Friday, August 17, 2012

Champions Accept Challenges

Gideon was from a small tribe....a simple farmer.  He was minding his own business--threshing out grain in a cave--when the Lord "drafted" him into His army.  Gideon was afraid, lacked faith, and  was untrained in the ways of war.  However, God kept challenging and encouraging him to STEP OUT IN FAITH.  God encouraged him by calling him "a mighty man of valor" or "a valiant warrior."

God gave Gideon step-by-step instructions to build his faith and overcome his fears.  He met Gideon where he was and led him from strength-to-strength.  In other wordsGod accepts us as we are--and gently (but firmly) invites us to grow into the person He wants us to become.  God transformed Gideon more-and-more into the mighty leader He desired him to be.

Gideon was transparent (open and honest) about his fears and lack of confidence--and repeatedly asked for confirmation along the way.  But Gideon always responded by obeying God's commands.  Therefore, Gideon led a small army and miraculously won the battle against a much bigger army.

"Little becomes MUCH when you put it in the Master's Hand!"

Gideon had only a little faith....much like a small mustard seed....but He exchanged his fears by putting his trust in the Lord's hands.  Will you?