Tuesday, November 15, 2011


The 10 Commandments, found in the Old Testament, were impossible to follow.  NOBODY was able to keep them all because nobody was perfect (except Jesus).  However, Jesus understood we'd all BREAK the LAW!  Therefore, He gave us a "new commandment" (law) to follow...not 10...just ONE!  He made it profoundly simple....just LOVE ONE ANOTHER!!  [See:  John 13:34 and 15:12]  Just love one another as I have loved you!  Simple...right?  It's easy to say, but so hard to do!

One of the ways we're to demonstrate a Christ-kind-of-love is found in Galatians 6:1-2.  I don't love as deeply or as purely as Christ does.  Some people I just don't like...some I simply can't stand!  I know I'm "more spiritual" than they are (pride...pride) and they need to change...they need help!  But I don't have it "in me" to love them with His kind of love.  But God says, "Yes you do, Ruth.  I am IN you...I live inside your heart.  Open up your heart and pour out My love on those who are in need of restoration."

God then says to me, "Ruth--you are more spiritual than they are, so I'm asking you to gently restore them!"  I say, "How can I do this?"  He says, "Swallow your pride...humble yourself...see them through My eyes...and you'll be able to love them."  Of course I'm putting my own spin on those two verses, but this is what He is trying to tell them--be gentle with them--help them!  If I want to "fulfill the Law of Christ," I must choose to love them, help restore them, and do it in a humble and gentle manner.

There's so much abuse these days--so much bullying and belittling.  Putting people down is very popular!  I believe in spanking...but not beating children!  I believe in correcting people when they're wrong, but not condemning them!

Jesus chastened (corrected) those who did wrong.  He didn't cast them down or put them down...He didn't verbally tear them to pieces nor did He condemn them...He lifted them up and restored them.     

We all have been broken, we all were/are "damaged goods," we all are sinners (but saved by grace).   Jesus came to RESTORE....and we (who are supposed to be more spiritual than those in the world) are commanded to help RESTORE others by gently lifting them up by loving them (as He did with us).

        Jesus' plan was never to put people down....His plan always was to lift them up!