Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Activate Before It's Too Late!

The Apostle Paul is having "a father-son talk" with Timothy.  Timothy must've been a "timid" boy, as Paul had to encourage him to "STIR UP" the gifts that had been imparted to him.  Tim was reluctant about accepting the full weight of what he'd been assigned to do.  Paul is reminding him that the Holy Spirit's power resides in him....and all he needs to do is RELEASE (activate) that power!  (God's already "equipped" him to do the work.)

I remember giving my mother several gifts that she never used.  She just stuck them in a closet.  One was an electric heating mattress pad, which would've kept her arthritic bones warm.  But she was too proud to use it!  Another was an afghan I made her.  (My 1st attempt at crocheting....and my last!)  She was too embarrassed (I guess) to let it be seen by others!  UNUSED GIFTS...given in love!

One of my friends went back to school in her mid-forties to get a college degree.  Her husband "paid the price" of her tuition; her husband also "sacrificed" his spare time--doing the laundry and other household chores while she went to school and until she finished.  Once she graduated, she proudly framed and hung her diploma on the wall....and never  worked a day in her life at the profession she was trained for; she never used "the gift" (all the knowledge and skill she learned at college)!  UNUSED GIFT...given in love.

God gives us SPIRITUAL GIFTS--coupled with talents and abilities--gifts that compliment our personalities and career choices.  But, so many people--so many times, do not USE these gifts! 

These SPIRITUAL GIFTS lay dormant and inactive.  Like being shut away in a closet, tucked into a drawer, or framed and hanging lifelessly on a wall.  Many "bury alive" these GIFTS!!!  We lock up our treasured gifts and bury them deep in our hearts....often forgetting that they're there....often afraid to use them!

Don't discard, dump, reject, or ignore those gifts!  Activate them....use them!!!  They were specially selected and handpicked for YOU!  They were given IN LOVE...PAID FOR at a costly price....Jesus paid the price; He sacrificed His life; He loved you so much!  Please accept His GIFT(s).  Use them for His glory!

RECEIVE the GIFT He's given you...put it to good USE!  If you do, you'll find a richer, fuller, more abundant LIFE.  You'll come to realize that YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT IT!!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Are You Coming or Going?

Recently, here in Ohio, some 50 wild animals were released from their cages--free to roam around at will.  The neighbors knew they had to FLEE to the safe shelter of their homes and stay inside.  They were in danger of man-eating "tigers, lions, and bears!"  Satan, too, is like a roaring old lion.--stalking around, waiting to devour us. [I Peter 5:8]

I remember years ago, a mentally-disturbed man jumped into the Polar Bear pit at the Toledo Zoo...and he was killed by one of the bears.  He just wanted to "play" with the bears!  And that's what people do with temptation....just play around with sin!  But we're told to FLEE such things!  Get away from...and stay away from evil!  Evil comes disquised as PLEASURE...sexual sin (lust, adultery, porno), juicy gossip, foul speech, critical spirits that cause strife and  disputes, greed "cloaked in" success and fame, etc.   Instead....

PURSUE after people who engage in righteous deeds, who walk in love; are patient and gentle; their speech is not nasty or condemning; integral, honest people, etc.  DISTANCE yourself from sin and evil....FLEE the scene!  PURSUE--strive after that which is good!

So--are you COMING (closer to Christ)...or GOING (further away from Him)?  You can't set on the are either going forward in faith with Him or falling behind--backsliding down a slippery slope into the sea of sin.

He says to us today:  "Come, follow Me!"

Monday, November 28, 2011

Are You Qualified?

We're told to "exercise towards godliness!"  I have always been interested in athletics, so  many of my friends happen to be very familiar with physical exercise.  These lady-jocks labor long and hard to "tone" their bodies and "toughen" their muscles.  They delight in aroebic workouts , such as jogging or bike riding; and with a great degree of accuracy, they can swing a tennis racket or a golf club.  I've even won trophies and touraments in tennis, basketball,  and softball --as a player and as a coach.  I've played in state, reginal, and world tournaments in tennis and softball.  It was such fun!  I learned a lot about LIFE through athletics--and I've met some wonderful  people.  But, Scripture tells me that "bodily exercise profits little!" 

GODLINESS is a whole different ballgame!  It requires a different kind of skill...a different kind of training...a different mindset.  If you want to be a "pro" (like an ordained minister, a bishop, or a priest)--you have a longer, more difficult way to go.  If you just want to be an "amateur," less skill is required.  But BOTH call for discipline, commitment, and loyalty.  One qualifies you as an "athelete"  whereas the other qualifies you as a "Christian!"

Some PLAY-around at sports--we call them "weekend warriors or jocks"!  And many Christians just PLAY church on the weekend (usually one day only....for an hour or so)!  And most of them just set on the bench (the pew)

We, who call ourselves "Christians," must COMPETE for the "high calling!"  What's the "high calling?"  It's being "called up" to play on Christ's team!  "Many are called, but few are chosen!"
[Matthew 20:16]

Have you heard THE CALL?  Would you make it through the "try outs?"  Or would you be "cut" (disqualified) from His team?  The ministers are usually the paid professionals; the lay-leaders are usually unpaid amateurs, and the rest are just spectators--followers and fans of His Team.  They come to "cheer" or "boo" the team....but they never have the pleasure of competing for the prize!

Yes, many are called, but few are chosen!  They simply don't QUALIFY!  What about you

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Don't Stray!

Don't listen to those who will cause you to stray away from true doctrine!  They do not speak from a heart full of love, nor with a clean conscience, and not with a sincere faith.  That's what these verses are telling us.

Idle, useless words cause us to wander away from the path of righteousness.  Idle words come from self-righteous people who try to manipulate and persuade you to believe in them rather than believe in what the Bible has to say.  They love to hear themselves talk...they love to be seen in public...they want to fleece (deceive) the people to promote their causes.

We see these kinds of "sheep in wolves clothing" everywhere!  TV commercials, scams on the internet, and--yes--even in pulpits!  So how do we know when we're being can we tell truth from error?

1st you have to know what is true!  So many so-called believers of the gospel simply rely on and trust in whomsoever is talking!  TV evangelists and the like may--or may not be--telling the whole truth!  You don't KNOW them; you're not personally acquainted with them; you don't have any kind of a relationship with them.  They're just an IMAGE on the TV screen!  Some are genuine, but some are idle talkers (or should I say IDOL talkers).

The sheep know the voice of their shepherd!  We must learn to know the voice of our Shepherd, Jesus Christ!  We must become intimately acquainted with Him; we must not stray from The Way that He is leading us.  We must walk with Him every day.

No matter if I were in a crowd of hundreds of people, if my father spoke--or even coughed--I would recognize his voice.  Why?  Because I "lived" with him; I was his child;  he called me by name.

How CLOSE of a RELATIONSHIP do you have with The Father and His Son?  Have you strayed or wandered away?  Have you gotten off the path and fallen away?  Have "wolves in sheep's clothing" deceived you into following another lifestyle?  Have you taken a "crooked path" instead of staying on the "straight and narrow" path?  

Every day we have the opportunity to FOLLOW Him or be tempted and LED ASTRAY.  Choose this day to go the right way!  

CROOKED PATHS are led by thieves that come to ROB, STEAL, KILL, and DESTROY!  But the True Shepherd has come to lead you through the valleys of death to a more abundant life.  Which way will you go today?  Whom will you follow?  You're at the CROSSroad...make your choice!  [Psalm 23: John 10:10]

Saturday, November 26, 2011


In the military if you disobey orders, you can receive a DISHONORABLE DISCHARGE.  You would be removed from service.  In verse 6 Paul commands (orders) that we are to "withdraw from every brother who walks DISORDERLY."  Paul states in verse 14 that "if anyone does not OBEY our not keep company with them!"

What does it mean to be DISORDERLY?  Answer:  Confusion; to upset; unruly; violating public peace; out-of-order.  When a machine is "out-of-order," it means it is not WORKING!  In other is setting there IDLE and is of no use!  It is USELESS!

How many so-called Christians are simply "Couch Potatoes?"  They may work hard at their jobs all week long...and they may play hard on the weekends, but they are not serving Christ in any capacity..  This is being DISORDERLY!

In II Samuel 15: 22-23 we are told that "to OBEY is better than sacrifice" and that "REBELLION is as the sin of witchcraft!"  OUCH!!!  In other words--if we disobey God's orders, we're obeying satan's!!!  God's in favor of us spending time relaxing, enjoying some recreation, and resting.  However, He did not want us to deliberately WITHDRAW from serving and worshipping Him.  We are to devote our lives to serving Him on a regular basis.

You can't remain IDLE (neutral)!  Doing NOTHING makes you useless to the Body of Christ!  Put God 1st...get up from the couch and spend some quality time with the King of kings!
Get your priorities in order!  Don't vegetate on the couch--you're called to "active duty" in His army!  Rise to new heights with Him!



Friday, November 25, 2011

Powerful Spiritual Weapons

FEAR puts you on the defense whereas FAITH puts you on the offense!  FEAR causes you to react with negative energy.  FAITH causes you to respond with positive energy.

If we try to fight a spiritual battle with man's natural methods, we will be defeated.  Our weapons of war are not carnal, but God divinely equips us for such attacks.  One of the most powerful of all spiritual weapons is THANKSGIVING.  We're to "give thanks IN everything!"  Notice that it did not say "FOR everything!"

Most people grumble and complain when  they're facing some battle.  But I've learned that when the enemy hits, we need to deflect his fearful blows and counterpunch with a fist packed with FAITH , followed by a "one-two punch" of PRAISE and THANKSGIVING!

Before we engage in warfare, it is wise to "come before His Presence with THANKSGIVING," and to "be anxious for nothing" (don't worry, whine, or complain), but "in everything by PRAYER  and THANKSGIVING make your requests known to God."  [Psalm 95:2; Philippians 4:6]

Spiritual Battles are INVISIBLE!  We have to fight with FAITH....not by natural sight!  Our armor (that which shields us) is our FAITH.  Some of the weapons that we attack with are:  PRAISE, PRAYER, and THANKSGIVING.

As David said, before he fought the giant (of fear) Goliath--"The battle is the Lord's"-- we must know that God is for us and He will fight with us if we will use His weapons of warfare.  David didn't use Saul's (man's) armor....he used a slingshot and a stone.  Now who would've thought of that?  God's ways are not our ways....remember that!

Fill yourself with FAITH...equip yourself with the resurrection POWER given to you by Christ Jesus...give God all the PRAISE and glory....and THANK Him in advance for the victory!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Practical Advice

Paul is conversing with the church in Thessalonica--just sharing some basic words of godly wisdom.  (What's in parenthesis is my own interpretation.) 

LEAD A QUIET LIFE -- (Do away with disputes and disturbances.  Try to live as peaceable as possible.  Stop the yelling and fighting.  Quit showing off.  Calm down--don't be so busy.)

MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS -- (Don't be a "busybody" or a gossip!  Respect boundaries.  Don't be intrusive; respect other people's privacy.)

WORK WITH YOUR OWN HANDS--(There are daily duties, chores, and tasks--mondane things--that we are expected to attend to.)

WALK PROPERLY toward those who are outside--(We're to walk toward unbelievers.  We're not to pass them by, but we are to reach out to them in Christian love and draw them to Christ.  Christians have a "code of conduct" to uphold, which is a higher standard than the world's.)

These are not earth-shaking requests.  However, if we're not faithful in small things, how can we live a life of joy?  Let us bring some JOY TO THE WORLD, for the Lord has come!  He lives in you and me!  A cup of cool water...a cheerful phone call....a homemade dish to share at the Thanksgiving table...a heartfelt prayer....a warm hug....these are just small things we can do to demonstrate His love. 

BE A BLESSING to someone today!  


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanks for the Memories

One of the most precious gifts that God ever gave us was the gift of MEMORIES.  Jesus said to His disciples, when they celebrated their last Passover meal together, "Do this in remembrance of Me!"  Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day.  It is a national holiday--set aside  for families and friends to come together to give thanks.

Some loved ones will be missing this year....but we'll REMEMBER them!  Thanksgiving Day is a time of mixed emotions--some sweet....some sorrowful.  I'll remember some of the Thanksgivings we shared at my aunt's house.  She always cooked for this holiday...Christmas was always at our house.  My aunt and uncle, as well as my parents, have been gone for a long, long time....but I'll never forget them.

It seems as though the traditions we grew up with are slowly fading away.  Not many prepare a 7-course meal anymore; nor do a lot of families cook anymore....they eat dinner OUT or carry it IN!  Families are more "scattered" around the country--too far away to gather together.

The saddest thing of all is when families do come together, sit around the same table, but don't want to be together!  They just come out of DUTY or OBLIGATION!  So sad!

Prior to the 1st bite of food (after the appetizers are picked over and some Crescent rolls  are stolen before they reach the table), I like to share a PRAYER of THANKS.  Maybe we could paraphase and pray I Thessalonians 1:2-3 on Thanksgiving Day:

"We GIVE THANKS to God always for all of you, (mentioning all their names).  And we remember those loved ones, who have passed away, who once sat at this table with us.  We remember, and give thanks, for their labor of love.  And we, most of all, remember our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as we break bread and partake of this bountiful feast.  Amen. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Christmas Star

It's always such a BIG DEAL about what the celebrities wear to the Oscars or the Emmys!  The women's dresses are expensive, revealing, immodest, and seductive--to say the least!  It's like a "porno show!"

The Lord has different ideas on how He desires we dress.  His designs are created for His beloved "elect" to wear.  His elect are to cover themselves with the garments of tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, and long-suffering as opposed to those in the world who choose to wear cheezy, see-through, haughty gowns.

Notice that verse 12 says "PUT ON" other words, we must choose what we wear!!!  As you get dressed this morning, what are you "spiritually" going to wear?  And, most importantly, above all, PUT ON LOVE!  The weather's getting cold enough that we need to wear a jacket or coat.  So be sure that your "spiritual" overcoat is LOVE!  (verse 14)  It's a cold world out there, so dress accordingly!  Let your love warm someone's day!

The Hollywood stars flaunt what they're wearing.  What they choose to wear is not very functional or practical.  Their main purpose is to "attract" attention.  God's elect, on the other hand, are asked to wear functional garments that serve a PURPOSE.  God's elect are to "bear with one another" by extending grace and "forgiving one another" (verse 13)--this is what God asks you to do--so others would be attracted to Jesus Christ.  The spotlight should be on Him....He's the real STAR!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Take A Walk With Christ Today!

We're told in Colossians 1:10 to:  "WALK worthy of the Lord...fully PLEASING Him...being FRUITFUL in every good work, and increasing in KNOWLEDGE of God."  However, we (more often than not) walk where we want to walk...go where we want to go--pleasing man moreso than pleasing God.  We strive and compete to be recognized, promoted, and popular.  It feels so good to be popular, to be liked, to be recognized!  But, the closer I try to follow Christ, the less popular I seem to be! 

We're told to "die to SELF" and "live for Christ!"  Maybe part of the dying process is simply for Christ...putting Him 1st...letting others LOOK at Him and what He did rather than looking at us!  When they look at  us, they should be able to "see" Christ in us!  My "image" should pale in comparison to His.  As John the Baptist said, "He must increase and I must decrease!"

LISTEN to people talk.  They generally talk more about themselves than anything else.  They are self-centered..."it's all about me" kind of talkers.  It's about what they are doing, what they've accomplished, what they want to do.  It's rarely about asking how you are, what you're doing, etc.  And even less spoken is what Christ is doing and has done in their lives.  They're learning more about computers, I-pads, football fantasy, and who's who in Hollywood than they are about the life of Christ.

They start their day by turning on the TV to hear the news or blarring the radio in the car with loud music rather than quieting themselves down so they can hear the voice of the Lord.  Society is stressed and worn out!  Why?  Because they are not STRENGTHENING themselves through the power provided by Christ.

Let us remember--each and every day--to pray that we'll be able to WALK worthy of the Lord.  This kind of walk describes a radical commitment of will, affection, and disposition to pleasing Christ.  Fruitfulness, growth in godly knowledge, divine empowerment, and thankfulness characterize such a walk.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Words are POWERFUL!  They can bring death or life!  It seems like every time I turn the news on these days I hear of another pre-teen or teen has committed suicide because they'd been "bullied!"  One of the "weapons" used to cause these kids to kill themselves is Face Book.  Like bullets from a machine gun, words are fired at the targeted victim repeatedly and relentlessly.   

We need to teach our children by raising them to THINK differently.  We need to set the example by doing what Paul spoke about in  Philippians 4:8-9Fix your THOUGHTS on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, and admirable.  Think about things that are excellent and worthy of PRAISE.  Keep putting into PRACTICE all you have learned and received from me--everything you heard and saw me doing.  Then the God of peace will be with you.

Negativity nurtures decay. Stinkin' Thinkin'  results in a "garbage mouth!"  A person who pollutes the air with their foul words can cause great destruction to mankind.  Let us bring a "breath of fresh air" by thinking pure thoughts and speaking words of love and affirmation into the atmosphere.

THINK before you speak!  Are you speaking words that will bring life...or are you speaking words that are damaging life?  Remember, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue!"  [Proverbs 18:21] 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Stop Complaining!

Our son, Kevin, attended Toledo Christian Schools.  One of the weekly requirements was to memorize 5 scripture verses.  He was quick to memorize the verses....but I often wondered if he understood the meaning of the verses.  Well, one day, he demonstrated to me that he did comprehend and that he had a pretty good understanding of what the verses  meant.

My husband and I were having an argument.  We were standing about 10 feet apart and verbally disputing something.  Kevin walked inbetween us and said:  "Do all things without complaining or disputing!"  [Philippians 2:14]  It took us so by surprise that we began to laugh...and we stopped arguing.

Out of the mouth of babes comes wisdom!  Our child had just corrected us by using the Word of God.  God's Word is instructive....God's Word cuts-to-the-chase!  We learned a big lesson that day!  Oh--I'm not saying that we haven't had any arguments since...but I am saying that it is wise to raise up your children according to God's Word. 

Proverbs 22:6 says that we're to "train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old (mature), he will not depart from it."  Too many parents are not interested in raising their children according to the principles and precepts from the Bible these days.  Passing on "His Story" is "passing away" in our culture.   Prayer has been taken out of the schools and slowly being silenced in our society.  Bible teachings are being put on the "back burner"....and the flame of faith has been turned down (or even turned off).  Families are being fragmented and torn apart; church attendance is dropping and many long-time established churches are closing. 

We need another John the Baptist to call us to REPENT!  Those of us who know the Lord, and call ourselves "Christians," must RISE UP and let our light shine into the darkness of these days.  Just as our son spoke out about our sin, we need to confess our sins, as a nation (that once was "under God"--under God's authority).  Just as Kevin "stood in the gap" (inbetween my husband and myself) to remind us of a better way, we--likewise--need to speak The Truth to those who have lost their way.

Let's quit COMPAINING and DISPUTING about the politicians, the unemployment, the crime, etc. in our nation and DO SOMETHING about it!  Let's lift up Christ for all the world to see.  Let them see "Christ in you!" 


Friday, November 18, 2011

Dress for Stress

We live in a very stressful world.  Stress can cause mental and physical pain and illness.  So how can we prevent and protect ourselves from stress?  Answer:  PUT ON your "spiritual wardrobe" each and every day.

Let's just look at our "business suit" --what we're to wear to work:  The BELT of TRUTH is to be wrapped around our mid-section (to hold everything together).  The BREASTPLATE of RIGHTEOUSNESS protects our heart.  We're to cover our feet with the GOSPEL of PEACE, which means we're prepared to walk a straight path.  Then we're to carry the SHIELD of FAITH, which will help us deflect danger.  And to guard our minds, we're to wear the HELMET of SALVATION.  Lastly we're to carry the SWORD of the SPIRIT.  We're also told to always PRAY (in other words, converse with God during the day) in the Spirit (a language only known to God).

When we were babies, someone had to dress us.  But now that we're adults, we have to dress ourselves.  Grown ups do that!  So grow up in Christ.  Be covered by Him by praying on His Word. Take this passage of scripture and verbally PRAY ON His Word as you dress in the morning.  You'll find you'll be better prepared for the day. 

At least take time to pray the following:  COVER ME, LORD, WITH YOUR PRESENCE!  COVER ME, LORD, WITH YOUR HOLINESS!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Game of Life!

Whether in my work, in my family, with my friends, or in my play--I've always tried to be a team player.  As a kid, I always hoped to be "picked 1st," to be "chosen 1st" to play on a team.  I preferred to be  the "captain" of the team, so I knew I'd be able to pick-and-choose who I wanted on my team.  Nobody wanted to be chosen last....and, worst of all, nobody wanted to be passed by!  Not to be chosen was such a harsh REJECTION!    I was fortunate....I was pretty athletic, so--even if others didn't particularly like me--they chose me to be on their team 'cause they knew I could play.

I'm glad that the Lord "chose" me to be on His team!  I know (in the natural) I don't "qualify," but He still "chose ME!"  I know I'm not the best, but I'm "teachable"....and I'm committed to Him and the team.  I may not have much ABILITY, but He's more interested in my AVAILability!

I learn from my "teammates" (other Christians in The Body of Christ).  I am helped and encouraged to use my gifts and abilities; I'm folded in as a member of the team.  Each player and each position (each person in the Body of Christ) plays an important and needful part.

I once played on a softballteam that had only 7 players.  I had to play shortstop and 3rd base at the same time!  That left a "big hole" to cover in our infield!  If one part (position) is missing, everyone suffers!  It's the same in church (The Body of Christ). 

In life, as in the church, or on the ballfield, there are often too many "spectators" and "critics," but only a handful ("remnant") of participants ("players")!  It's easy to criticize, complain, and boo.  It's easy to sit in the stands and just watch the game.  It's much harder to be an active participant (player on the team).  However, the victory and the rewards go to the "remnant" rather than to the rest who never became actively involved.

Be a "team player"...get on His team, play your best, love the people on your team, love what you're doing, and you'll be a winner!

Praying Scripture

If you pray the scriptures, you're praying a more perfect prayer.  For instance, let me paraphrase and personalize the verses from  Ephesians 1:17-19 as an example:

Lord, I do not cease to give thanks for all those that You've placed in my life, and I lift them up in prayer. 

I ask that You give to them more of the spirit of wisdom, and personal revelation (insight)  so that they might grow more intimately acquainted with You.

I pray that their hearts will be flooded with light so that they'll be able to understand the incredible greatness of Your power.

May they come to know You and love You more deeply with each passing day.  Amen.

Try it for yourself.  Take a few verses of scripture and personalize them in the form of a prayer.  This is a good way to pray.  Most of all--remember to pray every day!

"If your day is hemmed in with prayer, you're less likely to unravel!"



Tuesday, November 15, 2011


The 10 Commandments, found in the Old Testament, were impossible to follow.  NOBODY was able to keep them all because nobody was perfect (except Jesus).  However, Jesus understood we'd all BREAK the LAW!  Therefore, He gave us a "new commandment" (law) to follow...not 10...just ONE!  He made it profoundly simple....just LOVE ONE ANOTHER!!  [See:  John 13:34 and 15:12]  Just love one another as I have loved you!  Simple...right?  It's easy to say, but so hard to do!

One of the ways we're to demonstrate a Christ-kind-of-love is found in Galatians 6:1-2.  I don't love as deeply or as purely as Christ does.  Some people I just don't like...some I simply can't stand!  I know I'm "more spiritual" than they are (pride...pride) and they need to change...they need help!  But I don't have it "in me" to love them with His kind of love.  But God says, "Yes you do, Ruth.  I am IN you...I live inside your heart.  Open up your heart and pour out My love on those who are in need of restoration."

God then says to me, "Ruth--you are more spiritual than they are, so I'm asking you to gently restore them!"  I say, "How can I do this?"  He says, "Swallow your pride...humble yourself...see them through My eyes...and you'll be able to love them."  Of course I'm putting my own spin on those two verses, but this is what He is trying to tell them--be gentle with them--help them!  If I want to "fulfill the Law of Christ," I must choose to love them, help restore them, and do it in a humble and gentle manner.

There's so much abuse these days--so much bullying and belittling.  Putting people down is very popular!  I believe in spanking...but not beating children!  I believe in correcting people when they're wrong, but not condemning them!

Jesus chastened (corrected) those who did wrong.  He didn't cast them down or put them down...He didn't verbally tear them to pieces nor did He condemn them...He lifted them up and restored them.     

We all have been broken, we all were/are "damaged goods," we all are sinners (but saved by grace).   Jesus came to RESTORE....and we (who are supposed to be more spiritual than those in the world) are commanded to help RESTORE others by gently lifting them up by loving them (as He did with us).

        Jesus' plan was never to put people down....His plan always was to lift them up!  

Monday, November 14, 2011

Believe & Receive

Abraham believed, and therefore, he received the son that the Lord had promised him.  What you believe (have faith in), you will will happen.  Remember the little childrens' story, "The Little Engine That Could?"  The famous line was "I think I can...I think I can!"  

We've been taught in the church to "speak it into being!"  Remember, in the beginning of The Book of Genesis, God said, "Let there be light"...and light appeared!  His words have POWER...and so do our words.  Words have power either in a negative or a positive way.  For example:  If you say every year, "I always get the flu 'bout this time of year," you'll get the flu! If you say "I can do all things, through Christ Jesus," and you believe what you say--you'll be able to accomplish or receive it!

Abraham believed the promise of a son--so did Sarah!  However, she tried to give Abraham a son without God's help.  Well, they produced Ismael (the son of a bondservant).  This was a "work of the flesh.  Even though Abraham believed God for his promised son, Isaac, he compromised and did what his wife wanted him to do rather than wait for what God had promised.  Sarah did things her way instead of God's way"His ways are higher than our ways...His thoughts are higher than our thoughts!"  [Isaiah 55:8]   Both sinned; both suffered the consequences!  And we're also suffering the fall-out from their disobedience yet today.  Yet, Abraham continued to believe what God had promised him.  Therefore, Abraham pleased God by faith and not by doing the works of the flesh.     

I wanted two children...I have two sons.  However, I had to wait-and-wait-and-wait for 9 years to have my 2nd son!  I can't imagine what it was like for Sarah to wait so long for her son of promise.  I begged and pleaded for my 2nd son....but God gave him to us at just the "right time" in our lives.  Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 says there is "a time to be born..." and "a time for every purpose under heaven."

What God promises you will be completed...will come to pass.  Just don't get ahead of God and try to accomplish things YOUR WAY instead of patiently WAITING on the Lord for His perfect timing and following HIS WAY.  Let patience have its "perfect work" within you....(don't try to manufacture on your own what He plans to form in and through you)!  [James 1:4]

If you're running a race, and you start before the starter fires the gun, you'll have what's called "a FALSE start!"  You're allowed a 2nd chance.  Abraham and Sarah both had a FALSE start, but God still gave them a 2nd chance...another son, the "Son of Promise." 

Galatians 3:6 - Abraham BELIEVED and it was accounted to him for righteousness.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


We're all heard many people say, "I don't go to church 'cause it's full of HYPOCRITES!"  The word means:  Play acting, role playing, pretending, acting insincerely.

Many actors "pretend" to be Christians...and many Christians try to "act" more spiritual than they are!

So many movie sets are just "fake fronts"...nothing more than painted billboard-type scenes...such as of a western town, or like the movie "Truman."  Truman was "programed" to believe in something that was FAKE!  When he found out the truth, he opened the door and walked out into the real world.

Many preachers and many proclaimed believers are nothing more than actors who pretend to be something they're not.  They hide behind "masks" (not revealing their true character), or they play the "role" of the perfect Christian and build their platforms (stages) on an artificial foundation of their agendas rather than the Lord's leading.  

I prefer those who are AUTHENTIC!  Those who can confess their faults....those who admit they don't know-it-all...those who genuinely care about people (without any strings attached).  I, too, have seen too many hypocrites in the church.  I'm sure I've been one myself from time-to-time, too.  The more I try to be my "authentic self," the more I am rejected and disgarded by others who want to control and manipulate me for their use.  It seems almost everybody wants you to "fit into their mold!"  But I am "fearfully and wonderfully make"....I am unique--one of a kind!  [Psalm 139:14]   I'm not trying to PRETEND, fake-it-'til-I-make-it, or be a "people pleasure" anymore.  I want to be more-and-more like Jesus.   I want to BE who He designed me to be!  I want to use my gifts for His glory.  I want Him to fill this vessel (my heart) with more of Him. 

I am marred and scarred....
   I am far from perfect,
      but I am WHO I am....
          and I know WHOSE I am!
               WHAT ABOUT YOU????

Saturday, November 12, 2011

In The Midst of Adversity

"It was the best of times--it was the worst of times!"  We've all heard that line before, but have we thought much about it?  Paul is saying somewhat the same thing in this chapter.  Paul has experienced, 1st hand, more adversity than most people will ever know.  Yet, in the midst of those personal storms, he found peace within.  Much like in the eye of a tornado... there is a calmness in the heart of this fierce storm.

Paul found strength and all that he needed to get through his adverse storms by drawing from the power that resided within him...the power of the Holy Spirit.

God equips us for every good work He assigns us to....just like our automobiles are equipped and ready to run.  But if we fail to put fuel in the tank--we won't go anywhere!  I don't even like to drive my car with less than half a tank full.  I've never run my car "on fumes," as do some!  But--we often run our lives like that.....we don't FILL UP on His Word often enough....we stall out!

Many drivers don't maintain their vehicles.  Routine maintenance requires frequent oil and lube jobs.  I read this quote the other day--let me share it with you"Let the lamp of your profession be filled with the oil of charity."  [Thomas Watson]  The "oil" needed is supplied by the Holy Spirit; the fuel needed is The Word of God to keep us up-and-running.

Go get a FILL-UP and fresh OIL today! 

Friday, November 11, 2011

The Battle Is In Your Mind!

Whoever wrote "sticks and stones may break my bones, but NAMES will never hurt me" didn't know what they were talking about!  Think back to your childhood--what NAMES were you called?  DUMB, UGLY, 4-EYES, FATSO, etc.  Did they hurt you?  Did those names damage your self-image?  Words can cause emotional abuse--they can scar our souls for years and years!

We're instructed in God's Word to "take every thought captive" and to "pull down strongholds."  Strongholds are anything that is opposed to God's Will.  This is (spiritual) military warfare!  Our Commander and Chief is the Lord, and He orders us to follow and obey His commands!

We're not fighting against flesh and blood--we fighting against satanic powers and principalities.  We must not fight with human weapons, for they are carnal, weak, and worldly weapons.  We must learn to fight with God-empowered weapons.

Jesus fought satan with the Word.  And I've learned to fight satan by counterpunching his death-defying blows with the power-packed punch of His Word.   For example, when the devil tries to discourage me and tell me I'm no good....I'll amount to nothing, etc.--I'll quote something like, "I can do anything through Christ Jesus who strengthens me!"  Or, "When I am weak, He is strong through me!"

When we bring Christ into our battles, when He intersects our negative circumstances, He turns what looks like defeat into a victory!   Our battles always being in our thought life--in our minds. 


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Seed Your Own Need!

We're told in this passaage of Scripture that if we "give sparingly, we'll reap sparingly"...but if we "sow boundifully, we'll reap bountifully."  Secondly, we're asked to "give as one purposes in his heart--not grudgingly or of necessity, for God loves a CHEERFUL giver."  We're to give willingly and with a good attitude.  Cheerful describes a spirit of enjoyment in giving that sweeps away all restraint (hilarious giving).

1st - God is the One who provides all that you have need of.  2nd - God gives us what is sufficient for all our needs --and even more than we need.  We are blessed in order to be a blessing to others!  3rd - God provides the SEED....and only He can give the increase so that you will have an over-abundance to share with others.

I knew a rather poor lady, who attended the church I pastored.  She never put even a nickel in the offering plate.  Now I knew she wasn't so poor that she couldn't give something!  Even though she never gave any $$$$...she gave of her time and her talents.

My husband's aunt was very poor, but she gave what she had.  One Sunday we drove down to see her.  She lived on a farm in Bucyrus.  She asked us to stay for supper.  While we were there, several more people popped in for a visit.  By dinnertime, there must've been 20 people gathered 'round the table (which we extended a couple times--using folding tables).  All she had to offer were homegrown strawberries and shortcake.  But we had the best time...laughing and sharing together!  And I've sat at other tables--with fine food (and plenty of it), but the atmosphere was cold and the conversation was sparce.  What a difference between the two!!! 

My mother had the heart of a giver.  Her home was always open...she always offered food to eat or put something in your hand (if you had a need).  When she gave you a gift--there were NEVER any "strings attached."  She didn't publicize her generous heart of giving...she just quietly gave-and-gave-and gave!  It gave her JOY to give--but sometimes selfish and greedy sponging relatives "robbed " her of her joy because they, time-after-time, took advantage of her.  There are many "takers" in the world, but few "givers!"  

Seed your own need.  You can't outgive God!  If you need a friend BE a friend; if you want others to be kind towards you, BE kind to others, etc.  GIVE and it shall be GIVEN unto you, by God, and more than you ever expected IF you give from your heart.  Remember, God loves a cheerful giver!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Rock of Offense

Paul is quoted as saying, "We give no OFFENSE in anything [so] that our ministry may not be blamed."  OFFENSE means:  To cause hurt feelings, anger, displeasure, or resentment. 

I can remember my one son often saying, "I'm not hurting anybody!"  But when he would hurt himself (by doing something that he knew was wrong)--it hurt the rest of the family, too.  We're all "connected" together, as a family and as the Body of Christ.  When our country goes to war, and  American soldiers gets killed or injured, we all feel the effects.

It is easy to become OFFENDED (get angry or get our feelings hurt).  And it's easy to hurt others--with sarcasim, gossip, harsh words, etc.  But we, as Christians, must strive not to OFFEND others.  We are Christ's ambassadors; therefore, we represent Him and must uphold His reputation.

Just recently a well-known defensive football coach, of a prominent college, was charged with molesting young boys (for 15 years).  This has offended, disappointed, and damaged the reputation of this institution to its core.  What a shame!

I Peter 2:8 says"...a stone of stumbling and a A ROCK of OFFENSE.  They stumble, being disobedient to the Word...".  Let us strive not to offend, but let us strive to defend the faith--for we are his "CHOSEN people" [vs. 9].

May our prayer forever be--"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord.  Amen."  [Psalm 19:14]

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

An Inside Work!

When I was a teenager, it was popular to have "pajama parties."  A bunch of girls would get together for a "sleepover" at someone's house (which usually was mine).  It was an unwritten rule to try and stay up all night...and the later it got, the sillier we got!!!  One time I decided to play a trick on the girls.  I got out mom's very fancy crystal stemwear .  Then I mixed up a terrible concoction of juices (including prune juice), pop, and everything except milk--and then I served each one a glass full--telling them that this was a very special recipe.  They all drank it....and, to my surprise, most of them liked it!  However, the next morning there was a line-up to the bathroom!  So what's my point?  The outside may look really great, but the inside could be a disaster!

II Corinthians 4:7 tells us that "we have this treasure (the knowledge of Christ) in earthen vessels (our weak and fragile bodies), that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us."  And, again in Matthew 23: 25-26 we're told it's more important to "clean the inside of the cup 1st."
People!  What's contained  in your heart?  Is it anger, unforgiveness, control issues, resentment, bitterness, etc.--or is it love, joy, peace, forgiveness, etc.?

I know a lot of people who look BEAUTIFUL on the outside, but they are NASTY and MEAN  on the inside.  Only God truly knows your heart!  You may be able to fool others, but not Him!  Empty yourself of anything that is contaminating and polluting you.  Let Him wash you with the cleansing power of His blood.

"Sleep with clean hands either kept clean all day by integrity or washed clean at night by repentance."  [John Donne]

Monday, November 7, 2011

I'm Alive Because He Lives!

I am a woman...a wife...a mother...and a grandmother.  My eldest son is 48--yet, I can still remember what it felt like to carry his life inside of me.  What a miracle--to feel life being formed within my body!  Yet, an even more awesome miracle was/is to feel "spiritual life" within!

I can identify with Mary, the mother of Jesus.  She "carried" the Christ child within her womb.  She gave birth to the baby Jesus...and she watched him grow up and die--only to live again and be resurrected.  I carry the risen Christ within me--in the form of the Holy Spirit.  He is alive and is growing within me.

I need not cry out to a God that I cannot touch....I only have to reach down inside my heart, for He resides within me.  He is always there.  He and I are "one!"  He is closer and more intimate to me than my husband.

I am His "living epistle"....He is "my sufficiency" (He supplies all my needs) is He (the Spirit) who gives me life--life everlasting!  I live because He lives in me!!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


[Paul is speaking to the church in Corinth]..."we conducted ourselves in the world in SIMPLICITY and godly SINCERITY, not with fleshly wisdom, but by the GRACE of God, and more abundantly toward you."  

SINCERITY in this verse means:  "Transparent honesty; genuine purity; manifested clarity."  It describes one who does not fear thorough examination of his motives and intents, because he has nothing to hide.

The word, in Old Testament times, meant "to be judged by sunlight."  In oriental bazaars, pottery was displayed in dimly lit rooms.  Intelligent buyers would hold up the pottery in the sunlight to see if there were any defects or cracks (which were covered by wax to conceal the imperfections and damage).

If we're held up to the SON-light, what would be revealed in us?  I am a "marred vessel!"  No doubt about that!  But if I allow the Lord to "remake" me and/or "reshape" me--I become more like the vessel He desires me to be.  Therefore, it is imperative that I confess my sins and do my personal  "soul work" (work out my imperfections) to be more conformed to His likeness.

Let me share a story about "cracked" china.  I still have some of my mother's china--although many of the pieces are cracked and chipped.  Why do I keep these pieces?  Because they hold memories!  Memories are "pictures" stored in my heart.  Mom, when I got sick, would fix me tomato soup and serve it to me in her best china soup bowl.  This soup bowl had two handles.   Mom "bent the rules" and allowed me to slurp the soup right out of the bowl--without having to use the soup spoon--just by holding onto the two handles.   That was her way of giving me GRACE and expressing her love.  It made me feel very special and very loved!

Paul patterned his life after Christ.  He shed Christ's light and love for all the world to see by demonstrating SIMPLICITY, SINCERITY, and GRACE.  May we strive to do likewise.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Are You Decent?

I Corinthians 14:40 - Let all things be done decently and in order.  I haven't heard the word DECENT spoken in a long time!  To me, decent means to be "respectable, modest quality or size, or presentable."

Why, today you see women and young teens at the pool or beach wearing teeny-tiny bikinis,  or Hollywood women wearing dresses slit down the front to the waist and backless.  Sex is flaunted at the movies, on TV, and even in commercials.  Nothing is left to the imagination anymore!
Predators prey on the internet--seducing young children and lonely women.  Girls are exposing themselves on Face Book for all the world to see.!!!  As the old slogan said, "Image is everything!"

Sure, I grew up in the "Ozzie and Harriet, I Love Lucy, Leave It To Beaver, Dick Van Dyke Show" era!  Corny?  Yeah!  But morally clean, decent shows--with family values!!!  Now the American family has drastically deteriorated in this country; morals have hit an all-time low. "Sex In The City" and  "Two And A Half Men" (and most shows on TV) have corrupted the cable and dish networks!

In Ephesians 6: 12 it says that we are at war with the "powers that are in the air."  WAKE UP, people....those powers in the air are the AIRWAVES....those electric signals that show up on our TV screens and computer screens....on our IPods and cell phones!  If satan knocked at our front door, we wouldn't let him come in....BUT we allow him access through our TV's and all these other means of communication and entertainment!!!

The IMAGES we see, day-after-day...hour-after-hour have corrupted our carnal minds!  You see it affecting the church, too.  They've become "entertainment centers," the dress attire is rather risque or disrespectful!  Dirty jeans, short-short skirts, and the like are common to see in the church these days.  We're looking more-and-more like "the world!"  We're to be IN the world, but not OF (like) the world!!!

We're not to be bound by THE LAW, but we need to get back to some DECENCYand ORDER so that the world will come to RESPECT those who call themselves "Christians." 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Expressions of Love

I Corinthians Chapter 13 is called "the love chapter of the Bible."  It tells us what love is and what love is not...what it does and does not do.  I fall short time-after-time of loving as God would have me love (unconditionally).  God's love is perfect--mine certainly is not!  However, I am "a work in progress!"  I'm learning, day-by-day, to love more like Christ.  However, there are 5 ways I am somewhat successful in regularly expressing love:

(1)  A act of serving:  I try to do something nice for someone every day.  It's usually something very simple like making dinner or running a errand.

(2)  Give a gift:  I like to give surprise gifts--not just Christmas or birthday gifts.  Just a little something to cheer someone up and let them know they're special. 

(3)  A word of encouragement:  A note, a phone call, an e-mail, a card, or some word of affirmation goes a long way.  We all need to hear/read something positive--something encouraging in our day.  We all need to know someone's thinking of us.

(4)  Quality Time:  This one's my favorite.  When someone will sit with me for 15 minutes, or more, and give me a listening ear, someone who will truly hear my heart, I feel valued.  In my training to become a chaplain, the most valuable lesson I learned was to LISTEN to a person's story!  We're all quick to talk about ourselves...but so lax at listening to others.

(5)  Touch:  Some prefer to be held or hugged.  They don't need conversation--they prefer to simply be held or receive a loving touch.  

I challenge you to incorporate these 5 expressions of love into your day.  Demonstrate God's love in these simple ways.  Let others feel, see, and hear God's love through you.  LOVE is the GREATEST GIFT you can give--for "if you have not love, you are nothing!"   

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Way of Escape

If you go into any office building, school, hospital, etc. you will find a map of where all the EXITS are located (in case of a fire); we all want to know there are "fire escapes" available.  The law requires that there be a plan of escape posted in all public places.  We all hope there is a way out of temptation and danger....a way to safety.  

I've always heard that "when God shuts a door--He always opens a window!"  I've seen pictures on the news and in movies of buildings on fire and the only way out is through a window.  Sometimes people find that's the only way to escape danger....through a small space....a small opening. 

Have you ever tried to crawl through a small space?  Generally, you have to get down on your knees and make yourself as small as possible to squeeze through.  That can be very humbling,but it may be the only way!

We locked ourselves out of our house recently.  I had to crawl through a small bedroom window to get inside.  It wasn't a pretty sight to watch!   I didn't care what I looked like--I just needed to get inside!

I've seen little children try to dress themselves.  Sometimes they get their heads and arms stuck in a shirt and can't pull it down over their heads.  Mom or dad comes to the rescue and helps them out.  God does likewise when we get stuck in a tight spot ...He comes to help us.

I Corinthians 10:13 says "No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it."

Take the next EXIT....get off the highway that leads to danger...turn and go another way!  Follow His directions and you'll escape danger and destruction.  Find the FIRE ESCAPE--don't get burned playing with fire!  Joseph knew enough to head for the door when Potiphar's wife tried to seduce him.  You may find yourself cornered somewhere--facing temptation--but there's a "way of escape"--turn and run to the nearest EXIT.  You'll find God, with outstretched arms, waiting for you. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Stumbling Blocks Can Become Stepping Stones

People can often place a stumbling block in our way and cause us to stumble, tumble, or trip.  A stumbling block can cause a serious offense or wound that weakens or ruins a relationship with them and/or with Christ.  Peer pressure can sometimes be the stumbling block that causes injury.   Friends can entice us into places and to do things with people that are not good for us.  Even friends or family members can cause us to stumble.

I remember one summer when our family went to Cedar Point.  I get very dizzy on spinning rides, but a couple of my family members kept coaxing and daring me to ride a certain spinning ride.  Finally I gave in and rode it!  Ugh!  I got very sick and  dizzy; and I stumbled around for hours after that ride.  I should have known better....I shouldn't have listened to them.  That ride really messed me up and affected me in a very bad way.  I learned the hard way to STAY AWAY from that kind of activity!

You can throw me in a haystack of tobacco, or plop me in a bathtub full of boos--and it won't affect me (or tempt me) at all.  However, if you ask me to accompany you into a bakery--I quickly weaken and partake of those sweet treats.  "Trick or Treat"--I am deceived into thinking it is a "treat" when in reality it is a "trick" to cause me to overeat!   Be discerning--don't ask others to do things that would cause them to stumble.   It may be all right for you to do it, but it may be harmful for them.

But how can a stumbling block become a stepping stone?  I truly believe our weaknesses can become our strengths and that: our mess can become our ministry--
our pain can become our profession. 

Those who "overcome" (step over) their addictions....those who "overcome" their failures in certain areas are able to help others over theirs.  A divorced woman can help another woman through a divorce; a recovered alcoholic can help a drinker overcome drinking, and so on.....BY THE HELP OF THE LORD! 

God can even (and will) use our mistakes for His good, if we learn our lesson and accept His chastening (correction)!  [Romans 8:28-30]   In other words, my stumbling blocks teach me to step up and use what I have learned (gone through) to help others overcome their stumbling blocks.

What others "meant for evil against me," or what satan tried to do through others, "God meant it for save many people!"  [Genesis 50:20] 

Thank you, Lord, for turning my "stumbling blocks" into "stepping stones!"

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


On my kitchen window sill sets a tiny plastic flower (a daisy) that a friend gave me.  This flower moves!    It runs on solar energy.  When the sun shines through my kitchen window, and its rays touch the pedals of this tiny flower, it starts to raise its little pedals upward.  Then, as though the wind were blowing it, it sways back and forth.  It always  makes me smile everytime I see it do that.  It also reminds me to praise the Lord every day and, in whatever I do, to use my body to glorify God.   In other words--if I'm doing dishes, making the bed, running errands, or in anything or everything I do, I should do it  to GLORIFY GOD! 

We're to "talk" about God "when we sit in our houses...when we rise up...when we lie down, and wherever we walk."  [Deuteronomy 6:7]  I've been told that 80% of our language is non-verbal.
In other words--"body language."  So not only with the words of our mouth, but also in all our actions and all our undertakings, we need to show our love for our Lord.

Psalm 63:4 tells us that not only our "lips" shall praise Him, but that we should also "lift up our hands" unto His Name.   We can lift up our hands and sing praises in church--and that's fine!  However, we need to use our hands to do the work that He's given us to do.  We're to lift our hands--thanking Him that we have a job to do.  We need to praise and thank Him every day for all the blessings He's bestowed upon us.  We need to see and feel the warmth of His love shining down upon us and respond in love.  (Love is a verb--and a verb requires action!)  We are to demonstrate our love through our words and deeds.

My friend was used by God to "speak" to me (by handing me this little gift).  And this little flower reminds me (everyday) that  I need to "glorify Him in all that I do."

We are to respond to His light (through our actions) just like this  little plastic daisy that sits on my kitchen window sill does!  Such a simple reminder every day to REMEMBER HIM!