Tuesday, March 13, 2012

He Calms The Storms In Our Hearts

A fierce storm woke me up 'round midnight last night.  I heard loud thunder and strong winds....I could see fiery lightening in the sky, and heavy rain beat upon my house.  My dog came running to me, as he was afraid.  In like manner, I turned to the Lord in prayer--seeking His reassurance.

As I went to prayer, I began to feel His Presence.  I remembered the story of Jesus being asleep in the boat (with His disciples).  He was in the boat with them....and I knew He was here, in the house, with me.  [Matthew 7:24-27; 8:23-27]  He was not only in my home, but He was residing inside me--in my heart!  I heard Him whisper to me, "Peace, My child--be still!"  I was reminded that "Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world."   [I John 4:4]

I began to quote/pray a scripture verse:  "Lord, you did not give me a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind!"  [II Timothy 1:7]  Not long after, the storm quieted down--my dog settled down--and I fell safely asleep (in His arms).

I awoke this morning to a new day....the storm had passed.  I felt His Peace rise up from within me.  He, again, had calmed the storm!  He truly is our "Prince of Peace!"