Thursday, January 24, 2013

Courage To Overcome Fear

I John 4:18 - There is no FEAR in love, but PERFECT LOVE casts out FEAR, because fear involves torment.  But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.  [Capitalization and underlining added]

Perfect love casts out fear...that's a fact...a biblical truth!  God's love for us is perfect; however, our love is not!  So how can we overcome our fears and increase our love?

1st:  Get to know God.  Develop a deep, personal relationship with Him.  Many know about Him, but few truly know Him up-close-and-personal.

2nd:  The better you know Him, the more you'll fall in love with Him.

3rd:  The more you love Him, the more you'll trust Him.

4th:  The more you trust Him, the more you'll be able to have the courage to go forward in faith--believing He will help you conquer your fears.

II Timothy 1:7 - For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

"Personal courage is the positive manifestation of an inward alertness to the presence of God."  [O. James Sowell]

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Show Me The Money!

Show me your checkbook or your credit card statement(s), and I'll show you what you "treasure" most!  What's recorded therein reveals what you spend your money on, what you value most, or what's important to you.  Are you a wise investor, or just a big spender?

Matthew 6:21 says this:  "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

America only gives 1.7% of their annual income to further God's work whereas the rest of the world gives 1.8%.  We're one of the richest (if not the richest) nations in the world, and we give less than some third-world countries....what a sad, sad testimony!

It's printed on our money, "In God we trust," but is that true?  If we put our faith and trust in other things, could this be why our economy is declining?

Are we being good stewards (managers) of the money we receive?  We really don't own anything. Everything belongs to the Lord, but He allows us to manage His belongings and invest His money.

"The love of money is the root of all evil."  [II Timothy 6:10]   I underscored "love of" and "root of" on purpose because it's NOT money that's the's that we love it  more than we love God.

Take a good look at your checkbook  and your credit card statements.  What do you see?  What is the Lord trying to show you?  Remember--"where your treasure is" (where you put your money) will reveal what's in your heart!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

WHAT [or WHO] Are You Looking At?

This morning I awoke from a bad dream.  Then I got up and looked at my e-mails and read some bad news about a friend whose health had taken a bad turn for the worst.  And I knew if I turned on the TV, I'd see a report about a bad accident, our bad economy, or a bad crime.  

I was beginning to SINK into a bad mood when the Lord gently interrupted my thoughts by reminding me of the story about Peter and his friends.  They were in deep waters--out at sea--when a severe storm rose up.  They all feared that their boat was going to SINK.  Suddenly Peter glanced up and saw Jesus walking on the water.  Next thing you know, Peter jumped out of the boat and began  walking (supernaturally) on top of the water towards Jesus.  Not long thereafter,  he took his eyes off Jesus, looked down at the sea, and began to SINK --fearing he would drown in the stormy sea (the circumstances that surrounded him).

I was doing the same thing this morning....SINKING into a bad mood because of the things I was looking at.  So I re-focused on the Lord.  I began to pray and look His way.  Then the heaviness lifted and I rose above my bad feelings and fears; and, by faith I knew I could face this day.

Keep your eyes on Jesus--rise above your circumstances--go forward in faith, and you'll have a blessed day.  Put your life in His hands and trust Him to calm the storms in your life.

[Matthew 14:22-33/II Corinthians 5:7]

Monday, January 21, 2013


THE WAY to live a "fruitful" (successful) life includes these three essentials:

(1)  Abide"He who ABIDES in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing."  [John 15:5]

(2)  Obey"If you love Me, keep My commandments."  [John 14:15]

(3)  Serve  "... the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve..."  [Matthew 20:28]

Write these 3 things down on your daily planner, as a reminder of what you need to do.

Friday, January 18, 2013


Praise is a pathway which provides an opening--a channel--to pass through.  RELATIONSHIPS access this channel.  Praise affirms, lifts up, and provides positive reinforcement for these Relationships.

Put-Downs damage ships!  Put-downs are derogatory remarks that are fired from BATTLESHIPS

We, who reside on the SON'S-SHIP need to pray daily:  "May the words that I speak bring life today...words that are encouraging and edifying....not harsh or condemning."  [Paraphrased from Proverbs 18:21"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing unto You, Lord, as I walk with You this day."  [Words added - Psalm 19:14]

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Light Dispels Darkness

My mother was such a living example of a quiet kind of love.  She didn't draw attention to herself, or try to be "the center of attention."  She just quietly went about pouring out from her heart.  Her profession was that of a private secretary, but her passion was that of a caregiver.  She demonstrated that she CARED by GIVING.

I had engraved on her memorial stone, "She extended her hand to the poor...she reached out her hands to the needy."  [Paraphrased from Proverbs 31:20]

She didn't care for fancy parties or big social events; she didn't desire to be in "the spotlight."  She preferred to fade into the background and into the shadows to visit those "on the fringe."
She brought "her light" to those who were sick, shut-in, mentally challenged, impaired, dying, or down-and-out.  She tried to "brighten up" their day!

I remember, as a child, she would interrupt me at play and say:  "Ruthy--get in the car!"  In her hands she'd be carrying a freshly picked bouquet of flowers, or a bag of candy, or a magazine on the way to the car.  She never went empty-handed!  Then OFF WE'D the hospital, the nursing home, or to visit a shut-in!

Whether in her home, around the neighborhood, in the community, or the workplace--she always showed that she CARED[Read:  Matthew 25:31-40]

Be a "carrier" of HIS LIGHT today.  Dispel a little darkness and bring a little "SON-shine" into somebody's day. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Today I'll start a new job.  Much is expected of me...many will be looking at me to see how I'll handle things.  So I woke up early this morning to ask the Lord what He wanted me to do today--and He said this:  "Keep it simple!"  Then He told me to do the following:

(1)  SMILE:  Everybody needs a friendly greeting.  Wear a pleasant countenance.

(2)  TOUCH:  Offer a handshake, a hug, or give someone a pat-on-the-back.

(3)  AN UPLIFTING WORD:  Give a genuine compliment; offer a word of encouragement; affirm or validate their worth.

(4)  DO A GOOD DEED:  Offer a helping hand--just a simple act of kindness.

(5)  LISTEN:  Take time to listen to what they have to say.

The Lord finished by saying, "If you do these five simple things, you'll BLESS their day and you, too, will have a BLESSED DAY!  This is what I am asking of you today."

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What Is Required of Us?

What does the Lord require of us as a nation--or as an American citizen?  In our "Pledge of Allegiance," we profess to be "one nation under God."  Have we remained faithful to what we were founded upon?

God created the earth, and in Genesis 1:28 it says that God blessed man (Adam) and gave him all that He had created.  Then He told Adam to "be fruitful and multiply" and to "rule over the land."  But Adam became preoccupied with other things.  Thus, he fell  into sin and lost his position and his prosperity.  Know this: 

"Those who have the greatest knowledge of truth will be held accountable for the greatest fruitfulness." 

God has blessed America abundantly over the course of history.  But for the past 3 or 4 decades, we have begun to decay and decline.  Why?  Could it be that we have stepped away and disobeyed--or simply neglected our duties?  Or have we just become so greedy that we no longer remember what was required of us?

There are only 3 things the Lord requires of us:  (1)  To do justly (be fair and honest); (2) To love mercy (be compassionate); (3)  To walk humbly with your God.  [Micah 6:8]

Are we, as a nation (or as individuals), meeting these requirements?  Remember: 

"To whom much is given, much will be required!"  [Luke 12:48]

Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Grateful Heart

Don't WHINE in the wilderness...instead, WORSHIP the Lord!

THE WAY through the wilderness, the dark valleys, and the dry spells of your life is to WORSHIP the Lord by expressing an "Attitude of Gratitude."  1st you need to thank the Lord for all He has blessed you with in the PAST.  2ndly, you need to walk by faith during your days in the wilderness, which is you PRESENT set of circumstances and challenges, by believing the Lord will guide you through.  3rd, know that by following the Lord, He will take you to your Promised Land of the FUTURE.

PRAISE propels you forward.
WORSHIP lifts you higher so you can rise above your circumstances.
FAITH provides the fuel.
PRAYER gives you vision to see (in the spirit) what the Lord's promised you.

You must believe--you must endure--you must pursue!

BELIEVE and you'll RECEIVE all that the Lord has for you!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Your Heart's Desire

Do you have a HEART that seeks after God?  Do you place Him 1st in your life?  Has He given you "the desires of your heart?"    If not, maybe you're not following the steps outlined in Psalm 37:3-5, which are: 

(1) TRUST in the Lord;
(2) DO GOOD;
(3) DWELL with Him;
(4) FEED on His faithfulness;
(5) DELIGHT in Him;
(6) COMMIT your way to Him.....
then He will give you the DESIRES of your HEART!

It's not "my way or the highway" (which is the "broad pathway").  It's "His Way" (which is the narrow way, but the only way to obtain all the desires of your heart).

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Let's Get Down To Business!

We're all put here on earth to serve our Heavenly Father.  He's given each of us different gifts and abilities, and different personalities.  He places us in various locations and gives us different assignments.

At the age of 12, Jesus was already expressing to His parents and the religious leaders of His day that He "must be about His Father's busienss!"  [Luke 2:49]  Yes, He 1st worked as a carpenter in His stepfather's business, BUT His 1st priority was to be about His Father's business!

It doesn't matter what occupation you have--whether it be a blue-collar or white collar worker, a stay-at-home mom or a CEO, the president or the prison guard--YOU are to "be about His business!"

Our Heavenly Father's 1st commandment was that we should not have any other gods, and that we should put Him 1st in our lives.  "Seek Him  1st, and His righteousness (a right relationship with Him)...then all these things will be added unto you."  [Matthew 6:33 - words added]

The majority of society, however, has sought after and lusted after fame, fortune, power, sex, etc. 1st--idolizing other people and things.

You'll never feel fulfilled or reach your full potential until/unless you put God at the top of your list and desire to serve Him 1st.

John 10:16  - You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


As I went to prayer this morning, I began to picture (in my mind) a fresh snowfall:  A fresh snowfall is so clean, so pure and white.  The ground is blanketed by virgin snow....sprinkled down from heaven above, by the hand of God....untouched or marred by the hand of man.

Soon footprints will appear...tire tracks will follow.  What was once so pure and white will become peppered with the pollution of the world.

Oh, Lord--you have given me a fresh new day (like a fresh snowfall).  May I follow Your footprints and go willingly where You lead me.  May I not slide off into a ditch or stray and go my own way.  May I be a blessing to you in all I say and do.  Amen.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Forming of a Pearl

Our daily lives parallel with that of a PEARL.  A partical of sand enteres the clam shell--which irritates the pearl.  In like manner, someone comes across our path during the day and irritates us.  We let it bother us for the rest of the day.  It just "rubbed us the wrong way!"  We allowed it to ruin our whole day!

I had a day like that yesterday.  As I crawled into bed, I muttered this prayer to the Lord:  "I've had a BAD day!"  I no sooner spoke those words--and He HIT me!  "No, it wasn't a BAD just REACTED badly!!!"  BULLSEYE!!!  The Lord had fired a direct hit!

After I pleaded GUILTY, my Heavenly Father put His arms around me, forgave me, and dispensed a healing balm of love.

Then He reminded me to RESPOND rather than react in such situations.  Just like the PEARL, when something irritates it, it RELEASES a layer of nacre to cover and heal the wound.  He then whispered in my ear, "Every time you RESPOND according to My Word, I will cover you with another layer of My love.  So when irritations, disappointments, and unpleasant things come against you, remember--I am transforming you into a pearl of great worth!"

[Matthew 13:45]

Monday, January 7, 2013


I once read a book about what Jesus DID, but it didn't mention or quote what He had to say.  I'm told that communication is only 20% verbal; therefore, the way we ACT tells a bigger tale!

Jesus told His disciples in John 13:15 that "I have given you an EXAMPLE, that you should DO as I have done to you."  The Apostle Paul is speaking to Timothy, his protege, to "be an EXAMPLE, in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith and purity."  [I Timothy 4:12]

If we are living for Christ, our lifestyle (our daily conduct) will confirm that we are followers of Christ.  Remember the children's game, "Follow the Leader?"  We had to DO exactly what the leader did.  Well, we're not playing games anymore...and this is the REAL DEAL...we're to follow His EXAMPLE!!!

You've heard the old saying, "I'd rather SEE a sermon than hear one any day!"  People are WATCHING you today!  What will they see?  Don't let your (Heavenly) Father down...don't damage or tarnish His reputation.  SET A GOOD EXAMPLE!!!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

A little known secret!

I read this saying, by J. M. Barrie:  "The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one has to do."   This reminded me of a quote by Rev. Robert Schuller:  "Bloom where you're planted!" 

So many people are discontent in their jobs or because of unpleasant circumstances or locations.  They develop a "bad attitude" because they aren't getting "their way."  We prefer to "do our own thing" or "go our own way" rather than be "Followers of THE WAY."  Before the new believers were called "Christians," they were called "Followers of The Way." 

Paul learned to "be content" no matter where the Lord sent him or no matter what the Lord asked him to do!  He bloomed wherever he was planted.  Although he preferred to be "foot-loose-and-fancy free" on the missionfield, he willingly went bound to Rome (under "house arrest").  Although chained to guards 24/7, he continued to be faithful to his Lord and do the work he'd been called to do.

 Keep your FOCUS on the Lord...bloom wherever He "plants" you!  Be "a tree of righteousness--planted by the Lord--that He might be glorified!" [Isaiah 61:3]

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Today I'll be sitting in a Surgical Waiting Room as my husband undergoes surgery.  There's nothing that I can do except PRAY and STAY nearby....and WAIT!

Jesus asked His closest friends (His disciples) to WAIT in The Garden with Him and to PRAY for Him.  They didn't pray and they didn't stay!  They fell asleep--then ran away!

It says in Ecclesiastes 4:10 - "...woe to him who is ALONE when he falls, for he has no one to help him up."  We all need people to WAIT with PRAY for us...and to STAND by us when we fall into danger, temptation, or adversity. 

I will be close by my husband's side today.  But one of my friends will have to stay home (as she is on crutches--and it's icy out) because God's not released her to come.  Another friend is having tests done at the hospital, so she's unavailable; and another is home sick in bed; some have to work--but they all will be PRAYING for my husband.  Even Jesus couldn't go to His friend's side (Lazarus) when he was gravely ill and dying....God wouldn't release him 'til 4 days after he'd died.

What's the lesson here?  WAIT on the Lord and don't move or try to do what you want to do to help...don't go on your feelings....move as the Spirit directs you.  But DO pray and obey as the Holy Spirit directs you. 

I won't feel ALONE in that WAITING ROOM today, if no one comes, because I know God is with me and that my friends are STANDING BY in prayer.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


It's the beginning of a new year.  Have you set any goals for this year or made any new year's resolutions?  I used to make new year's resolutions, but about three decades ago I started asking the Lord (in prayer) what He wanted to work on or change within me for the coming year.

The 1st year I prayed for PATIENCE:  Oh my, I had no idea what I was in for!  My prayer must've sounded something like this:  "I want patience, Lord, and I want it NOW!"  [The Lord thought that was funny...but I wasn't laughing!]

The 2nd year I prayed for FLEXIBILITY:  I was a very organized and structured person.  I had my plans and my way of doing things.  Then my son became a teenager....and my plans changed drastically!

The 3rd year I prayed for an ATTITUDE like Joseph's...but I forgot that he was rejected by his brothers and falsely accused by his boss's wife!  Ugh...rejection and false accusations really hurt!

Finally in the 4th year I prayed for WISDOM!  Now I begin each new year asking for wisdom and direction as to what the Lord wants me to change, improve, or do in my life.

I encourage you and urge you to ASK the Lord what He wants to change or do in your life this year.  Then LISTEN to what He has to say....and DO it!!!  There's no better way to start each day!

I pray you have a blessed and life-changing year on your journey with Jesus.