Monday, November 7, 2011

I'm Alive Because He Lives!

I am a woman...a wife...a mother...and a grandmother.  My eldest son is 48--yet, I can still remember what it felt like to carry his life inside of me.  What a miracle--to feel life being formed within my body!  Yet, an even more awesome miracle was/is to feel "spiritual life" within!

I can identify with Mary, the mother of Jesus.  She "carried" the Christ child within her womb.  She gave birth to the baby Jesus...and she watched him grow up and die--only to live again and be resurrected.  I carry the risen Christ within me--in the form of the Holy Spirit.  He is alive and is growing within me.

I need not cry out to a God that I cannot touch....I only have to reach down inside my heart, for He resides within me.  He is always there.  He and I are "one!"  He is closer and more intimate to me than my husband.

I am His "living epistle"....He is "my sufficiency" (He supplies all my needs) is He (the Spirit) who gives me life--life everlasting!  I live because He lives in me!!!