Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Show Me The Money!

Show me your checkbook or your credit card statement(s), and I'll show you what you "treasure" most!  What's recorded therein reveals what you spend your money on, what you value most, or what's important to you.  Are you a wise investor, or just a big spender?

Matthew 6:21 says this:  "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

America only gives 1.7% of their annual income to further God's work whereas the rest of the world gives 1.8%.  We're one of the richest (if not the richest) nations in the world, and we give less than some third-world countries....what a sad, sad testimony!

It's printed on our money, "In God we trust," but is that true?  If we put our faith and trust in other things, could this be why our economy is declining?

Are we being good stewards (managers) of the money we receive?  We really don't own anything. Everything belongs to the Lord, but He allows us to manage His belongings and invest His money.

"The love of money is the root of all evil."  [II Timothy 6:10]   I underscored "love of" and "root of" on purpose because it's NOT money that's the's that we love it  more than we love God.

Take a good look at your checkbook  and your credit card statements.  What do you see?  What is the Lord trying to show you?  Remember--"where your treasure is" (where you put your money) will reveal what's in your heart!