Several men were hung on crosses on the same day that Jesus was crucified. All had been found guilty of crimes they'd committed. One hanging next to Jesus was a thief...another was a murderer. One of them confronted Jesus and said, "You, who are going to destroy the temple and rebuild it in 3 days, save yourself, and come down from the cross!" [Matthew 27:44/Mark 15;29-30] Jesus didn't answer him, but spoke these words to His Father instead: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing."
Those words must have penetrated the heart of the thief, for he responded by saying, "Jesus, remember me when You come into Your kingdom!" In other words, he made a "U-turn"....(he turned and gave his heart to Jesus). He'd been walking on the wrong side of the road all his life--heading in the wrong direction. He'd been standing in the dark, but now he moved into The Light!
This thief demonstrated "The Way" for all of us to follow. He became the 1st to be carried out of darkness (by Jesus) into the marvelous light of heaven. Love lifted him up out of the pit and carried him to the pinnacle!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
A Divine "U Turn"
Posted by Ruth at 3:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: Luke 23:34;42
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
The TONGUE or the THUMB?
If I could add or exchange a word in Proverbs 18:21, it would be this: "Death and life are in the power of the tongue and the thumb!" Yes, I said "THUMB!" The newest way to communicate these days is by TEXTING. It's not for me! I prefer to talk to people face-to-face. I even like to hand-write notes and thank you cards, etc. I know....I'm "old fashioned," but I believe it's more personal--and more relational this way.
Another concern of mine with modern communication is FACE BOOK. It can be used for evil or for good. Unfortunately, too many are using it for evil. A lot of bullying, gossip, and filth has been written on FACE BOOK! I call it "vocabulary abuse!" It's the coward's way to abuse others.
Verbal abuse can, and does, a great deal of one can "hide" behind a computer, I-Pod, or cell phone and use words to damage and destroy reputations, or cause some to even commit suicide.
In Matthew 12:36-37 Jesus says that "every idle word that we speak we'll have to account for in the day of judgment...for the words of our mouths will either CONDEMN us or JUSTIFY us."
[Paraphrased] In other words--GOD WILL HAVE THE LAST WORD!!!
So may this verse get down into our hearts as we pray: "Let the WORDS of my mouth (and those that I write) the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord." [Paraphrased]
P.S. - Know this...I'm trying to learn some senior texting. For instance: Today I'll be "ATD" (At the Doctor's). I hope my visit is "CBM" (Covered by Medicare).
HABD (Have a Blessed Day)!
Posted by Ruth at 3:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: Matthew 12:36-37, Proverbs 18:21
Monday, March 19, 2012
Ladies Who Broke The Law
It's nearing Easter...and I am beginning to meditate on Jesus' journey to the cross and the grave, which proceeded His resurrection. I knew there were 3 women (Mary, Jesus' mother; Mary Magdelene, whom Jesus delivered of 7 demons; and Mary, the wife of Clopas) who faithfully stayed by His side and sat at the foot of the cross 'til He was carried to the grave....then, the next day, Mary Magdelene and one of the other Mary's even went to the tomb to anoint Him with spices (for burial).
What I didn't know is that these ladies all broke the law! It was unlawful to publically mourn for criminals sentenced to death. Also, public lamenting was usually done by hired mourners. However, these women sidestepped tradition and the law of that day.
By going to Jesus' grave to anoint His body, the women may have risked further legal trouble with the Romans. Jesus was crucified as a criminal; therefore, He was not to be buried with honor. Mary Magdelene and one of the other Mary's went anyway to the tomb. The soldiers could have arrested them, but such was not the case.
As a hospice chaplain I learned that it is one of the most "sacred" services you could render--to sit with one who is dying. These women sat with Jesus as He was dying on the cross. Setting with the dying is not easy, but it is an honor--it is such a testimony of friendship, loyalty, and love.
These women knew the surpassing reward of sharing in "the fellowship of His sufferings."
I read this quote the other day: "Friendship isn't about who you have known the's about those who came and never left your side."
(Question: How many of us would be willing to go with Jesus all the way as did these 3 women?)
Posted by Ruth at 3:37 AM 0 comments
Labels: 10, Philippians 3: 8
Friday, March 16, 2012
He Watches Over Me!
I was awakened again last night by another fierce storm. The rain and the wind beat hard against the house; hail hammered at the windows 'til I thought they'd shatter. But I knew I was safe inside the house. I then began to think about all the little birds (and other creatures) that were outside in the storm. How will can they survive the storm?
I awoke this morning--the storm had passed. Soon thereafter I began to hear the robins singing. What are they singing, I thought....why--they're singing praises to the Lord! Their little hearts are filled with gratitude for a fresh new day. Why--I should do likewise! Yes, I'll sing praises to Him, too. My heart is filled with gratitude that He safely brought me through the storm. Matthew 10:31 says, "Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows."
In the Bible we're told that He even watches over the sparrows--so I remembered the song, "His eye is on the sparrow--and, I know He watches me!"
Psalm 84:3-4 - "Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest where she may lay her young--even Your altars, O Lord of hosts, my King and my God. Blessed are those who dwell in Your house; they will still be praising You.
Posted by Ruth at 3:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: Matthew 10:27-31; Psalm 84:3
Thursday, March 15, 2012
The way they capture monkeys is to fill a gourd (which has a narrow, long-neck opening) with pieces of fruit. The monkey reaches down into the gourd and grabs a fist full of fruit. Now the monkey is trapped (because it won't LET GO of the food)!
But the worst kind of TRAP to get caught in is UNFORGIVENESS!!! We hold ourselves CAPTIVE when we choose to HOLD ON to grudges, hurts, anger, etc. We build a thick prison wall and fence oursleves in--separating us from God. Unforgiveness is a sin! Jesus died--paid the price--for all our sins. All He wants us to do is ASK for FORGIVENESS and to FORGIVE others. Then we are given a "GET OUT OF JAIL CARD."
An important phrase in The Lord's Prayer says, "forgive us our trespasses (sins) as we forgive those who (have) trespassed (sinned) against us." [Paraphrased]
What are you HOLDING UNTO today that you need to LET GO? John 1:9 says, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to FORGIVE us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." He's already PAID for it (whatever "IT" is)! You owe Him that much!
Posted by Ruth at 3:32 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Rest Stops
Anyone who has ever traveled on the turnpike knows there are rest stops along the way. I am not a good traveler; I don't like long trips, but when I have to travel far, I look forward to the rest stops along the way.
Rest stops are needful. We need time to stop, stretch, have a bit of refreshment, pottie-breaks (sorry I mentioned it, but that's a fact), and maybe even a time to regroup and recheck the map (where we're going). If we're really tired, it's a good idea to pull off the road and take a quick nap at a rest stop.
Jesus did likewise....He knew it wise to stop and rest along the way. When the crowds pressed in on Him and He saw the multitudes moving in--trying to "ride His draft"--He would pull off the road and rest a bit. He took his "pit crew" with Him (the disciples). One such rest stop was when Jesus drew away with his disciples to share THE BEATITUDES (a meeting with his staff).
I am concerned for two couples--friends of mine. They are always running--always busy--always serving the Lord and sacrificing for the work of the ministry. They're doing many "good things," but I wonder if they are all "God things!" What I mean is that they are taking on so much that their testimony is laced with more words about "being tired, overly busy, or sick" than about having joy for the Lord! They need a spiritual "TIME OUT!" They need to draw away with Jesus and just REST awhile!
Jesus is saying to them, "Come away with Me, all ye that are heavy laden, and I will give you rest," but they don't seem to be hearing Him.
I know most of you have a jam-packed day today. But I pray that you will take TIME OUT and pause to REST awhile with Him.
Posted by Ruth at 12:26 AM 0 comments
Labels: Matthew 5:1-12; 11:28-29
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
He Calms The Storms In Our Hearts
A fierce storm woke me up 'round midnight last night. I heard loud thunder and strong winds....I could see fiery lightening in the sky, and heavy rain beat upon my house. My dog came running to me, as he was afraid. In like manner, I turned to the Lord in prayer--seeking His reassurance.
As I went to prayer, I began to feel His Presence. I remembered the story of Jesus being asleep in the boat (with His disciples). He was in the boat with them....and I knew He was here, in the house, with me. [Matthew 7:24-27; 8:23-27] He was not only in my home, but He was residing inside me--in my heart! I heard Him whisper to me, "Peace, My child--be still!" I was reminded that "Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world." [I John 4:4]
I began to quote/pray a scripture verse: "Lord, you did not give me a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind!" [II Timothy 1:7] Not long after, the storm quieted down--my dog settled down--and I fell safely asleep (in His arms).
I awoke this morning to a new day....the storm had passed. I felt His Peace rise up from within me. He, again, had calmed the storm! He truly is our "Prince of Peace!"
Posted by Ruth at 3:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: I John 4:4/Matthew 7:24-27
Monday, March 12, 2012
My Friend--The Retired RN
They say that "old soldiers never die...they just fade away!" In like manner, when you retire, you fade from view of your former employer--but not from the view of our Heavenly Father!
I have a very dear friend, who just happens to be the modern-day (female) version of THE GOOD SAMARITAN. She simply cannot "pass by" someone in need! Whether at a grocery store, in the mall, at a friend's house, while traveling, or in a parking lot--she seems to catch sight of someone who is in need of assistance. Even when she stays home, someone will call her and ask for help. It might be to drive them to the doctor, change a bandage/dressing, calm down someone who is in emotional distress, or research some medication over the internet. She's the "GO-TO PERSON!"
What's even more amazing is that she has more (serious) health issues than the majority of those who call on her for help! But, she doesn't complain or whine--she just keeps-on-keeping-on--paying attention to others in need (especially the needs of children and battered women).
She's feisty and funny--and far from perfect--yet she has a heart of mercy and the hands of a servant. She freely gives of her time, money, and expertise (with no strings attached).
I call her a good friend ("one who sticks closer than a brother" - Proverbs 18:24). She's a "Minister of Mercy" who sees the need and responds without hesitation. I see her dispensing mega-doses of grace (as prescribed by The Great Physician) to people like you and me. I see Christ in her!
Posted by Ruth at 12:26 AM 0 comments
Labels: Luke 10:30-37
Friday, March 9, 2012
Seek and Excel!
There are two kinds of RIGHTEOUSNESS: Self-righteousness and Godly-righteousness. One is manpowered...the other is powered by the Holy Spirit.
Not everyone can excel in athletics....not everyone can excel in intelligence....not everyone can excel in fame or riches. BUT--everyone (if they desire, passionately pursue, and seek after the kingdom of God) can excel in GODLY-RIGHTEOUSNESS!!! [See: Matthew 6:33]
What is Godly-righteousness? It means right conduct, right thinking, having right relationships, and a right heart motive. It means taking on the character and nature of Christ.
A verse that is seldom seen in the Bible is Matthew 5:20, wherein Jesus says: "...unless your righteousness EXCEEDS the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven." Wow...that is powerful !
There are "religious spirits" and then there is "The Holy Spirit!" Religious spirits are found in those who live by The Law. The Holy Spirit resides in those who live by grace. Grace is unmerited favor--a gift from God. You can't earn it, manufacture it, or obtain it on your is given to you by God. All you have to do is RECEIVE it, BELIEVE it, and APPLY it in your life.
Keep SEEKING after the Lord. Draw near to Him and develop a deep and intimate,personal relationship; and, in so doing, you will EXCEL in Godly-righteousness.
Posted by Ruth at 2:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: Matthew 5:20/6:33
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Mercy Is Missing
Mercy seems to be lacking in the lives of many people. Sure--most people set up and take notice when a tragedy strikes (like tornados, train wrecks, and unexpected illnesses or accidents)....but on a day-to-day basis we often overlook other ways to show mercy.
We fail to show mercy when we harbor anything against anyone--like a fellow employee, boss, family member, neighbor, etc.. We may disagree with all of those herein mentioned, from time-to-time--but we dare not harden our hearts against them and disregard them when they are in need of help, understanding, or assistance.
What is MERCY? It is demonstrating compassion; it is willing to forgive; it helps those in need who either can't or aren't able to reciprocate; it is showing kindness toward those who are suffering; and, most of all, IT IS ACTING LIKE JESUS CHRIST toward needy people!
Failure to "act" when we see a need is described as "THE SIN OF OMISSION," which is so overlooked. Remember the story of "The Good Samaritan?" The Priest passed by the injured man, as did the Levite. Only the Samaritan stopped to show mercy and assist the man. In another story, found in Luke 16:19-31, tells of a rich man (Lazarus) who basically ignored the poor man's need. Oh, Lazarus hadn't tried to starve the poor man....he allowed him to eat his garbage. But he never showed MERCY to the man. He thought it quite okay to live in luxury while the poor man lived off the crumbs!
I truly believe if the rich in this country would agree to pay higher taxes, our country would not be in so much debt. It seems the rich get richer while the poor (and middle class) are getting poorer.
I believe in this principle: "Teach a person how to fish rather than just handing them a fish!" In other words, education is critical to teaching people how to succeed, find employment, and provide for themselves. The welfare system has gone astray.....too many have abused and misused the system. There must be a better way!
Show MERCY to someone today--whether it be offering a hungry man a meal, an unemployed man a job, a shut-in a visit, someone a ride who has no car, or whatever. Don't walk by--don't pass-up an opportunity to show mercy. Show that Christ-kind-of-compassion to someone today!
Posted by Ruth at 3:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: Luke 10:25-37
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Problems Can Become Opportunities!
The Chinese word for crisis is composed of two characters. On top is the sign for DANGER; beneath is the sign for OPPORTUNITY. In the Greek, crisis means "a separating."
I see a crisis this way: "A crisis is a HOLY SUMMONS to cross a threshold. It involves both a leaving behind and a stepping forward It is both a separation and an OPPORTUNITY."
This world has encountered many crises over these past few months: A host of deadly tornados; cruise ships suffering shipwrecks, having to be towed, or infected with viruses; avalanches burying people; school shootings; horrific auto accidents; etc. As the Apostle Paul would say: "In the last days, PERILOUS times will come!" Perilous means: Harsh, savage, difficult, dangerous, painful, fierce, grievous, hard to deal with.
My husband and I would often say to one another, "We have a PROBLEM!" Now we try to look at it differently by saying, "We have an OPPORTUNITY!" Yes, it's a problem, but what are we going to do about it? We can't just set in the rubble of defeat or depression...we can't simply give up or give in. We have to GO ON! We turn to the Lord for direction and for comfort. He will send help, for He is our Helper. He sends support and help through others.
Just in the past few days OH, KY, and TN (among other states) suffered some severe tornados. People lost their homes, all their belongings, and--tragically, life and limbs! But some beautiful stories of rescues have also been witnessed.
You see two types of people in these stories. One group will be thankful that they're still alive--and they are grateful for those who rescued or helped them. They plan to rebuild and go on with life. The other group, however, is distraught and feels hopeless. They are more upset over losing their possessions--not being grateful for their lives being spared.
Matthew 5:45 says that "the rain falls on the just and the unjust." Bad things will, and do, happen to us all. But we can overcome bad times if we see them as OPPORTUNITIES rather than simply PROBLEMS.
The problem you're facing today--I pray is a HOLY SUMMONS where you'll meet Chirst--allowing Him to show you the doorway through the crisis and lead you to fresh opportunities for a more fulfilling and fruitful life.
Posted by Ruth at 3:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: II Timothy 3:1/Matthew 5:45
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
The Cart Before the Horse!
We get "the cart before the horse" ... we get our priorities out-of-order ... and we BLAME God for not answering our prayers!
Matthew 6:33 says that we're to "Seek 1st the kingdom of God and His righteousness, then all these things will be added unto you."
What is a God-kind-of-righteousness? Well, it's more than doing the "right thing"'s more than having "right conduct"'s 1st and foremost having a "right relationship" with our Lord.
Matthew 5:6 tells us that "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness...". Blessed here means "highly favored."
We want things--more $$$, more riches, more fame, more sex! But God desires those who have a heart after Him!
SEEK Him 1st today and pray this way: Lord, I know you're watching over me today. And I am feeling truly blessed. For no matter what I pray for, YOU always know what is best.
Posted by Ruth at 3:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: Matthew 6:33
Monday, March 5, 2012
When we were 1st married, and rented our 1st home (in Spokane, WA), we didn't have much money. We wanted to plant flowers around the border of the house, but all we could afford was a flat of wilted pansies. Honestly--they were half dead! We weren't sure that we could salvage any of them....but we took a chance and purchased them anyway.
We planted them....we watered them....and watered them! And--they bloomed...and bloomed....and bloomed over-and-over again! We were able to pick a couple handfuls of flowers almost every day all summer long. All they required was a little bit of water and attention.
Aren't people like that? They are wilting from lack of attention, or they are dried out and dying 'cause no one seems to care. People can sometimes be very fragile, but seem to bloom and blossom--gaining strength and beauty as we show them some simple "T-L-C" (tender loving care).
Look around today....and if you see someone who seems to be in need of some attention--maybe just a kind word or a pat on the back--please give them some loving attention.
And remember this: You've got to GIVE in order to GAIN! we GAINED an abundant crop of pansies by simply GIVING them a little bit of water.
Posted by Ruth at 3:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: Matthew 13:12
Friday, March 2, 2012
[Spiritual] Care Packages
God always provides for His people! Even in economic distress, He gives us what we have need of. Let me show you a few examples:
In I Kings 17:5-6 the Prophet Elijah has run away from Jezabel (who was trying to kill him) and he hid out at a brook. He was exhausted, hungry, and desperately depressed. God supernaturallly flew in a care package for him. Ravens brought him bread and meat to eat. He rested there by the brook for quite some time. Then--the brook dried up, so he had to move on.
There was famine (an economic crisis) in the land, due to a long drought. Crops had dried up and food was scarce. God directed Elijah to a widow's house [I Kings 17:12-16]. The widow only had enough flour and oil for one more meal for her and her son. Elijah asked her to feed him...and she did! And God miraculously kept the flour barrel and the oil flask filled 'til the drought ended. God used a poor widow lady (a single mother with a son) to be a participant and a receiver in this miracle.
God works in mysterious ways....that's for sure! But we must faithfully follow His ways to receive the blessings. Even when we can't see the blessing, we must believe (by faith) that He will provide.
Many years ago, my husband and I decided to pay our weekly tithe--knowing that, if we did so, we wouldn't have any money left over to buy groceries. We were standing in faith--believing God would somehow provide for our needs. On Tuesday of that week, my mother-in-law came to our house carrying two grocery bags of leftovers from the sororiety she cooked for in BGSU. She was "madder than a wet hen"--she said to us, "the girls won't eat these if you don't take this food I'm throwing it out!" Inside the bags were pork chops, ham, etc.-etc. She had no idea we needed the food.....but God provided (threw the hands of my mother-in-law).
FAITH is the substance of things HOPED for....of things not yet seen! [Hebrews 11:1]
If you continue to BELIEVE, you'll RECEIVE what you have need of....just put your TRUST in God!
Posted by Ruth at 3:26 AM 0 comments
Labels: Hebrews 11:1
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Our "spiritual stock market" works like this: You invest your "treasure" (some of your talents and spiritual gifts) in God's organization....and He multiplies your investment!
Let me show you a few Biblical examples: (1) The boy who gave his lunch to Jesus....and Jesus multiplied it to feed over 5,000 people. (2) The widow's flour barrel and oil jar were nearly empty when God's prophet asked her to bake him a cake, which she did--and she discovered her flour and oil never ran out during the time of the famine. (3) The woman at the well gave Jesus a cup of water from the well--and He gave her from His well of "Living Water," and she never was thirsty again.
We're all given "treasures" (talents and godly gifts) to invest in God's work. However, many people "bury" their gifts. I've seen women who are "buried alive!" I used to play tennis at a tennis club. There are two classes of women to be seen there: One group (who have well-to-do husbands) sit by the pool after they have played tennis--just lounging around for the rest of the day....and they do this day-after-day! The other group of ladies come and play tennis--then skurry off to work or to vounteer somewhere. They USE their talents to serve and assist others! They don't "bury" their treasures!
II Corinthians 7:14 - But we have this TREASURE in earthen vessels (weak, fragile bodies), that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.
Jesus asks us for what we have to give....and when we offer it to Him, He multiplies it and gives it back to us to use and to share with others. You just can't outgive God!
A friend wrote this to me: "Life is never too full to receive what others have to offer or too empty to share what we possess."
Give something away today--bless somebody by using your talent to inhance somebody's life or to encourage someone. Don't "bury" your treasure....don't hoard your godly gifts....don't let them lay dormant and rust!
Posted by Ruth at 4:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: II Corinthians 7:14