grow in our worship of the Living God.  Kingdom power is kept from pollution in this way, as kingdom people keep humbly praising and worshipping before the King. 

"The true worshippers worship Him IN SPIRIT and IN TRUTH!"  [John 4:23-24]  We, His chosen generation, worship Him...we don't idolize Him!  Idols are manmade religions!  

Oh, come let us adore Him....Christ the Lord!  Come, let us follow Him!  Come, let us serve Him!
For the greatest thing in all the world is 1st--to KNOW Him...then to SERVE Him because we LOVE Him.  We serve Him out of LOVE...not out of duty!