Here's a spiritual guide for becoming a good spouse, a good parent, a good friend, a good sibling, a good boss or employee, a good neighbor, or a good citizen. It has four parts: EDIFY, EXHORT, ENCOURAGE, and ESTEEM.
Each one of these requires ACTION! "Love is a verb...and a verb requires action!" James 1:22 tells us to "be a doer of the word--not a hearer only!" Niki's slogan would say it this way: "Just DO it!"
Let's take a look at the 1st one today: EDIFY. To edify means "to build up." It's as simple as that! But we often neglect doing it.
I Thessalonians 5:11 tells us to comfort and build one another up.
I Corinthians 8:1 tells us that knowledge puffs one up with pride whereas love edifies (builds up the other person).
Romans 15:2 tells us to please our neighbor for his good--leading to edification.
I Corinthians 14:26 tells us not to be too legalistic--it's not helpful or loving.
II Corinthians 13:10 tells us that those who have authority should use it to build up--not tear down.
Try this today--if someone's feeling "down" or is depressed, lift them up with a kind word or a sincere compliment. Put this godly principle into practice today by showing someone the love of Jesus...and both they and you will have a BLESSED DAY!
Friday, September 28, 2012
Spiritual Guide for Success
Posted by Ruth at 3:19 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 27, 2012
What am I to do today?
The Lord requires 3 things of us. You'll discover what they are in the following verse:
What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. [Micah 6:8]
This verse is a Readers' Digest version of The 10 Commandments, The Golden Rule, and The Sermon on the Mount all rolled up in 3 simple requirements: (1) Be fair; (2) Be compassionate and loving; (3) Don't be prideful.
How 'bout trying to WALK this way today?
Posted by Ruth at 3:26 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Yes, SIR!
We respond to God in one ofthree ways: Spontaneously; Inspirationally; Ritualistically [S-I-R].
Spontaneously: This kind of response is based on feelings or emotions. Peter (in his early years) was an example of this--very impulsive and reactive. Two examples: He jumped out of the boat to walk on water ...but started to think when his feelings (fear) got in the way. He ran away and denied knowing Jesus (out of fear for his life).
Inspirational: After the resurrection, Peter's heart was renewed and he became Spirit-led rather than impulsively being led by his feelings and emotions.
Ritualistic: The religious leaders of Jesus' day were very rigid, legalistic. Their religion was "set in stone" and based on good works, they worshipped "The letter of The Law" --not Jesus Christ.
The Apostle Paul writes in II Corinthians 3:1-3, "You are...written on our hearts (unconditional love)--not on tablets of stone (The Law, which is conditional love), or on hearts of flesh (based on carnal feelings/emotions)." [Paraphrased and words added.]
I John 4:4-6 shows the difference between the Spirit of Truth and the spirit of error.
Romans 8:2-3 reads: "For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could notdo in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son...He condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the fleshbut according to the Spirit." [Read through verse 17.]
How do you respond to the Lord? Ritualistically (by the Letter of the Law)...Inspired by the leading of the Holy Spirit...or Spontaneously (guessing or going by your feelings)?
Yes S-I-R! It has to be one of the three!
Posted by Ruth at 2:46 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Who Is My Neighbor?
My neighbor is the family who lives next door or across the street. It's the guy who works beside you, or your boss. It's the kids in the car pool. It could be the traffic cop or the man who has road rage and rushes by you (gesturing with his finger). IT COULD BE YOUR WORST ENEMY! Ugh...anything but that!
The Jews hated the Gentiles and the Samaritans. At best--they tolerated them. The same prejudices are prevelant yet today. Anyone who doesn't think or believe like we do, we tend to side-step, ignore, pass by, or put down.
I don't mind helping a friend, or someone I like...but an enemy--that's hard!
Often our enemies are in our own household: A rebellious child, a nagging wife, an abusive husband, or an interfering mother-in-law. Neighbor or next-of-kin, Christ tells us how to treat them. Here are four things that He requires of us: (1) Love your enemies; (2) Bless those who curse you; (3) Do good to those that hate you; (4) Pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you. [ Matthew 5:43-44]
I'm fairly good at 3 out of the 4....but do I have to love them, too? I don't have to accept or love their behavior (thank heavens)...but somehow I have to see them through Christ's eyes. I need intense spiritual eye surgery to see better! Maybe if I "see" what Christ sees in them, I will be able to learn to love them.
Often I begin a prayer with these words: "Lord, You want me to do WHAT????" Yes...I heard Him right...I gotta learn to love my enemies, too!!!
Posted by Ruth at 2:07 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 24, 2012
Put Down What You're Doing!
Are you willing to STOP what you want to do? You may be doing "a good thing," but the Lord will test you to see if you will PUT IT DOWN when He asks you to do something else. He wants us to be willing to instantly OBEY His commands.
When I was in high school, taking a 10-minute timed typing test, the teacher asked me to STOP in the middle of the test and go empty the wastepaper basket. My fingers were flying over the keys...I was typing over 105 words per minute...I was going to "ace" this test! WHY was he asking me to do such an unimportant task at that very moment? I thought he was crazy! But--I did what he asked me to do. Years later I ran into my old typing teacher and I asked him WHY. He said this, "Oh--I knew you could type, but I wanted to see if you could follow instructions and drop what you were doing to do what I asked you to do."
Just the other day, the Lord asked me to STOP what I was doing (writing my daily devotional--this blog)...and "tend to My lambs!" It was more important for me to babysit two of my grandchildren (while my son started and new job and his wife had to have surgery). My grandchildren NEEDED me more than my blog readers needed me!
Sometimes we have to "leave the 99" to care for "the 1" or two that need more tending to than our own agendas. Just remain ready and willing to hear The Shepherd's voice and obey.
[John 21:15-17]
Posted by Ruth at 3:46 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Treasures Hidden In The Sand
If you study the life of Moses, you'll soon discover that God 1st took him to the backside of the desert before leading him to the top of the mountain. It was in the dry and barren land of the desert that God called him, trained him, equipped, and gifted him to do a specific work.
Moses had "messed up" his life...he had murdered a man...then he fled (for fear of losing his life) to the desert. This was the place where his journey with the Lord began. It was here that Moses learned to offer righteous sacrifices and dig for hidden treasures in the sands of the desert. He took those treasures and buried them in his heart. Then--"out of the abundance of his heart" he began to speak! [Matthew 12:33-37] He spoke God's word to Pharaoh...then to the Israelites before leading them out of bondage, through The Red Sea, into the desert, and onto The Promised Land.
I've experienced many dry times in the Deserts of Despair, Disappointment, Discouragement, and Defeat--but they all have proved to be the best learning times of my life. I treasure these lessons, trials, and times of testing.
What am I trying to say? Simply this: God will use your PAIN and your MESS for His glory!
[Romans 8:28-29; Genesis 50:20]
Our MESSES become our ministry...
our PAIN becomes our profession
(if we'll allow God to work in and through us).
You can go from the desert floor to the mountain top...from the pit to the pinnacle, if you go with God!
Posted by Ruth at 3:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: Deuteronomy 33:6-25
Monday, September 17, 2012
It's football season once again. As I was watching Ohio State play on Saturday, the Lord began to teach me a lesson--paralleling life with a game of football. He said:
"I AM like the OWNER of the team; My Son is the COACH; the Holy Spirit is the QUARTERBACK, and you are the WIDE RECEIVER. "Watch the QUARTERBACK and the WIDE RECEIVER work together!"
First of all I saw the TEAM gather together in the huddle. There the QB called the play. The WR was to run a certain pattern, the QB would then throw him the ball, and he was to CATCH it, turn up field, and RUN towards the END ZONE.
The OPPOSING TEAM would try to tackle the WR...stop him...even hurt him; but, most of all, they wanted him to FUMBLE (drop the ball)!
Life's kinda like football. Most sit in the stands and watch, but won't get in the game. Some just sit on the bench (pew) on Sundays. Most aren't very well acquainted with the Rule Book (The Bible). A few know their assigned routes and positions and get actively involved--working and listening closely to the QB call the plays.
Life's much harder than football, but it's played in much the same manner. Where do you fit in the game of life? Are you sitting in the stands WATCHING, on the bench WAITING, or are you ACTIVELY involved? Have you read the rule book (The BIBLE), and do you know where you're positioned, what route to run, and are you committed to His Team?
Stay READY...He wants you to run and go ALL THE WAY and cross the GOAL LINE. Don't quit! If you get knocked down--get up and try again. If you fumble, hold on tighter the next time. ENDURE for the joy that is set before you...and, in the end, you'll WIN!!!
Posted by Ruth at 2:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: Hebrews 12:1-2
Friday, September 14, 2012
My husband and I used to say, "We have a PROBLEM!" But now we have learned to say, "We have an OPPORTUNITY!"
- Problem: A perplexing or difficult matter.
- Opportunity: A combination of circumstances favorable for the purpose.
Recently our son (quite suddently and unexpectedly) lost his job. He has a wife, three children, a house, and lots-and-lots of bills! Oh--this was a real PROBLEM!!! Or--was it? So I began to LOOK to the LORD for help, knowing that He is a "present help in time(s) of trouble." [Psalm 46:1]
I began to pray, "Make a way where there seems to be no way...and may he walk there in it." I kept believing...I kept asking the Lord to "show favor" on my son and "move on the hearts of the 'kings' (the bosses) to offer him a job."
I asked the Lord to "strengthen" him. [Philippians 4:13] I knew that the only way that would open the right door for him was God. "He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life!" [John 14:6] I also know that what's "impossible with men" is possible with God, for "He makes all things possible." [Matthew 19:26]
Well, a month later, the OPPORTUNITY came! A DOOR was opened...and our son walked through that door and was offered a new job. That's a miracle these days, in our struggling economy and lack of job opportunities. Most unemployed people have to wait and search for a year or so to find adequate employment. True--he will be making less money, but he got a promotion from his last job and will be working in a better environment and closer to home, etc.
Please start seeing your problems as opportunities for a better future by trusting in the Lord and traveling with him each and every day.
I read this quote once: "Sometimes opportunity comes disquised as a challenge!" (Are you up for the challenge?)
Posted by Ruth at 3:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: John 14:6
Thursday, September 13, 2012
It really grieves my spirit when I hear people say, "I guess I was just lucky!" We, as Christians, should be saing, "I'm blessed" instead!
LUCKY means "the seemingly chance happening of events which affect a person." BLESSED means "holy, sacred, divine favor."
We, without ever giving it a thought, toss the word lucky around--not realizing what we're saying. We're BLESSED to be Christians! Everything good we're given comes from the hands of our heavenly Father.
LUCK is a temporary thing that comes and goes quickly. Look at the people who've won a big jackpot or a huge lottery. Most of them become bankrupt in no time at all. Their relatives, so-called friends, and sharks come out of the woodwork to take a bite out of their winnings! The lucky winners are generally not equipped or wise enough to handle their winnings--and it all gets "blown away" like feathers in the wind.
Lucky winners often worship the "GIFT" more than they worship "The GIVER of the gift!" They fall in love with money, fame, and fortune--forgetting The Father. What a shame!
"Give credit where credit is due"...give God thanks for all the things He has done for you and given to you. Tell everyone you're BLESSED and tell them WHO blessed you.
Remember the lines from these old hymns: "BLESS God from whom all blessings flow"...and don't forget to "give Him all the glory" for all the great things He has done for you.
Posted by Ruth at 3:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: Matthew 5:1-12
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Looking at things from a different angle, I want to take a 2nd look at "It Is What It Is" (which I wrote about on 9/10/12).
While talking with a friend of mine, who'd just been to the doctor and learned that there was much more spinal deterioration since her last visit a year ago, she said to me, "Well, IT is what it is!" And she was right! The "IT" in that phrase meant her physical condition. TRUE--her spine was not going to get better. Her physical condition could not reverse itself (unless the Lord would intervene and heal her, which--of course--is possible).
Just like Paul, who had "a thorn" in his flesh--she's learning to adapt. Paul learned to "be content" in all circumstances. He rose above his circumstances by reaching up to grab hold of the resurrection power of his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He kept his focus on "things above" and didn't allow his circumstances to hold him down or hold him back. His circumstances were what they were...he couldn't change them at this stage of his life. But....he changed! He grew stronger and stronger in his spiritual life and in his relationship with the Lord. He even wrote in Philippians 3:8-11 that it was his desire to become more intimately acquainted with Jesus--even with His sufferings.
Had Paul not slowed down and been confined to "House Arrest," would he have taken the time to write the Epistles? I think not!
Paul truly was a "poured out vessel." He poured his life into people by humbly serving his Lord. (And so does my friend! She IS who she is...DOING what she's been called to do! She has a "ministry of mercy"--she is always helping others...especially those who are hurting, suffering, or impaired.)
RISE ABOVE your circumstances by
REACHING UP to Christ and
REACHING OUT to others!
Posted by Ruth at 12:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: Philippians 3:8-11/4:11
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
I've Been Robbed!
Satan comes to "ROB" us of Rhythm, Orderliness, and Balance. He rides us and whips us, like a jockey on a horse, in order to win the prize (material gain and personal fame). We start believing we have to RUN faster...DO more things...GATHER more goods!
Many Christians have added another name in front of His Name [Christ]. They should be called "CONSUMER Christians!" They're the "health-and-wealth believers!" They'd rather jog for Jesus (and pass in front of Him) than walk beside Him. They must GET AHEAD!!!
Jesus cries out to them, as they PASS HIM BY, "WAIT...wait on Me!" Therefore, they grow weary....faint...and fail to finish the race that's been set before them.
I'll be writing more about "R-O-B" in the days ahead. In the meantime, please pause to read and meditate on these Scriptures:
John 10:10 Amp. - The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).
Isaiah 40:31 - But those that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.
Posted by Ruth at 3:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: John 10:10/Isaiah 40:31
Monday, September 10, 2012
It IS What It IS
Often these days I hear this phrase, "It is what it is!" it? Is it supposed to be this way--or is there a better way? Is it what it should be...or could be?
I don't like this phrase because it sounds like the person saying it is settling in "The Valley of Defeat." It sounds very apathetic and it leads to a lethargic lack of passion or desire to change one's circumstances.
The other day I caught myself starting to say "it is what it is"--and that scared me! I felt myself starting to sink down into the "Quicksand of Gloom and Doom." So what did I do? I started quoting Scripture:
"I can do all things through Christ Jesus, who strengthens me."
"God shall supply all that I need..."
"Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world."
"I cast down imaginations and everything that exalts itself above my God."
[See: Philippians 4: 13 &18; I John 4:4; II Corinthians 10:5 - paraphrased]
As I began speaking these words, my spirit began to lift. The negative thoughts began to disperse. Hope began to rise.
There's power in The Word, people! It packs quite a punch! So when the devil tries to knock you down, or knock you out, just counterpunch with a few verses of Scripture. Replace your negative speech with positive life-giving words.
Learn to fight Jesus style!
Posted by Ruth at 3:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: II Corinthians 10:3-6
Friday, September 7, 2012
The Cut-Off Man
In baseball, or in softball, there's always a "cut-off man" that the fielder is to throw to when a base runner is heading towards scoring (rounding 3rd base and heading for homeplate). It's too long a throw for the fielder to throw the ball all the way and keep the runner from scoring.
Well, I often feel like I'm in "left field!" I'm not strong enough to throw the ball all the way, so I throw the ball to the "cut-off man" [Jesus]. He is able to "cut-off" [INTERCEPT] my weak attempt or inaccurate throw and He is strong enough and accurate enough to throw the opponent out and keep him from scoring!!! The "cut-off man" is our INTERCESSOR.
I may miss the target (when I pray)--I may "pray amiss"...but He INTERCEDES on my behalf (prays a perfect prayer) and His Father calls the opponent "OUT" (he doesn't score)...and we WIN!!!
Read: Romans 8:26 - (The Holy Spirit makes intercession for us.) Hebrews 7:25 - (Jesus lives to make intercession for us.)
Look for your "cut-off man" when you NEED help... He is a present help (He's right there with you) in time(s) of trouble. [Psalm 46:1]
Posted by Ruth at 1:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: Romans 8:26-31/Hebrews 7:25
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Stop "Gunnysacking!"
Many people are burdened down because they are going through life carrying GRUDGES. What is a grudge? It's "resentment or ill-will over some grievance."
GRUDGES are those little resentments we gather from day-to-day and hold inside (in our gut)--allowing them to nag and gnaw at us. Like carrying "little foxes" in a sack! The term for this DIS-ease is called GUNNYSACKING.
When we can't hold these grudges in any longer, we hurl them out like hot coals of lava at others. We start STONING people! We throw stones of sarcasm, we hurl verbal vomit (hurtful comments, cutting remarks, and foul language) around until we cause ir-repairable damage. We don't cause broken bones...but broken spirits, broken relationships, and broken hearts!
I've found that people who carry grudges are often those who can't handle the truth or can't accept correction or constructive criticism. They won't own-up to things they've done or hurts they've caused. They gather inside these resentments--allowing them to petrify (turn hard) until their hearts become hardened and they fall ill.
Jesus tells us to drop the stones...lay our gunnysacks of grudges down. He said, "if you are without sin, then you may cast the 1st stone." Then all who were carrying ILL-WILL, dropped their stones at Jesus' feet and walked away.
If you're carrying any GRUDGES or any RESENTMENT...lay your GUNNYSACK down at the feet of Jesus and walk away healed and whole again.
Posted by Ruth at 3:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: John 8:7
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Those Who CARE are (always) THERE
For the past few weeks I've not written a devotional. Some family crises had arisen unexpectedly. One of my friends e-mailed me to ask why I had stopped. And, just the other day another friend of mine called--wondering why she couldn't pull-up my blog. They were just what I NEEDED to lift me up--just knowing that they CARED and were concerned about me.
Ecclesiastes 4:10 says, "Woe to him who is alone when he falls...". I thanked God that I wasn't blog buddies came to my side! Those who care are (always) there!
Yes, it's true--those who really CARE about you will BE THERE for you. They will seek you out...they will encourage you...they will lift you up when you feel down.
Sometimes family just isn't enough...sometimes family isn't even there! So we NEED to develop friendships. There are some "friends that stick closer than a brother." [Proverbs 18;24]
Cherish your friendships--don't neglect them or take them for granted. And BE THERE for them to let them know you truly CARE!!!
Let me close with this poem from Mae Lawson: THE LOVE OF A FRIEND
O, for the love of a friend who can be made the sacred trustee of my heart; one who is more to me than the closest relative; one whose very name is so sacred that I want to whisper it softly; one who lingers near my door in time of distress, and stretches forth his/her hand, which is not empty or cold, and who says little, but feels largely.
Posted by Ruth at 2:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: John 15:14-16