Friday, October 12, 2012


It's been scientifically proven that what you THINK actually stores memories in your brain.

If the thought is positive, it truly will look different from what a negative thought will look like.

The negative thought produces a different type of chemical than a positive thought.  The negative thought developes thorn-like growths that dispense poison into one's system.  This poison first flows to the heart--then it travels to the immune system--ultimately causing sickness and disease.

What's the remedy...what's the cure...what can you do about it?  Answer:  You have to replace the negative thoughts with positive thoughts by reprogramming/renewing your mind.

How do we renew our minds and change our negative circuitry?  Answer:  By studying God's Word, trusting in Him as The Great Physician, through meditating on His Word, and by praying(communicating) with Him.

The renewing of the mind is a constant, lifelong process.  We must daily deal with the "thorns of negativity" that try to attach themselves to us (things that get under our skin and infect us--like anger, hate, lust, greed, unforgiveness, etc.). 

We must also change our lifestyle by changing the way we think.  Philippians 4:8-9 instructs us to to THINK ON whatever things are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of a good meditate (or medicate) ourselves on these things.  And secondly, to DO what we've learned and been instructed to do.

Renew your mind...and you'll be fine!!!