Wednesday, December 7, 2011

CROSSroad Intervention!

One of TV's reality shows is about INTERVENTIONS with family members who confront their addicted loved one to tell them they need to change their ways.   A highly skilled MEDIATOR orchestrates this process and is the "go-between" the one who is addicted and the family. 

Well, Jesus is our MEDIATOR.  He stands between God (the Head of the family) and us.  He pleads with the Father on behalf of the sinner.  In both cases, forgiveness is needed and a change of heart (repentance)  is needed in order to change the lifestyle.

We all are sinners, saved by grace.  God so loved us that He sent His Only Begotten Son to pay-the-price for our sins.  Jesus stepped in, on our behalf, and made a way for us to have a NEW LIFE. 

Folks--this is not a "reality show!"  This is "real life!"  We all are saved (rescued and redeemed)in an instant when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.  Jesus always comes to save the one lost sheep.  How far will you go to rescue one who is lost?