I could write a book on FRIENDSHIP....and maybe I will some day. But for today, let me share about one nearly "perfect day" with a friend of mine:
Yesterday afternoon, I met my best friend to play a round of golf. The course was almost deserted, so we pretty much had the course all to ourselves. It was a beautiful day--no high humidity, clear skies, and a comfortable temperature.
We talked...we laughed at our silly golf swings...we praised one another when we made a good drive or a tricky putt. We encouraged each other with words of affirmation. Often we'd say to each other, "Good shot! I knew you could do it. Way to go!" And my favorite phrase that I love to hear her say to me (when I'd hit an exceptionally good shot) was, "that's the Ruthy I know!" (We've known each other for nearly 40 years.)
Yes, she KNOWS me pretty well! She knows when I'm not at my best and she knows when I am. She doesn't "put me down" when I mess up. She's by my side when I do well and doesn't leave my side when I don't. (And I'm not just talking about when we play golf!)
We simply enjoy being with one another. We can be ourselves. We relax and are so comfortable in one another's presence. We don't have to perform or entertain one another. We just enjoy one another's company--no matter what we're doing or where we're at.
We've always encouraged one another to grow and be the best we can be. We believe in one another and never put demands on one another. We've always accepted each other.
We've gone through a lot of trials and difficult times over the years, but she's always been there for me--and I for her. Our friendship has stood "the test of time."
Yes, yesterday we shared such a good time together on the golf course. All our cares evaporated and were forgotten for a few hours. It was a beautiful time! We felt so refreshed.
How much more beautiful, relaxing, and refreshing would it be if we spent a few hours each day with the Lord--fellowshipping with Him? We can experience a little bit of "heaven on earth" if we walk with Him and talk with Him. (And I felt He walked with my friend and I on that golf course yesterday.)
Saturday, August 25, 2012
What Are Friends For?
Posted by Ruth at 1:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Proverbs 18:24
Friday, August 17, 2012
Champions Accept Challenges
Gideon was from a small tribe....a simple farmer. He was minding his own business--threshing out grain in a cave--when the Lord "drafted" him into His army. Gideon was afraid, lacked faith, and was untrained in the ways of war. However, God kept challenging and encouraging him to STEP OUT IN FAITH. God encouraged him by calling him "a mighty man of valor" or "a valiant warrior."
God gave Gideon step-by-step instructions to build his faith and overcome his fears. He met Gideon where he was and led him from strength-to-strength. In other words, God accepts us as we are--and gently (but firmly) invites us to grow into the person He wants us to become. God transformed Gideon more-and-more into the mighty leader He desired him to be.
Gideon was transparent (open and honest) about his fears and lack of confidence--and repeatedly asked for confirmation along the way. But Gideon always responded by obeying God's commands. Therefore, Gideon led a small army and miraculously won the battle against a much bigger army.
"Little becomes MUCH when you put it in the Master's Hand!"
Gideon had only a little faith....much like a small mustard seed....but He exchanged his fears by putting his trust in the Lord's hands. Will you?
Posted by Ruth at 1:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: Judges Chptrs. 6-7/Psalm
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Years ago, when we'd travel, it was a common sight to see "Burma Shave Signs" posted along the roadside. There'd be 5 or 6 signs that carried a message, which usually gave us a laugh and were rather clever. We still see SIGNS on the roads today. Let's take a look at some of them:
SPEED LIMIT SIGNS - Most of us exceed the speed limit 'cause we always seem to be in such a hurry. The police usually allow us 5-miles of "grace" before ticketing us. God's grace allows us even more! There's also danger if we go too slow. Going too slow can cause accidents or cause us to miss out on opportunities.
LOAD LIMIT SIGNS - This generally applies to those who carry big loads. We're to give our burdens to the Lord....not carry or exceed the required amount.
STOP SIGNS - Many are so distracted by the cares of the world that they drive right through stop signs. They never look for the warning sign to STOP or pull over to a REST STOP.
NO PASSING SIGN - We have to "get ahead" of the guy in front of us. We can't wait...we must be 1st in line, etc.
DETOUR, DEADEND, and WRONG WAY SIGNS are posted for our protection. Yet many ignore them and continue on anyway. This results in injuries and even death.
I could go on-and-on....but I think you get the message! What SIGNS will you see today? Read them (carefully)....and heed them! In so doing, you'll arrive safely.
Remember "the JOY is in the JOURNEY" when you go with Jesus!
Posted by Ruth at 3:21 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
What Message Are You Communicating?
I've learned as much about people by listening to their tones, watching their body language, and observing their countenances as I have by listening to their words. Posture, tone, body language, and facial expressions speak LOUDLY! For example:
- My mother could simply raise an eyebrow of disapproval and I knew she was upset.
- My husband can give a loud sigh, and I know he's frustrated.
- My son can glare at me and I know he's angry.
- My other son will just shut down when he's hurt.
- My mother-in-law would start slamming things.
Our hidden thoughts often manifest themselves in our body language, our posture, and our countenances. Mark Batterson said this: "Everything we see and hear is priming our minds, emotions, spirit, and hearts in a positive or negative way."
What message are you sending? How do you look at people; how do they view you? Remember--
"ACTIONS [can] speak LOUDER than words!"
Posted by Ruth at 3:14 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 13, 2012
Don't Drop Out!
Did you watch The Olympics? Wow! There were so many great stories....some awesome winners....and several fantastic finishes!
One of the many events that really "spoke" to me was the 4 x 100 mens' semi relay race. The 1st USA runner (Manteo Mitchell) broke his leg as he was running his lap....but he didn't quit! He finished his lap and handed off the baton to the next runner. They finished 1st. It took 4 runners to complete this relay race; if one had failed to finish his lap--they all would have lost the race!
When asked what kept him going, Manteo said this: "Faith...Focus...Finish!"
Now let's transfer that example to a spiritual race: Each of us has "a lap" to run. If one of us quits or fails to finish--a whole generation will be lost! We don't carry a baton....we carry "The Light." What keeps us going? "Faith...Hope....Love."
FAITH: Faith gives way to sight. II Corinthians 5:7
HOPE: Hope turns into experience; requires perseverance. Romans 8:24-25
LOVE: God's love is eternal; it endures forever; He never gives up on us. I John 4:8
Most of the olympians competed for their country. Manteo ran for his teammates and his country. All the olympians faced a lot of adversity in order to be crowned as winners. But they "endured for the joy that was set before them." [Hebrews 12:1-2]
Will you run a lap for the Lord? Will you qualify for His team? Do you love Him enough to carry "The Light?" Don't "drop out"....
Keep the FAITH...and
FINISH the race!!!
Posted by Ruth at 2:37 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 10, 2012
The Rise & Fall of a "Goodie-2-Shoes"
Growing up I was a "Goodie-2-Shoes"....I tried to be very, very GOOD....and I was good at it! I got good grades and I did good deeds. I never got into trouble and always tried to do the right thing. BORING!!! But worse than that....I was doing it all for the WRONG reasons! I was trying to please man (my parents and my peers)! Boy--did I put a lot of pressure on myself! I tried so hard to be PERFECT.
Where did all this desire to be perfect start? I think it began when I started to see that the only time I seemed to be noticed or ACCEPTED was when I did something perfect. That's the only time I felt APPROVED and/or loved.
Religious people EXPECT you to be perfect...but righteous people (those that have a true relationship with Jesus) know you can't be perfect. I was "one of those" religious types until I fell at Jesus' feet and He lifted me up! I fell off my high tower of PRIDE and shattered into a million pieces....just like "Humpty Dumpty"... when I knew I couldn't hold it together anymore. It was there--in my brokenness--that I felt His love. I had to come to the end of my ways to enter His Way. I only knew "conditional love," but when I came face-to-face with Him, I came to know "uncondtional love." He loved me "just as I was."
It says in the Bible that "a righteous man falls 7 times, but rises again" and that "we all stumble in many ways." It wasn't until I fell over my own feet, wearing shoes that I couldn't fill, that He lifted me up. Yes--I can truly say.....
Love lifted me!!!!
Posted by Ruth at 3:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: Proverbs 24:16/James 3:2
Thursday, August 9, 2012
There are five types of RELATIONSHIPS: (1) An ACQUAINTANCE; (2) a CASUAL friend; (3) a CLOSE friend; (4) an INTIMATE friend; and (5) a COVENANT friend. (I could write a book on all these types of friends...and maybe I should...but for today I'd like to tell you about one person and how our FRIENDSHIP has grown.)
ACQUAINTANCE: I met this lady on a platform tennis court. I played with a group of gals on Sunday afternoons--and she happened to be one of the players. Then--a few years later--when we needed a sub for our Saturday 4-some, she would sometimes fill-in. (Now comes a time of transition.)
CASUAL: Maybe a year or two after that, she became a regular on our Thursday night 4-some. I got to know a little bit more about her through that experience. But I've come to know her better over this summer since I started writing this blog. She reads it and--better yet--she dialogues with me about it (from time-to-time). So, we're becoming "more intimately acquainted" with one another. [See: Philippians 3:10 Amp.]
We've dug down past the surface of our relationship and shared some personal stuff with one another. Therefore, our relationship has hit another level. And--I believe we're in transition again (at least I hope so).
Oh--we're not in the same social group, nor do we see one another other than on the platform court. However, we've slowly and steadily been developing a closer friendship.
Finding and forming a FRIENDSHIP isn't easy....it takes time, effort, and trust must be built. But it's a beautiful thing if you allow God to help you develop it!!!
Remember--"He makes everything beautiful in His time!" [See: Ecclesiastes 3:11]
Posted by Ruth at 2:37 AM 0 comments
Labels: John 15:15/Ecclesiastes 3:11
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Put First Things 1st!
What do you do 1st when you know you have a problem and need help? Do you go to a friend....call your therapist....run to momma....or what??? We're told in Matthew 6:33 to "seek God 1st!" But do we?
Solomon was not only the richest person in the Bible, but he was also the wisest! If you don't believe me...just look it up! Yet....he "blew it" BIG TIME when he took his eyes off God--and quit listening to His advice. He began to lust after women and devote his time on luxurious projects and expensive things. How STUPID is that?
Remember how a "combination lock" works? If you don't turn the 3 numbers in the correct order--it won't open! Same principle applies to how God "opens up" to you:
- Seek Him 1st
- and His righteousness (right relationship with Him)
- then all (these) things will be given unto you
[See: Matthew 6:33/James 1:5]
Posted by Ruth at 2:53 AM 0 comments
Labels: Matthew 6:33/James 1:5
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
This Is Your Life!
Remember the old TV show, "This Is Your Life?" They'd surprise some famous person...bring them on the show....have this big album with pictures from their past--along with lots of guests, friends, former school teachers, etc. to "tell" us more about this person--tell us things we didn't know about them. Some of what they "said" and "showed" about that person was funny, some was revealing, some was embarrassing. But mostly the show gave honor and recognition for all that person had contributed to society.
Some day we'll be SURPRISED when we find ourselves standing in front of God--and He will be holding that big Book (hopefully with our name written in it)--and He will say to us, "This was your life!" His "great cloud of witnesses" will be in the audience...and His big spotLIGHT will be on us! What will be revealed...what will He say about you?
I believe, when I stand before the Judgment Seat, the Lord's going to ask me this question: "Ruth, did you do what I asked you to do?" And, I'm going to have to answer it!
Often, in the Bible, God's been known to change people's names: Like Saul who He renamed "Paul" and Simon who He renamed "Peter." Well, I'm sure He's considering changing my middle name from Margaret to "Yeahbut." Why? 'Cause so often, when He's asked me to do something, I answer by saying: "YEAHBUT I'm afraid; YEAHBUT it'll hurt; YEAHBUT they won't understand; YEAHBUT can't somebody else do it?" So I'm trying to remember that whenever He asks me to do something, to do it!
I know that someday He's going to ask me: "Ruth, did you do what I asked you to do?" I keep praying that I'll be able to answer Him, "Yes, Lord... as best as I knew how...I tried!" And I hope His reply to me will be: "Well, done, good and faithful servant--you have been faithful over a few things...now you may enter...". [Paraphrased from Matthew 25:21]
What's He asking you to do? As the Niki commerial of some years back said:
"Just Do It!"
Posted by Ruth at 3:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: Hebrews 4:12; Hebrews 12:1
Friday, August 3, 2012
30-60-or 100%
Some people read the Bible, or a devotional, and get:
- 30% out of it because they soon discard it when somebody says "it's not true--don't believe that stuff!" Or they simply "skim over it" because they're in such a hurry to do something else.
- 60% out of it because they like what it says, but forget about it quickly--don't apply it to their lives.
- 100% because they believe it, understand it, have faith in it, and incorporate it into their daily living.
What kind of return are you getting out of your investment in God's Word?
Posted by Ruth at 2:25 AM 0 comments
Labels: Mark 4:1-20
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Just A Spoon Full...
I loved the movie "Mary Poppin's." One of the song's in the movie went like this: "Just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down." Nobody likes to take medicine--but if we can flavor it and make it taste better--no problem!
In like manner--if I have to be corrected, I can handle it just fine IF it's given in love--or in a caring, thoughtful manner. God corrects those He loves....parents do, too. I don't consider you a good friend if you don't care enough to alert me when I'm getting too negative, see that I'm headed for danger, or going the wrong way.
When I coached, I used to always correct a player by 1st saying something positive about them before confronting them with what they did wrong or weren't doing. The positive comment was "the sugar"....the word of correction was "the medicine." Those that were willing to take-in the word of advice--and apply it--got a lot better!!!
Don't put people DOWN....lift them UP with a kind word, a cheerful smile, and a dose of love. As it says in Proverbs 17:22 -
"A cheerful heart does good, like medicine...".
Posted by Ruth at 3:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: I Peter 5:7
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Remember the old children's game "SIMON SAYS?" Whatever SIMON said, you were to do! If the name SIMON was not said, you weren't to do it. If you did, you were eliminated from the game. The game required listening skills and following directions.
I prefer the game "JESUS SAYS." Yes, He does speak to us; and He prefers we LISTEN to His voice and FOLLOW His instructions. However, most people either don't know His voice or pay attention to what He has to say. Many people want to be "the leader" and do things their own way!
Jesus refused to "play" satan's game. He would only LISTEN for His Father's voice--and follow His instructions! When Jesus was being tempted by satan in the wilderness, He would counter each attack by saying "It is written"....and He would quote from The Law (the Bible of that day).
- Whose voice are you listening to...what instruction book are you following?
- If He called out to you today to follow Him, would you recognize His voice?
- Would you follow His handbook (The Bible)?
[Please read Matthew 13:15-17]
Posted by Ruth at 3:57 AM 0 comments
Labels: Matthew 13:15-17