Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Problems Can Become Opportunities!

The Chinese word for crisis is composed of two characters.  On top is the sign for DANGER; beneath is the sign for OPPORTUNITY.  In the Greek, crisis means "a separating." 

I see a crisis this way:  "A crisis is a HOLY SUMMONS to cross a threshold.  It involves both a leaving behind and a stepping forward  It is both a separation and an OPPORTUNITY."

This world has encountered many crises over these past few months:  A host of deadly tornados; cruise ships suffering shipwrecks, having to be towed, or infected with viruses; avalanches burying people; school shootings; horrific auto accidents; etc.  As the Apostle Paul would say:  "In the last days, PERILOUS times will come!"  Perilous means:  Harsh, savage, difficult, dangerous, painful, fierce, grievous, hard to deal with.

My husband and I would often say to one another, "We have a PROBLEM!"  Now we try to look at it differently by saying, "We have an OPPORTUNITY!"  Yes, it's a problem, but what are we going to do about it?  We can't just set in the rubble of defeat or depression...we can't simply give up or give in.  We have to GO ON!  We turn to the Lord for direction and for comfort.  He will send help, for He is our Helper.  He sends support and help through others.

Just in the past few days OH, KY, and TN (among other states) suffered some severe tornados.  People lost their homes, all their belongings, and--tragically, life and limbs!  But some beautiful stories of rescues have also been witnessed.

You see two types of people in these stories.  One group will be thankful that they're still alive--and they are grateful for those who rescued or helped them.  They plan to rebuild and go on with life.  The other group, however, is distraught and feels hopeless.  They are more upset over losing their possessions--not being grateful for their lives being spared.

Matthew 5:45 says that "the rain falls on the just and the unjust."  Bad things will, and do, happen to us all.  But we can overcome bad times if we see them as OPPORTUNITIES rather than simply PROBLEMS.

The problem you're facing today--I pray is a HOLY SUMMONS where you'll meet Chirst--allowing Him to show you the doorway through the crisis and lead you to fresh opportunities for a more fulfilling and fruitful life.