I'm so sick-and-tired of all the political debates! Each candidate is attacking the other candidates...they're making promises they can't keep...they're running around from this city to the next--gathering big crowds, shaking hands, and claiming they know how to "fix" this country. Millions of dollars are being spent (wasted) on campaigns.
But WHAT IF one candidate would simply do what King Jehoshaphat did? He simply stepped up on the platform and spoke the truth: "...we have no might against this great company that cometh against us; neither know we what to do, but our eyes are upon Thee." Three armies were coming against Judah...and, in like manner, many countries are coming against us (America) these days. We're in over our heads!!! So what's THE answer; what's the ONLY answer? I believe it's this:
WHAT IF one candidate (or our President) would get up before the people (this nation) and call us to pray and seek God's face...confess our sins....and ask that He heal our land?
America has compromised with other countries; America has looked to man for answers rather than turn to God. We've been trying to do it our way rather than God's way. We were once "one nation--under God," but we have pushed Him out of the way.
Just think--if our leading politicians and preachers would get off their platforms and get on their knees in prayer before the people--and if we, the people, would do likewise--I believe God would heal our land.
May we, the people, begin to "confess our faults one to another, and pray one for another," and "ask God to heal our land!" [James 5:16] Our money says, "IN GOD WE TRUST," but do we? Let us pray for our politicians and leaders that they would put their trust in God, cry out to Him for help, confess their faults,and proclaim His Word rather than write their own speeches.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
What Platform Do You Stand On?
Posted by Ruth at 3:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: II Chronicles 2:7:14/10:11-12
Monday, January 30, 2012
A Good Closure
People come in and go out of our lives--some stay for a SEASON; some come for a REASON; and, if we're really blessed--a few remain for a LIFETIME. All SEASONS eventually come to an end. And there are many REASONS why people come-and-go out of our lives. So you'd think we'd get used to changes and people leaving, but I have found that very few know how to have a good "closure."
I believe there are 4 things we need to say before we say GOODBYE: (1) Please forgive me; (2) I forgive you; (3) Thank you; (4) I love you. Then we can say goodbye!
Whether we're ending a relationship, moving away, changing jobs, graduating from school, or dying--we need to have a proper closure. Otherwise--we leave "the wound" open!
As kids, we would run out the door--swing it wide open--and not shut it! Mom would yell at us to "close the door." Why? So cold air wouldn't get in....so debris wouldn't blow in...so critters wouldn't come in....etc. We lock our doors to protect ourselves from robbers, too. But we are careless about having proper CLOSURES in our relationships.
Jesus prepared His disciples by telling them He had to go away. So did Paul just before he went to Rome. Those that followed them--loved them and wanted them to stay. It hurt them deeply....they were very grieved/sad....they didn't understand....they wanted them to remain, but it wasn't God's plan for them--they had to move on. But--they verbalized those 4 things before they left. They were sorry they had to go and they expressed their love and appreciation to the people before saying goodbye. They didn't sneak out-of-town; they didn't go away mad; they told them how much they loved them. It was a GOOD CLOSURE.
Whenever we have to leave (whether for work, a trip to the store, or at death's door)--it's important to be sure everything's okay between us before we close the door. It could be the last time we'll ever see one another. Leave on good terms--leave knowing that you are not harboring a grudge or withholding forgiveness. If you must leave--leave with peace in your heart, a word of gratitude and love on your lips.
Posted by Ruth at 4:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
Friday, January 27, 2012
Hide & Seek or Seek & Find?
You know what the oldest game in the world is? It's "Hide & Seek!" Adam and Eve were the 1st to play the game. They tried to hide from God. People are still playing that game today...trying to hide (their sins) from God.
My son, when he was a toddler, would cover his eyes--then say, "You can't see me!" He thought that if he couldn't see you--you couldn't see him. Isn't that what people try to do....ignore their sins, excuse their sins, justifying their sins; therefore, they won't look God in the face--realizing they've been caught?
We need to put 1st things 1st: "Seek ye 1st the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness--then all these things will be added unto you." SEEK means to try to find; search for; aim at--but we tend to LUST after things rather than seek after righteousness.
Romans 14:17 says, "The kingdom of God is not meat nor drink, but righteousness, peace, and joy." Lust means to "delight the senses" (bodily appetites; sexual desires; any thing in excess).
The Wise men sought after the Son of God (baby Jesus); if we're wise, we'll seek after Him, too!
Posted by Ruth at 2:43 AM 0 comments
Labels: Matthew 6:33/7:7
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Burned Up, Burned Out, or Shining Brightly?
Martha and Mary were sisters who ran a biblical "bed and breakfast" in Bethany. Jesus often lodged there when He came through town. Martha managed all the household tasks--including cooking, whereas Mary served as hostess and was in charge of hospitality.
Martha was a "Type A" and Mary a "Type B" personality. Martha wanted everything to be just "perfect!" Therefore, she almost "burned herself out" getting ready for her guest! Mary, on the other hand, invested her time and energy listening to what her guest had to share. After all--He was the guest of honor! This "burned up" Martha! She got angry at her sister, but Jesus told her to "chill out"....she was suffering from fatigue and anxiety. Martha was running out of "oil in her lamp" and her wick needed "trimming!" [See: Matthew 25:1-13]
People, we need to learn from both sisters! We need to SERVE the Lord, but we also need to SIT at His feet and learn from Him. Too many Christians get "burned out" by doing...doing...doing, but never taking time to BE with Him (in the Word and prayer)! And other Christians just sit back and take it all in--learning...learning...learning, but never doing!
We're to be DOERS of the Word--not HEARERS only! [James 1:22] We need to let our lights SHINE BRIGHTLY in our homes and in our communities.
Remember the little childrens' song: "This little LIGHT of mine--I'm gonna let it SHINE!" Try doing that today and you'll bless others and be a blessing to the Lord.
Posted by Ruth at 3:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: Luke 10:38-42/Matthew 5:15-16
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
God has such a sense of humor....He made us....and we often make Him laugh! Remember the old show, "Candid Camera?" Well, God does have a hidden camera (a photographic memory) and takes our picture (often when we're not looking) and puts them in a photo album! He shares the pictures from the album when we meet with Him. Some are kind of revealing!
In my youth, our church group planned a "Come As You Are" party. They'd make an unscheduled visit to your home and snap your picture. You had to wear whatever you were wearing in that picture to the party. Some of the outfits were pretty funny!
I hope we make Him laugh--and not cry! My mother used to tell me that when lightening would hit that God was taking our picture (so that I wouldn't be afraid of the flash of light). I believed her! (Maybe that's not far from the truth! God is taking pictures of us, but not just in stormy weather.)
People forget to realize that God's eye is on us all the time. He hears--not only our prayers and words of praise--but also our every snyde remark, spue of anger, sarcastic comments, or our dialogue of negative words.
I used to play in a lot of tennis matches and tournaments. The opponents often would swear or make bad line calls during the game....and, after we finished and would meet at the net to shake hands--often one of them would ask me, "And what do you do? Where do you work?" Then I'd tell them I was a minister. Boy! Would they back-up and start apologizing for their bad language on the court, etc. They didn't seem to understand that God saw their bad behavior and heard them, too!!! "Out of sight--out of mind!"
Our lives are under observation all the time. People are watching us. What kind of an example are you setting? Is there enough evidence to convict you that you're a Christian? If I sent an undercover detective to follow you around for a day, a week, or a month--what would he learn about you--what would he see...what would he hear?
We're the only Jesus some will ever see. Can others see Christ in you? Some will only hear His story if you share it with them. Go--and tell others about Him! Go--and show others His love!
Posted by Ruth at 3:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: Matthew 28:19-20
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Hyper-Active Christianity
Have you ever seen, or been around, a hyper-active child? Sure you have....and it is exhausting to try to settle them down or keep their focus for 5 minutes. Well, I'm seeing many of God's children acting the same way.
A parent often has this to say to a hyper-active child: "Listen to me! Sit still! Be quiet--I'm talking to you! Pay attention!" But isn't that what our Father is often saying to us?
Psalm 46:10 - BE STILL and get to KNOW ME! [paraphrased] Bottom Line: Know God; Top Priority: Be still! You can't get to know God until you quiet yourself down by turning off the TV, unpluging your earphones, resting your thumbs (from texting), and running all over the place!
I remember a family event many years ago--the house was full of people; everybody seemed to be talking all at once, but no one was listening. An argument arose--voices got louder--tension filled the air. So I went outside to get some fresh air.
I stepped into another world. The ground was blanketed with fresh snow. There was a woods just beyond my backyard--it looked so inviting--so I soon found myself walking down one of the trails. All I could hear was a soft wind. It was nighttime, but the full moon glistening on the white snow provided a soft light. It was peaceful--I was calming down--and then I felt "His Presence."
It was as though He said to me: "Be still, My child....know that I am here.....you are not alone. I have drawn you away from the noise and the chaos to be with Me.
We walked together for a while--and I felt better. I felt so good that I went back home and made a snowman in the backyard. I started singing and laughing--even talking to Mr. Snowman! I was being silly; I felt like a kid again! He had "restored my soul" by a simple, quiet walk with Him!
Try it! Try being still....getting away from all the noise and distractions....get to KNOW Him! Talk to Him...walk with Him a while. Then you'll be able to say: "Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul." [Psalm 131:2]
Posted by Ruth at 3:29 AM 0 comments
Labels: Psalm 46:10
Monday, January 23, 2012
Picky eaters are very fussy about what they'll eat. Many are afraid to try something new or different. They'll pass over certain foods, or they won't finish what's on their plate. Much good food is thrown away or wasted by them.
Many Christains act the same way when they look for food to feed their souls. God's Recipe Book (The Bible) is filled with all that we need for a complete healthy diet. But most only "pick-and-choose" their favorite portions of Scripture. They ignore, pass by, or throw out the rest!
They'll gorge themselves on the sweet morsels (messages), but find the meat (of The Word) hard to swallow!
Jesus said "come and dine"....Jesus has "prepared a banqueting table" for us....and He wants to "come and dine" with us. But we often make escuses why we can't come to His table: We're too busy, we have other obligations, we don't feel like it, we'd rather do something else, etc. Or we reluctantly come...take only a small portion, select only our favorite foods, or leave a lot on our plate and refuse to finish the whole meal.
The Lord is looking for those who will "hunger and thirst" (after Him). Come with a big appetite for His Word....come and dine! Set at the table with Him and be filled!
Posted by Ruth at 3:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: Psalm 119:103
Friday, January 20, 2012
CROSSroads - Part 2
Yesterday I wrote about how Rocky overcame his fear (following his fall of pride). Today I want to write about the "ROCKY IV" movie. In this movie Rocky's friend, Balboa, was killed (in the boxing ring) by a Russian boxer. This fills Rocky with a "righteous anger!" [Anger can sometimes override our fear.] This time Rocky has no fear! He is going to fight a private, personal battle with this GIANT-of-a-man, this Russian--in a foreign land.
The Russian tries to intimidate and instill fear with these words: "I must BREAK you!" But Rocky had previously been "broken" when he fell because of PRIDE. He overcame his FEAR and defeated his last opponent. He was PREPARED for this fight!!!
Again, Rocky was facing a CRISIS. He found himself at another CROSSroad. Life is like that. We fight one battle--and another one shows up in our face....we climb one mountain--then we have to enter another valley of decision! Up-and-down....life is full of ups-and-downs! But God takes us THROUGH the valleys and UP the mountains! He places people in our lives to help us go through the valleys and climb up the mountains. Rocky had his managers, mentors, trainers, and his wife to help him. It says in Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 "Woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up...". We all need help along the way!
Even Jesus needed to be comforted and attended to. One example of this was when Mary "broke" the Alabaster Jar of her most costly posession over Jesus--anointed Him and preparing him for his "battle" on the cross. Mary was used by God to strengthen Jesus emotionally whereas Simon was used to help Jesus when His physical strength ran out.
Crete, his previous opponent, had said these words to Rocky: "You' FOOL!" At that point in time, Rocky was a "fool" because he wouldn't listen to anybody; he thought he knew it all. Therefore, he lost that fight to Crete and he fell into "The Valley of Fear!" But God picked him up, he got his head on straight, and fought with his heart. He fought an even bigger and more powerful enemy...and he won!
We are "The Body of Christ"--we need one another. Most of all we need God on our side. And "if God be for us--who can be against us?" David defeated the GIANT in his life...and so must we. Our giants are our FEARS. Overcome your fears and doubts....go in FAITH...and the VICTORY is yours!
Posted by Ruth at 3:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: Proverbs 18:21/Ecc. 4:9-10
Thursday, January 19, 2012
CROSSroads - Part 1
It's a "challenge" for me to try to find some "spiritual lesson" in a movie or TV show. This was the best way for me to have a [not-so-obvious] Bible study when I interned at BOYSVILLE and St. Anthony Villa (a correction facility for troubled teens). The ROCKY SERIES was one that went over quite well. ROCKY III has a great scene about FEAR and PRIDE:
Proverbs 16:18 tells us that "pride comes before a fall." Well, Rocky (an unknown, broken-down fighter) defeated the heavy weight champion in "ROCKY I". He then became very famous and rich. It all went to his head and he became puffed-up with pride in "ROCKY II"-- and he was easily defeated by his opponent.
In "ROCKY III" a 2nd fight is scheduled with the same opponent. Rocky is riddled with fear! His wife, whom he loves deeply, finally confronts him about his fears. And because of his love for her, he listens (with his heart) and hears what she has to say....and the fear is broken! I John 4:18 says that "perfect love casts out fear." His love for his wife was stronger than his fear of the enemy!
LOVE is stronger than fear!
In II Timothy 1:7 we're told that "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of POWER and of LOVE and a SOUND MIND." When Rocky got his "head on straight," he was ready for the fight. The battle (fight against our enemies) always begins in your mind!
Stop your stinkin' thinking! Start believing that your power and your strength come from the Lord!
Rocky was at a "CROSSroad"....he had a CRISIS that he had to OVERCOME. He could continue to live in FEAR; or he could CROSSover his fear and learn to fight by FAITH.
Posted by Ruth at 4:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Continuing with yesterday's devotion--the other thing I saw when Simon of Cryrene was used to help carry Jesus' cross is that God used just an ordinary guy in the crowd. "They compelled him to carry the cross." In other words, the soldiers "forced" him to do this. God will even work through the enemy to help His plan. Look at Genesis 50:20. Scripture is telling us that "what man means for evil, God will use for good."
No doubt Simon was afraid (for himself). He probably would have preferred just to have been an "onlooker" in the crowd, but the soldiers randomly picked him. (He hadn't even entered the lottery...and he was the winner! God slipped the winning ticket in his pocket!)
God had His eye on Simon....God moved on the soldiers to see him and call him out for active duty! He was DRAFTED!
I often wonder how that event impacted/changed Simon's life. Wow! God used such a frightened, ordinary man to help His Son carry the cross. Isn't that amazing?
What would you have felt? What would you have done, if you had been "called out" to walk along side Jesus? Being that close to Jesus--what an awesome experience!
Most of us prefer to set elbow-to-elbow with Him at the banquet table, but we run away quickly when we're called out to serve Him when things get tough! The Christian life is not a "bed of rose petals"...a soft and cushy life! Christians need to realize that roses also have thorns....and they can get hurt and feel pain. You'll need to pick the thorny roses sometimes if you want to rest in a cushy bed of rose petals!
Roses have a sweet aroma--especially after they have been cut, torn, and crushed. Know this--"A crushed rose smells sweeter!"
Posted by Ruth at 4:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: Matthew 27:32
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
I Can't Do This Alone!
My granddaughter is only 4, but she is very independent. She frequently says, "I can do it by myself!" She will struggle-and-struggle until she'll finally give-in and ask for HELP!
Aren't we all like that, too? I've seen and heard hundreds of people say: "I have to be STRONG for them! (They're trying to care for, and stay strong for, a loved one who is ill, injured, impaired, or dying.) God, however, wants us to allow others to help/assist us when our burden becomes too heavy for us to carry all alone.
We're told in the Bible to "pick up our cross and carry it." But even Jesus knew He couldn't carry His cross all by Himself! He, too, needed help. So God picked "Simon of Cryrene" out of the crowd to carry Jesus' cross (burden) when He fell and had no more strength to go any further.
Why did someone have to assist/help Jesus? Jesus had to experience (feel and go through) everything we go through in life. He ran out of strength (as a human being)--being a man!
I used to believe, and say: "God doesn't give us more than we can handle (carry)!" But I've gained more godly wisdom--and now I say (and believe) that: "God does give us more than we can handle so we will include Him in the process!" [See: Matthew 16:24 & 27:32]
Posted by Ruth at 4:08 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 16, 2012
The Lord's Catering Service
Most of us have seen the TV ad where the fake delivery guy brings a Digiorno Pizza to the door so he can gain access to the party. A funny ad--but let me turn it into a spiritual lesson:
In Psalm 23:5 we're told that our Shepherd (Jesus) prepares a BANQUETING TABLE before us, even in the presence of our enemies. And in Revelation 3:21 it says that Jesus stands at our door and knocks. [Folks...there's our "delivery man!"] He not only brings us the food (all that we could ever want or need)--but He offers to come inside (inside our hearts) and dine with us!!! He supplies the food...He sets the table.... if we INVITE Him in to dine with us.
In another portion of Scripture, we're INVITED to His wedding feast. In another place in the Bible, we're told to come and COMMUNE with Him...come in REMEMBRANCE of Him (and break the bread and pour the wine). Even after His resurrection, He went and ate with the two disciples who were grieving (on the road to Emmaus).
DINNER is usually "the last" meal of the day. So, before night falls--before it's too late--I urge you to invite Him in....set at His table...and "be filled" with more of Him!
Posted by Ruth at 4:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: Psalm 23:5/Revelation 3:21
Sunday, January 15, 2012
What's For Lunch?
Yesterday I wrote about what to have for (a spiritual) breakfast. Today I'm writing about what to have for (a spiritual) lunch!
Most often we grab a sandwich for lunch. I prefer whole grain wheat bread for my sandwich. In fact "8-grain" bread. God's 8-grain bread can be found in II Peter 1:5-7, which says this: "Add to your faith moral excellence, knowledge, self-control, consistency, Godliness, brotherly love, and unconditional love." (Two slices of that will supply you with enough spiritual fiber for the day!)
I prefer MEAT on my sandwich. I want the "meat of the Word"--I can skip the MILK(shake), but I need and desire meat!
The 1st slice of BREAD (the nature and character of God); the middle is MEAT (God's present truth); the 2nd slice of BREAD (The Word of God and the Holy Spirit)--a 2-grain bread, but just as hearty as the 1st slice.
What are you planning to have for lunch today? I'm hungering for a Holy sandwich!
Posted by Ruth at 4:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: II Peter 1:5-7; Hebrews 5:12-14
Saturday, January 14, 2012
A Good Breakfast!
"Start your day with a good breakfast...it's the most important meal of the day," we are told. Well, that's what the Israelities did when they left Egypt. God told them that He would "rain bread from heaven" each day and that they were to "go out and gather a day's portion every day." [Exodus 16:4]
By getting up and beginning each day with fresh "manna" (feeding on The Word) we are acknowledging that we are partaking of the food which He desires we eat. The "manna" of the Word is lighter--it is a daily Word. It can come from a devotional or reading a few verses of Scripture. It can be found in a Christian book, or an e-mail. It may not be new revelation, but it will sustain you.
I believe what the Lord's trying to tell us is to get up every morning and begin our day feeding on His Word. In doing so, He will give us a "fresh Word" (manna) for the day. (No one likes eating stale bread!)
If we want the Lord to serve us the "meat" of the Word (which is a direct, personal, rhema Word) rather than "milk" (which is for newborns in Christ Jesus), we must obtain this from an in-depth personal study. This can be done by first praying before reading your Bible; or God may speak to you through a Bible study, Bible course, conference, Christian book, Christian teacher, etc. He may even speak to you in a dream. Just ASK Him to speak to you...just tell Him you're HUNGRY for more!
By rising 1st thing in the morning and looking for fresh manna (Word), we are demonstrating that He is 1st in our lives and 1st in our day. Then--we can more confidently get on with our day, and say--"Okay, God--let's go to work!
Posted by Ruth at 3:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: Hebrews 5:12-14
Friday, January 13, 2012
Is It A Problem, Or An Opportunity?
I have a picture of a lovely pearl setting inside a clam shell--and written below is this phrase: "Sometimes OPPORTUNITY is disquised as a CHALLENGE!"
My husband and I used to say, "We have a PROBLEM!" But when we changed just one word in that statement--things changed. We started saying this: "We have an OPPORTUNITY!" When we made that simple change, we began to get a different perspective and a more positive attitude about things.
NEGATIVITY is a nasty way to look at life! Take the word discouragement--I love to encourage people, but when I start hearing negative comments, put-downs, and complaints--I get discouraged.
WHATEVER YOU "FEED" WILL GROW! If you "feed" your mind negative thoughts all day--you'll grow a weed patch of anger, bitterness, envy, etc. But if you "feed"your mind positive thoughts, you'll be a much happier and successful person.
Isaiah 54:17 says that "No weapon formed against you shall prosper." How can that be? I feel "under attack" by criticism from many sources! The answer is simply this: The battle is always in your mind! It's always WON or LOST in your thought life! Your "enemies" (negative thoughts) will only "prosper" if you feed them what they want or if you give-in to their ways.
So, when you feel overwhelmed by a problem, DRAW AWAY...go to the Lord (in prayer) and ask for a stategy to defeat and overcome whatever is working against you and blocking your progress. Counterpunch negative thoughts with positive thoughts.
God would say to you today: "Come to Me and I will show you how to turn your problems into opportunities. I will show you how to think like Me and how to use My Word like a sword. Your sword becomes DULL when you keep listening to the threats and negativity of the critical and condemning thoughts that come at you. My thoughts and My ways are higher than yours. Come away with me and pray (converse with me for a while). I'll show you a better way! Then--GO FORWARD with Me, in FAITH, and you'll see that the VICTORY will be OURS!!! (For without Me, you can do nothing!)"
Posted by Ruth at 3:11 AM 0 comments
Labels: Isaiah 54:17
Thursday, January 12, 2012
It Pays To Ponder!
God does such extraordinary things in and through such ordinary people! The humble peasant girl, Mary, who became the mother of Jesus, is one such example. God sends a message to her--a
personal Word from God--an angel hand-delivered it by air mail. She could hardly BELIEVE it...but, nonetheless, she responded by saying: "Behold, the maid-servant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to Your Word" God would not have overridden her will. If she had refused to receive the message, God would have passed her by and chosen another.
Why did God choose this very young peasant girl? Why not a queen or some famous celebrity? Why not somebody with lots of money? I'll tell you why--because He was looking for a HUMBLE HEART!!! He was not looking for someone with a title, an important position, some wealthy woman, or anything like that....He was LOOKING for a woman of faith...a woman who He knew He could trust. He wanted a faithful servant to "carry" His Word...grow it inside of her, birth it, and watch over it all the days of her life.
She immediately responded to the Lord's request--but later PONDERED all that had been told her....and, I'm sure, that as the days, months, and years passed--she continued to ponder over what had been told her--keeping those things in her heart. She kept meditating on the words that were given to her--she kept believing them--she kept her heart open to what the Lord showed her, said to her, and asked of her.
How many of us would have received such a Word? How many of us would have responded to what was asked of Mary? Know this--God will not override our free will. Mary "gave permission" for God to impregnate her with His Holy Seed. How many "miracles" do we "abort" or even refuse to open ourselves to that we later REJECT or REFUSE to follow-through on?
CHOOSE this day WHOM you will follow! Open your heart to His leading; wait for His Messenger to deliver a special message to you that will change your life.
Posted by Ruth at 3:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: Luke 1:46-55; 2:20
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Race at the Right Pace!
It seems as though everybody is "racing around"....and "stressed" these days. What's all the hurry? Pace yourself....trim down your busy schedules....get your priorities straight (and your head straight)!
Life is a combination of a marathon and an obstacle course. It's a l-o-n-g journey, which has its ups-and-downs. So you have to: (1) Run with patience [Hebrews 12:1] and with ENDURANCE. ENDURE means: To experience pain or hardship/disagreeable things without giving up; the ability to continue over long periods of time in the face of trials and tribulations. Now who wants to do that? Our flesh doesn't....neither did Jesus, but HE DID IT for us. He ENDURED the cross for the JOY that was set before Him!!! The FINISH LINE was where He received joy...where He was embraced by His Father...where He received the crown of glory (the victory).
(2) Jesus had a lot of godly wisdom. He knew He had to have REST STOPS along the way. He always drew away to have quiet times to rest and converse with His Father. Psalm 23 encourages us to "lie down in green pastures--beside still waters." We need times of refreshment and rest.
Even race car drivers in the INDY 500 pull off the road for "pit stops!"
(3) The Apostle Paul said in II Timothy 4:7, "I have FINISHED my course (race), I have kept the faith." It was a long, hard journey for Paul. He experienced pain and hardship, but he never gave up...he never quit in the face of trials and tribulations.
Many Christians are good STARTERS...but few are good FINISHERS! Both Paul and Jesus could confidently say they finished the work God had given them to do. They never quit...they never dropped out of the race.
GRACE is our RACE!
LOVE endures to the end (the finish line)!
Posted by Ruth at 3:44 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 9, 2012
I was talking to a gentleman the other night, and he said this: "I think ALL women are controlling!" That really disturbed my spirit, so I took it to prayer and meditated on what he had said, for quite some time.
If one gender or the other tries to CONTROL the other, then they're "out-of-order!" Ephesians 5:21 talks about SUBMISSION.....submitting one to the other. Roles and positions may differ, but there should be EQUAL respect and a flow between one another.
I asked why so many men have not taken their rightful authority/position in marriage and in their God-given roles these days. I believe He shared this with me:
Because men have dropped-the-ball and given up their power--women have picked-up-the-ball and run with it! Women have done this for many reasons, but I believe primarily two stand out: (1) Fear; (2) need.
These "role reversals" are running rampant in America today....especially in marriages! Wives are told to "respect and submit to their husbands as to the Lord" and men are told to "love their wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her." What woman wouldn't love that!!! If men and women truly understood what God said about "submitting, one to the other," we wouldn't have wimpy men and overbearing women!
"The switch took place in The Garden of Eden when Adam gave-in to Eve and ate the forbidden fruit with her (and he knew better)! It was at that moment he GAVE UP his authority...he sinned...and he GAVE OVER his power to satan. Relationship was broken with God and "role reversal seeds" were planted in the hearts of mankind.
Posted by Ruth at 4:11 AM 0 comments
Labels: 25, Ephesians 5:21; 22-23
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Better Late Than Never!
Talk about having children "late in life!" Well, Abraham was 100 and Sarah was in her 90's! God always keeps His promises. I can't imagine how Sarah felt--waiting all those years. It was a disgrace if women didn't bear children in those days. She must've been talked about, shunned, and felt cursed.
Have you ever asked God for something and felt He was going to give it to you--and it didn't happen? You waited...and waited...and finally gave up hope? Or, you tried to "help God" in the process? Well, that's what Sarah did! She thought God needed her assistance. She ordered her handmaiden to "sleep" with Abraham--and Abraham didn't object! Therefore Ishmael was conceived. NOT the child God had promised!!! They "got ahead of" God's plan...and it caused a lot of trouble, disappointment, and heartache. However--years later--their "promised son" was born.
These days many children are born "out of wedlock." Couples can't wait to have sex--or bother to get married. They do it their way and push God out-of-the-way! It's common practice to "sleep" together on a 1st or 2nd date! It's "expected" these days!
I had my 1st child a year after we were married--but had to WAIT nine l-o-n-g years to have my 2nd child. It was worth the wait--even though I thought God was late in granting my wish as I had wanted a 2nd child two years after having the 1st. (I can't imagine how Sarah and Abraham felt having to wait so long!)
What are you WAITING for....what has God PROMISED you that hasn't appeared yet? Don't give up (ABORT) your HOPE! If He promised you, he will DELIVER!!!
Have FAITH in God ... don't lose HOPE...God LOVES you and will do what's best for you IN HIS TIME...which will be right on time!
Ecclesiastes 3:1 - To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.
Isaiah 40:31 - But those who WAIT on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.
FAITH takes God at His Word when circumstances seem to deny the truth of His promises. Our ability to endure will depend upon our allowing the Holy Spirit to train us to this kind of faith.
Posted by Ruth at 3:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: Genesis 21:1-7
Saturday, January 7, 2012
The Faith of a Soldier
A Centuion soldier comes to Jesus--asking that he heal his sick servant. The soldier had a good reputation in the city of Capernaum, as the people back him up by saying this: "He loves our nation and has built us a synagogue." He was not only a good soldier, but also a good citizen--and, a believer!
Then the soldier tells Jesus that he's "not worthy that You should enter under my roof...for I am a man placed UNDER AUTHORITY, having soldiers under me. And I say to one, 'Go," and he goes, and to another, 'Come,' and he comes...'Do this,' and he does it.'" In other words, this high-ranking soldier knows not only how to GIVE orders, but how to FOLLOW orders! Then the soldier says to Jesus, "Say the WORD, and my servant will be healed!"
Jesus marveled at him, turned around, and said this to the crowd: "I have not found such GREAT FAITH!" I would have thought that Jesus would've been more impressed with his OBEDIENCE to The Word rather than his FAITH! But I was wrong!
INSTANT obedience is FAITH in ACTION! The soldier: (1) Understood authority; (2) sat under authority; (3) knew how to obey orders; (4) and believed in his Commander and Chief (Jesus Christ)! In James 2:17 -18 says, "faith by itself, if it does not have works is dead...I will show you my faith by my works."
Is your faith alive and active? Do you instantly obey what Jesus has to (personally) say to you? Are you a "doer of the Word...or a hearer only?" [James 1:22]
Posted by Ruth at 3:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: Luke 7:1-35
Friday, January 6, 2012
You've Got To Be Kidding!
This chapter is not for sissies and it's not for baby Christians! It's for those who want to be advanced students of the Word...it's for those who truly desire to become more-and-more like Christ. I challenge you to read this chapter, digest it, and live it!
One of my toughest challenges (and I've had to repeat this course many times--and I'm sure, many more times--if I want to pass the final exam) is to "love my enemies"... to "do good to those who hate me"... and to "bless those who spitefully use me," etc. This test IS NOT for the faint of heart! However, I'm learning...I'm getting better at it!
Part of the definition of "BLESS" in Luke 6:28 is "to give thanks." I can thank God for my enemies because they will tell me my faults/flaws and will not give me flattery (just to make me feel good). It is sobering to hear harsh words of criticism, but there's almost always some truth in what is being said....and that I need to pay attention to!
Secondly, I'm told to "PRAY" for those that "use me." Caution: Don't pray a spiteful prayer against them...pray that the Lord deals with them and/or deals with you to change your attitude about them and look at them through Jesus' eyes instead of through your distorted vision. Even if they don't change--I find I am changed (for the better) in the process.
Now don't misunderstand what I'm about to tell you! My husband IS NOT my enemy. But--there was a season of time (in our marriage) when I thought my husband and my son NEEDED to change a lot of things in their lives (and they did)! Around that time I attended a ladies' conference entitled, "Lord, Change Me!" AND HE DID!!! I really got humbled! God told me that I had to "change" 1st before they would change! Ouch! I didn't want to hear that! But He was right (of course)!
There's a 3rd lesson I've learned over the years about prayer and blessings. When I go to God in prayer about another person--almost always, I am changed in the process. You know--it's like "the beam in thine own eye" kind of thing! What I "see" in the other person (that I don't like or think needs changing) is usually in me!
I guarantee it...if you will BLESS others, and PRAY for others, you will be BLESSED yourself!
Posted by Ruth at 1:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: Luke 6:27-49
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Doubter Becomes A Disciple
Peter wearily sat mending his worn fishing net....discouraged 'cause he'd fished all night and had caught nothing! (And he was an experienced fisherman.) Jesus comes along and tells him to launch out into the deep (go farther than he's used to going at a time when the fish usually don't bite) for a catch.
Peter DOUBTS that any fish can be caught at this time and in this way....BUT he takes Jesus at His Word and obeys His command. And what happens? He catches more fish than his boat can hold!
Then--Peter DOUBTS himself and feels like a real "loser!" His weak faith turned into fear! He falls to his knees and confesses that he's a "sinful man." Then Jesus speaks to him again: "Don't be AFRAID....from now on you will catch men!"
TRANSFORMATION...the former life fades into the background and a new life begins! There's an immediate "change" in Peter's life!
Many, many years ago I was an Executive Secretary at a Christian school. (I'd been in the secretarial field for 'bout 25 years.) I was in the middle of a contract year...in the middle of typing a letter WHEN the Lord showed up and said to me, "Come--leave your 'net' (typewriter) and follow Me. Do it today!"
I knew since I was in the 4th grade that I'd been "called" to the ministry....but I got married, had two children, and life just took a different turn. But "the call" never went away. And--that day--my heart clearly "heard" Jesus speak to me. It was so real...so clear...so personal! CHANGE POINT....CROSSROAD! I left my long-standing secretarial career and began my journey with Jesus on the road to ministry.
What's in your heart....what's He called you to? Wait...listen! TRUST and OBEY, for there's no other way to go, if you want to BE all that He wants you to be!
Posted by Ruth at 3:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: Luke 5:1-11
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
I'll Be Back!
Jesus had just been water baptized by his cousin, John the Baptist. Then He was immediately filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit's 1st assignment was to lead Jesus into the wilderness (to be tempted by satan). His Father had equipped Him for what lay ahead. Jesus passed the test because He'd studied The Book (The Holy Scriptures). He was prepared and equipped for the battle--using The Word as His only weapon.
After the battle had been won, satan retreated. But only in Luke's account does it say, "satan left for a season." This meant he was coming back at a more opportune time. (Maybe he said something like this: "I'll be back!") The battle had been won by Jesus....but the war was not over!
After Jesus returned from the wilderness, He began His public ministry. His appearance in the synagogue, and His message given in the pulpit, enraged the religious leaders. They ran Him out of the city and were intending to throw Him over a cliff...but He "passed through the midst of them and went His way."
Some new believers are deceived--thinking that becoming a Christian means it's gonna be "all roses!" BUT--they fail to realize that roses have lots of thorns! The Lord never said it'd be EASY to be a Christian....but He did say He'd never leave us or forsake us; He did say He would equip us for whatever task He assigned us; He did guarantee that He'd lead us, guide us, help us, comfort us, strengthen us, etc. And He told us we needed to LOVE one another. So--remember this:
You can choose to not love--and get hurt...or you can choose to love--and you'll still get hurt! But when you choose to do it God's way (to love), He will greet you at heaven's gate and say to you, "Well done, good and faithful servant....I am well pleased with you! Come and enter My gates with joy!" [Taken from: Matthew 25:21 - paraphrased] If we don't have LOVE--we have nothing!
The only ticket (currency) required to get into heaven is LOVE (love for The Father and His Son). LOVE is the bare minimum price for admission)!
Posted by Ruth at 3:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: Luke 4:1-30
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
You Want Me To Do What?
Many times I've gone to the Lord in prayer--asking, "What do you want me to do for you, Lord?" Simple enough, huh! NO! Often the answer comes back instructing me to do something that I didn't want to do! Then--just to be sure I heard Him correctly, I'll reply--"You want me to do what? You're kidding, aren't you? I can't do that! I don't want to do that! You've got the wrong person!" But, in the end--He wins! I'll finally say, "Okay, I'll do it (but you're going to have to help me)!" And that's the answer He's waiting for....He wants us to ask for His help--for "without Him we can do NOTHING!" [John 15:5]
Noah was in the "same BOAT!" (Get it? BOAT...that's a pun!) God asked him to build "an Ark!" Now he didn't even know what that was 'til God showed him (the plan--in detail). It had never rained on the earth; only dew watered the ground. So, of course, the people thought he was crazy and heckled him continuously. I'm sure even his family thought he was nuts! However, Noah built it (I think it took 'bout 100 years to build).
Because of DOUBT and UNBELIEF--and SIN--no one--except for Noah and his family...and the animals and other living creaturs (a pair of each) got into the Ark....and safely survived the flood! Everybody else died in the flood! The earth was entirely covered by water; it had rained fiercely for 40 days! God started all over again--with ONE family! Because of ONE man's OBEDIENCE, he and his family were SAVED!
The Father asks us to do something....He asks us to be faithful to the work that He's called us to do and finish the work...to be faithful to the end! What's He ask(ing) you to do? Have you said YES, LORD? Will you follow His instructions and remain faithful to Him--all the way to the end?
Many followed Jesus for a little while....for as long as they were receiving food to eat, being healed, or hearing good teaching (being entertained)--but they dropped-off when He began to tell them things they didn't want to hear (or see). I think that many so-called Christians DO what they want to do (in the church and in their personal lives) rather than what the Lord's asked them to do! I see so many who want God to follow their agendas rather than obeying and accepting what He wants them to do. It's the "Me 1st Generation." We want to "drive the engine"....be "the engineer" and we put Christ last, as the "caboose" or a "coal car!" We want Him to support and supply our wants and desires rather than His!
Remember the children's storybook, "The Little Engine That Could?" It kept saying, "I think I can...I think I can!" And IT DID finally get to the top of the mountain (on it's own power). We may think we're "at "the top of the ladder" or "the food chain"--but, if we only achieve it on our own strength--that's the only REWARD we're gonna get (an earthly reward that will rust and fade). But if we allow the Lord to lead us and help us, we'll receive an ETERNAL REWARD in heaven.
Lord, what do you want us to do today? You and I together can accomplish much! Not my will--but may Yours be done in and through me today! Amen.
Posted by Ruth at 3:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: Genesis 6; 7:1-21
Monday, January 2, 2012
TV Ads & Electronic Enticements
Whether on TV, on the computer or I Pad, or in magazines and billboards--we are flooded with advertisements! Tempted primarily through the "eye-gate." It's been going on since the creation of mankind! Not only do we "see" temptation, but we "hear" it as well. Words create thoughts...thoughts produce deeds!
You could throw me in a haystack of tobacco--and it wouldn't phase me. You could fill a bathtub full of gin--and it wouldn't bother me. BUT...let me get near a bakery and--I'd be TEMPTED!!! Oh, the smell of freshly baked bread...the sweet rolls...yum, yum! We all have a vulnerable area (a weak spot). What's yours?
In Genesis Chapter 3 Eve is "tempted" by satan's words and by seeing that the fruit of the tree was good to eat, she yielded to the temptation, picked a piece of fruit, and took a bite! Then she offered it to Adam--and he just couldn't say "no," so he took a bite, too! Our 5 natural (carnal)senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch) can get us into a lot of trouble!
Yesterday was the 1st day of a new year--and many of you made a New Year's resolution. Today you'll be "tempted" to break your resolution. If you don't submit your (weak) will(power) to the Lord, and submit to His Will, you will fail to keep your resolution.
Remember what Jesus did to avoid temptation: He said, "it is written"....He knew God's Word and He knew His Father's Will. Therefore, He did not fall into sin. God's ways are higher than our ways; His thoughts are higher than our thoughts! [Isaiah 55:8-9] Don't sink to satan's level. Rise above the temptation (with God's help) and you'll be able to overcome the tempation.
Posted by Ruth at 3:09 AM 0 comments
Labels: Genesis Chptr. 3
Sunday, January 1, 2012
The Beginning
Today is the beginning of a NEW YEAR (2012). "Old things have passed away..." [II Corinthians 5:17]. God said, in the beginning, "Let there be..." and He created EVERYTHING! What do we have to say today--the beginning of a new year?
I personally like to PRAY specifically about one thing I want to accomplish or change in my life at the beginning of each new year. Then I center on that until it is accomplished (with the help of the Holy Spirit). I used to pray in a very stupid way! For example: One year I prayed for PATIENCE--and everything went wrong! The next year I prayed for FLEXIBILITY--and I was stretched and pulled in every direction (like taffy on a hook)! The 3rd year I prayed for an ATTITUDE like Joseph's...but I fogot he was sold by his brothers, falsely accused by Potiphar's wife and thrown in prison. The 4th year I finally wised-up and prayed for WISDOM!!!
Now I simply pray, "Lord, what would you have me change this year? Have Your way with Me, Lord." Then I wait a while until He shows me the area(s) He wants to work on, restore, repair, or develop in and through me.
What about you? What do you want to change; what areas do you want to grow in? Don't just make "a new year's resolution!" Don't "think" and determine on your own "will power" to overcome some habit or achieve something on your own strength--but "seek" the Lord and see what He would like you to do. And with His help, He will transform you and strengthen you in that area. He will change you into more of His likeness--you'll become more Christ-like.
Lord, today is January 1st--and I choose to put you 1st in my life! I will seek You 1st and follow the plan You have laid out for me this year. Guide me, walk with me, lift me up when I fall, carry me when I'm too weak to go on, comfort me in my sorrows, and teach me what You desire me to know. Amen.
Posted by Ruth at 3:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: Genesis Chptrs. 1-2