Monday, September 10, 2012

It IS What It IS

Often these days I hear this phrase, "It is what it is!" it?  Is it supposed to be this way--or is there a better way?  Is it what it should be...or could be?

I don't like this phrase because it sounds like the person saying it is settling in "The Valley of Defeat."  It sounds very apathetic and it leads to a lethargic lack of passion or desire to change one's circumstances.

The other day I caught myself starting to say "it is what it is"--and that scared me!  I felt myself starting to sink down into the "Quicksand of Gloom and Doom."  So what did I do?  I started quoting Scripture:

"I can do all things through Christ Jesus, who strengthens me."  
"God shall supply all that I need..."
"Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world."
"I cast down imaginations and everything that exalts itself above my God."
[See:  Philippians 4: 13 &18; I John 4:4; II Corinthians 10:5 - paraphrased]

As I began speaking these words, my spirit began to lift.  The negative thoughts began to disperse.  Hope began to rise.

There's power in The Word, people!  It packs quite a punch!  So when the devil tries to knock you down, or knock you out, just counterpunch with a few verses of Scripture.  Replace your negative speech with positive life-giving words. 

Learn to fight Jesus style!