Thursday, June 21, 2012

Which Way Are You Going?

Jesus said, "Follow Me."  We say, "Hurry up, Lord"--expecting Him to follow us!  We expect Him to follow our plans and do things our way instead of doing it His Way.  We get in the way...or we tell God to get out of the way.

Some follow Him part of the way, but then they trail-off and fall away.  Few seem to go all the way with Him.

My heart breaks when I see my loved ones struggling to do things their own way...under their own power.

So many bosses are dictating to their employees (in this struggling jobless economy)--"It's my way or the highway!"  So many marriage partners are threatening the same thing--"It's my way or divorce!"

What about you?  Which way are you going?  Who are you following? 

 Jesus is THE WAY...
           He is THE TRUTH...
                    He is the only ONE who won't lead you astray
                          Go with Him today!