Friday, February 8, 2013


There used to be a TV game show called, "Truth or Consequences."  Either you answered the question correctly, or you paid a consequence.  Well, the game of life is played much the same way.

John 14:6 tells us that Jesus is "THE WAY...THE TRUTH...and THE LIFE."  He leads us down THE PATH of TRUTH and shows us the way we're to go.  If we fall off the path or go another way, the thief will come and rob us, mislead us, and even try to kill us.  [See:  John 10:10]

It's our choice and our responsibility which path we decide to follow.  But if we choose to journey with Jesus, many blessings will accompany us along the way.  Miraculously our hearts will be transformed.  If we trust and obey, Jesus will have this to say:

"Since you have purified your souls in obeying the TRUTH through the Spirit in sincere love...through the word of God..."[I Peter 1:22-23], I will extend to you many blessings.  Therefore, walk on the PATH of TRUTH beside Jesus, and you'll arrive safely at your destination.  

If you disobey and stray onto a different path, know this:  You will pay the CONSEQUENCES!  The thief (satan) will come and rob you, wound you, and try to kill you.  But, Jesus said, "IF you follow Me, I will give you a more abundant life!"