Thursday, January 19, 2012

CROSSroads - Part 1

It's a "challenge" for me to try to find some "spiritual lesson" in a movie or TV show.  This was the best way for me to have a [not-so-obvious] Bible study when I interned at BOYSVILLE  and St. Anthony Villa (a correction facility for troubled teens).  The ROCKY SERIES was one that went over quite well.  ROCKY III has a great scene about FEAR and PRIDE:

Proverbs 16:18 tells us that "pride comes before a fall."  Well, Rocky (an unknown, broken-down fighter) defeated the heavy weight champion  in "ROCKY I".  He then became very famous and rich.  It all went to his head and he became puffed-up with pride in "ROCKY II"-- and he was easily defeated by his opponent.  

In "ROCKY III" a 2nd fight is scheduled with the same opponentRocky is riddled with fear!  His wife, whom he loves deeply, finally confronts him about his fears.  And because of his love for her, he listens (with his heart) and hears what she has to say....and the fear is broken!  I John 4:18 says that "perfect love casts out fear."  His love for his wife was stronger than his fear of the enemy!
LOVE is stronger than fear! 

In II Timothy 1:7 we're told that "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of POWER and of LOVE and a SOUND MIND."  When Rocky got his "head on straight," he was ready for the fight.  The battle (fight against our enemies) always begins in your mind!

Stop your stinkin' thinking!  Start believing that your power and your strength come from the Lord! 

Rocky was at a "CROSSroad"....he had a CRISIS that he had to OVERCOME.  He could continue to live in FEAR; or he could CROSSover his fear and learn to fight by FAITH.