Monday, January 30, 2012

A Good Closure

People come in and go out of our lives--some stay for a SEASON; some come for a REASON; and, if we're really blessed--a few remain for a LIFETIME.  All SEASONS eventually come to an end.  And there are many REASONS why people come-and-go out of our lives.  So you'd think we'd get used to changes and people leaving, but I have found that very few know how to have a good "closure." 

I believe there are 4 things we need to say before we say GOODBYE:  (1)  Please forgive me; (2)  I forgive you; (3) Thank you; (4) I love you.  Then we can say goodbye!  

Whether we're ending a relationship, moving away, changing jobs, graduating from school, or dying--we need to have a proper closure.  Otherwise--we leave "the wound" open!  

As kids, we would run out the door--swing it wide open--and not shut it!  Mom would yell at us to "close the door."  Why?  So cold air wouldn't get debris wouldn't blow critters wouldn't come in....etc.  We lock our doors to protect ourselves from robbers, too.  But we are careless about having proper CLOSURES in our relationships.

Jesus prepared His disciples by telling them He had to go away.  So did Paul just before he went to Rome.  Those that followed them--loved them and wanted them to stay.  It hurt them deeply....they were very grieved/sad....they didn't understand....they wanted them to remain, but it wasn't God's plan for them--they had to move on.  But--they verbalized those 4 things before they left.  They were sorry they had to go and they expressed their love and appreciation to the people before saying goodbye.  They didn't sneak out-of-town; they didn't go away mad; they told them how much they loved them.  It was a GOOD CLOSURE.

Whenever we have to leave (whether for work, a trip to the store, or at death's door)--it's important to be sure everything's okay between us before we close the door.  It could be the last time we'll ever see one another.  Leave on good terms--leave knowing that you are not harboring a grudge or withholding forgiveness.  If you must leave--leave with peace in your heart, a word of gratitude and love on your lips.