Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Christmas Star

It's always such a BIG DEAL about what the celebrities wear to the Oscars or the Emmys!  The women's dresses are expensive, revealing, immodest, and seductive--to say the least!  It's like a "porno show!"

The Lord has different ideas on how He desires we dress.  His designs are created for His beloved "elect" to wear.  His elect are to cover themselves with the garments of tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, and long-suffering as opposed to those in the world who choose to wear cheezy, see-through, haughty gowns.

Notice that verse 12 says "PUT ON" other words, we must choose what we wear!!!  As you get dressed this morning, what are you "spiritually" going to wear?  And, most importantly, above all, PUT ON LOVE!  The weather's getting cold enough that we need to wear a jacket or coat.  So be sure that your "spiritual" overcoat is LOVE!  (verse 14)  It's a cold world out there, so dress accordingly!  Let your love warm someone's day!

The Hollywood stars flaunt what they're wearing.  What they choose to wear is not very functional or practical.  Their main purpose is to "attract" attention.  God's elect, on the other hand, are asked to wear functional garments that serve a PURPOSE.  God's elect are to "bear with one another" by extending grace and "forgiving one another" (verse 13)--this is what God asks you to do--so others would be attracted to Jesus Christ.  The spotlight should be on Him....He's the real STAR!