Monday, October 29, 2012

Who Do You Want To BE?

When I was a child, I wanted to BE like Roy Rogers.  (Hey, I was a "Tomboy"--so what'd you expect?)  He was my favorite cowboy (and I loved his horse, Trigger).  When I became a pre-teen, I admired Annie Oakley.  (I was still in my western-cowboy craze!)

Both Roy and Annie were movie stars.  They represented honesty, fairness, and were loving characters who always stood for justice.  They were "straight-shooters!"  You could trust them and count on them to fight the bad guys and win.

As I entered high school, my interests turned to the business field.  I idolized my mother--she was a private secretary (and a very good mother).  I wanted to BE just like her!  In adulthood I achieved my goal by becoming an executive secretary (and a mother).  BUT...I didn't feel fulfilled!

One day--in the middle of typing a letter--I heard God say, "Come and follow Me.  Do it today--don't delay!"  It was that day that my life changed.  I-knew-that-I-knew what He'd called me to BE!  I "left my NET (my "security net" as a secretary) to BE about "His business!"  That was 33 years ago...and I've never looked back!

Now I transcribe for Him!  He blended my natural talents with my spiritual gifts.  Now I am complete in Him!  I know  WHO He is and I know WHO I am.  I know WHAT He's called me to do.

WHAT about you?  WHO are you following after?  HOW fulfilled and complete do you feel?  WHERE are you headed?  WHAT are you doing about it? 

I pray that you will, through Christ Jesus, you will--BECOME all that you can be!  [Matthew 4:19-20/Luke 2:49]