Sacred mosaic masterpieces are made from broken hearts, fractured faith, and shattered dreams!
Pain, disappointment, and tragedy can scar and mar us as we travel down life's pathway. But, if we will walk along side Jesus--if we don't quit, continue to walk in faith, and persevere on The Road of Righteousness--our lives will be transformed into something beautiful.
My mother-in-law would gather shattered pieces of a car windshild (which she'd find at the junk yard), paint the broken pieces various colors, cement them onto a large glass goblet, paint the cement gold, stick a candle inside, and light it. The light filled the vessel--the colors GLOWED and was beautiful!
In like manner, this is what the Lord can do with our shattered, broken, fractured lives IF we will give Him all our brokenness, all our disappointments, and all of our pain.
He transformed my mess into a MINISTRY...
He can transform your pain into a PROFESSION.
He can give you "Beauty for ashes...the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise
for the spirit of heaviness."
Friday, June 29, 2012
Posted by Ruth at 3:24 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Today is my husband's birthday. I enjoy getting him just the right gift! One year I gave him a tandem bicycle. This year I got him a 2nd-hand set of PING irons, a new golf bag, and a ball retriever. (He's so spoiled!)
On Mothers' Day, many years ago, instead of a dozen roses or breakfast in bed, he bought me a new softball glove (but that's exactly what I wanted). On another Mothers' Day he surprised me with a dandelion extractor! (That wasn't what I wanted!) What a guy!
Somebody once gave me a mink jacket (expensive). I never felt comfortable in didn't "fit" me! Oh--I don't mean the size; it just wasn't me! Saul offered David his expensive, state-of-the-art armor...but David preferred to use his slingshot to slay the giant.
Gift-giving can be a joy. I particularly enjoy surprising people with gifts...not on special occasions, but just as a way to cheer them up or let them know how special they are to me.
It brings God joy to give us gifts, too. He knows what fits us best and He always know just the right gift for us. He equips us and trains us how to use what He gives us. And--He provides us with the right outfit for every season and every task.
RECEIVE His gifts...
USE them...and
THANK Him for them.
Posted by Ruth at 3:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: Romans 12:3-8
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Often I turn the TV on to watch the weather report. Most big TV weather stations have a Doppler Radar System. Doppler Radar shows you the weather conditions in your area and around the nation. Sunshine, rain, tornados, hurricanes, snow and ice storms, etc. can be spotted and tracked.
Well, the Lord has a DIVINE Radar System. Anything that comes into your sphere shows up on His radar screen. It could be good weather (sunny days), confusion (cloudy days), depression (gloomy days), angry people (thunder and lightening), overwhelming loss of a job or a loved one (tidal wave), financial distress (drought), danger (someone in distress), etc.
It's our job to WATCH the radar screen and see what's coming into our lives. We're to be WATCHMEN in God's WATCHTOWER....alert to what's happening around us and to us. How can we do this? PRAYER!!! Use these principles: W-P-L-O, which stands for WATCH what's going on around you (your circumstances); PRAY (ask Him what you're supposed to do about it; respond--don't react); LISTEN to your CEO (the Lord); OBEY His instructions.
This is how I talk to God...this is how I hear Him...this is how I know what to do. This is the Doppler Radar that I watch: W-P-L-O.
Posted by Ruth at 2:58 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
The Shepherd "left the 99" to go and search and rescue the "one" that was lost. The 99 were all huddled safely together, but the "one" needed help.
God is asking, "Who will go and rescue the ONE?" We have our "clicks" and our "in-groups," etc. But, can we venture out of our "comfort zones" to search out and assist those that have been overlooked, ignored, or forgotten?
It's easy to hang around with our friends, or set in the comfort of our homes (in front of the computer or TV). It's more fun to do our own thing. But there's more joy in doing the Jesus thing!
A few years back, there was a popular phrase--four letters: "W-W-J-D" that stood for "What Would Jesus Do?" Those four letters were stamped on a bracelet, which was to be worn as a visual reminder for us each day to try to act as Jesus would have acted and responded.
STOP today and
LOOK around!
LISTEN to the hearts of hurting people. WALK in love. Let them see Jesus in you.
Posted by Ruth at 1:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: Luke 15:4-7
Monday, June 25, 2012
Try This Today
Jesus never RUSHED or HURRIED...
Jesus stayed ON COURSE...
Jesus knew His MISSION.
He didn't do everything He wanted to do...
He didn't do everything everybody else wanted Him to do...
He only did what His Father asked Him to do.
What about you? Could you do this for a day?
Posted by Ruth at 2:56 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 22, 2012
Who Is Watching You?
Remember the old TV shows "Smile, You're On Candid Camera" and "Funniest Home Videos?" They were funny and entertaining; they made you laugh. They showed ordinary people caught on camera. One camera was hidden...the other seemed to be handy at an opportune, un-staged, spontaneous moment. Good, clean FUN!!!
Well, nowadays we have the camera phones. They can snap and record pictures of crimes (as they are happening). For example: Yesterday I saw on the news an elderly school bus lady (a monitor on the school bus) being BULLIED by middle-school students. Also, someone took a video of a man spray painting a Picasso painting.
I don't have many of these electronic gadgets--nor am I very "techy," but I am thrilled to see how technology is being used for GOOD. Technology is helping law enforcement to catch robbers, murderers, hit-and-run drivers, bullies, etc.
Isn't it amazing how something can be used for both GOOD and EVIL? Sex can be viewed on our computers and TV screens, recipes for homemade bombs are printed on line and illegal weapons can be purchased over the internet. Identity theft is on the increase as well as scams to deceive and deplete the life-time savings of innocent people.
When I was a small child, during a thunder and lightening storm, when the lightening would strike--my mother would say to me: "God's taking our picture." Then I grew up and realized God doesn't need a camera to take our picture. He SEES everything we do!
If His "eye is on the sparrow," I know He's watching you (and me)!!!
Posted by Ruth at 3:29 AM 0 comments
Labels: Matthew 10:27-31
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Which Way Are You Going?
Jesus said, "Follow Me." We say, "Hurry up, Lord"--expecting Him to follow us! We expect Him to follow our plans and do things our way instead of doing it His Way. We get in the way...or we tell God to get out of the way.
Some follow Him part of the way, but then they trail-off and fall away. Few seem to go all the way with Him.
My heart breaks when I see my loved ones struggling to do things their own way...under their own power.
So many bosses are dictating to their employees (in this struggling jobless economy)--"It's my way or the highway!" So many marriage partners are threatening the same thing--"It's my way or divorce!"
What about you? Which way are you going? Who are you following?
Jesus is THE WAY...
He is THE TRUTH...
He is the only ONE who won't lead you astray.
Go with Him today!
Posted by Ruth at 3:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: John 14:6/Mark 8:34
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
These days most folks are leery of strangers (and for good reasons). You just can't trust many people anymore. Years ago (during hard times) folks used to feed hobos and homeless people at their kitchen tables and back porches of their homes. Nowadays we're reluctant to do so--or, we're too busy to "entertain strangers," friends, or even family members!
I'm not known for being a fancy hostess. I'm more the "plain Jane" type. I'd rather serve you a simple meal--buffet style--rather than set a table with fine china and crystal. I'm more interested in creating a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere than I am about how everything looks, or is decorated. I'm more like Mary than her sister Martha. I prefer good conversation and only a few guests. Big, noisy parties are not my style. Martha was more interested in the menu whereas Mary was more interested in her guest.
Jesus said, "Where 2 or 3 are gathered together in My Name--there I am in the midst of them." [Matthew 18:20 - paraphrased] Intimacy--getting to know someone on a more personal level (rather than mere surface chatter) is what's meaningful to me.
We're wise to be careful as to how we build a relationship. First we meet a stranger. If we start to see them more often, they become an acquaintance. The next step would be a casual friendship. If I desire to see them more frequently and get to know them better, I generally set up specific times and places to meet. But if I want them to become a close friend, I usually invite them over to my house. Lastly, if I desire an intimate friendship with them--I invite them into my HEART!
Is Jesus a stranger, an acquaintance, a casual or close friend? Or, is He an intimate friend? How welcomed is He in your home...and in your heart?
Posted by Ruth at 3:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: Matthew 18:20/Luke 10:38-42
Monday, June 18, 2012
What do people SAY about you?
What do people KNOW about you?
What do people THINK about you?
To build, maintain, and keep a good reputation one must be consistent, disciplined, and of high integrity. Our WALK must match our TALK! We are respected or discredited based on WHO (whose) we are and WHAT we do. James 3:13 says, "Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him SHOW (demonstrate) by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness (not going to extremes; strength under control) of wisdom."
Some thought they knew Jesus. They knew Him only as "the son of a carpenter." But others knew Him as "the Son of God."
Is there enough evidence to convince others that you KNOW Jesus. Is there enough proof that you WALK with Him? Can others "see" Jesus in you?
People need to hear a kind word--not condemnation or criticism; they need a smile--not a frown; they need to be listened to--not ignored or passed-by; they need to be loved and respected--not hated and violated; they need a pat-on-the-back--not a slap-in-the-face, etc.
SAY something uplifting to someone today...
THINK before you speak or act...
Let others KNOW more about Jesus by your conduct and concern for them.
You may be the only "Jesus" others will ever see. Let them see Him through you!
Posted by Ruth at 3:37 AM 0 comments
Labels: Proverbs 22:1
Friday, June 15, 2012
How does one express love in words? Some ways are by speaking words that are uplifting, kind, and positive. Also they can be written in letters, notes, or through poetry.
There is another side of speech that is harmful and negative--it's called VERBAL BULLYING:
Verbal bullying is like shooting someone with rapid machine gun fire. It is a mouth loaded with deadly, acid-filled words.
VERBAL VOMIT erupts from sour souls and spills, covers, and burns much like volcanic lava burns flesh and reduces it to ashes.
"The tongue is but 6" long, yet it can kill a man 6' tall!"
A VIPER'S (snake's) TONGUE spews out poisonous venom and injects its poison into the bloodstream of its victim to paralyze, impair, and kill.
WORDS either bring LIFE...or cause DEATH! [Proverbs 18:21] Positive words can bring HEALING to one's soul. Words can kill, damage, and destroy relationships; or, enrich and grow healthy relationships.
Be careful with your words--choose them wisely. Don't "shoot your mouth off!" LISTEN to how others express themselves. Are they discharging hateful, angry words (coming out of a damaged, darkened heart); or, are they dispensing words coming from a loving heart (filled with light)?
Brighten up someone's day today! Give a word of encouragement to someone who is discouraged. A kind word will do wonders--like pouring water on a wilted flower.
Posted by Ruth at 2:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: James Chapter 3
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Don't Take The "By-Pass"
When we'd go on long trips, often we'd take a main expressway; and when we'd get near a big city, we'd have the option of going right THROUGH or take the BY-PASS around the city. The BY-PASS was longer--but we were told it was always the quickest way. However, we discovered that if you take the direct route early in the day (or other select times), you'd get through even faster.
So what am I trying to say here? Simply this: Start with God early in the day and go through your problems....don't try to BY-PASS them, DODGE them, or think you can take a shortcut around them. Don't go your own way--you'll get LOST or run into a DEAD END.
In Psalm 23:4 it says that we are to "go through The Valley of the Shadow of Death." We're not to "settle" there or "stop" there. It's just a "temporary" inconvenience. You are to PERSEVERE. FEAR will only cause you to expend more fuel--causing you to run out of power to press on. You're engine will "freeze-up" on you.....don't be one of the FROZEN CHOSEN. Just keep-on-keeping on!!! God's CALLING you to keep continuing on 'til you reach your "Promised Land" (and receive all that He's promised you). "Many have been CALLED, but only a FEW are chosen" and selected to be one of His elect! [Matthew 20:16] Remember love endures through all things.
Midway in Jesus' ministry many turned back. When He was dying on the cross, almost everyone ran away and abandoned Him. Only a FEW remained faithful to the end. Jesus didn't QUIT on us....don't QUIT on Him! As the football announcer often says (or should I say screams)--"He went ALL THE WAY!"
Don't GIVE UP on your dreams...don't QUIT 'cause you're weary or afraid. Just GO FORWARD IN FAITH--BELIEVE and RECEIVE all that He has for you.
Posted by Ruth at 3:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: Psalm 23/I John 4:18
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Whether it's a recipe, the Constitution of the United States, wedding vows, or a personal or company's Mission Statement--we need to write it down, refer to it often ( by reading it), and then put it into action (run with it)--incorporate it into your lifestyle. Habakkuk 2:2 tells us to "write the vision so those who read it can run with it." When's the last time you read any of these things?
Joshua's instructed in Joshua 1:8 to mediate on The Word day and night--observe it--do according to all that is written in it. When Jesus was confronted and tempted by the devil, He began the confrontation with the words, "It is written...!" Get the idea?
If I don't write out a grocery list for my husband, or if he just glances at it--no telling what he will come home with! Even if he reads it (but leaves the list at home), he forgets much of it. Aren't we like that with God's Word? We glance at a few verses--then either leave out or forget some of what it says (is written)--and only remember the parts we like.
Our country's forgotten what's written in our Constitution--and/or is failing to follow it (run with it). We're slipping away from what we, as a nation, once stood on. Therefore, we slidding down a slippery slope!
Christianity was formed at the foot of the cross--on a firm foundation of God's Word (The Bible). But, too many have walked away and gone astray. Many so-called Christians merely have a casual acquaintanceship with Christ rather than a deep, abiding relationship.
I urge you to read regularly and often what's written in His Word and then remember it...refer to it daily...and run with it!
Posted by Ruth at 3:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: Habakkuk 2:2/Luke 4:1-14
Monday, June 11, 2012
Keep Trying!
On Sunday afternoons my husband and I try to get a round of golf in. It's not crowded then (late afternoon); we basically have the course to ourselves. That's a good thing 'cause it allows us time and space to "PRACTICE"--try different shots and use different clubs.
We play "GCC" rules (my husband's initials)--not "PGA" rules (Professional Golf Assn.). In our rule book you can have "do-overs" (mulligans). This allows me a 2nd chance to hit a better shot. [If he wouldn't allow me this privilege, I'd have quit golf a long time ago!] He encourages me to risk trying a different shot or to use a different club. He cheers me on and praises me when I hit it right. And--most importantly--he doesn't condemn me when I mess up (he's learning patience). Isn't the Lord a lot like that?
Jesus sent His disciples out 2 x 2 to do what He'd taught them to do. And, boy, did they MESS UP! But what was His response? He critiqued their mistakes, gave them as many private lessons as they needed, and sent them back out to try it again-and-again.
When I began playing golf ('round the age of 65), I shot a 72 (on 9 holes--not 18). Now I'm starting to break into the mid 40's for 9 holes and under a 100 for 18 holes (and I'm nearly 71 years old). Now I wish I'd learned to play golf when I was much younger. It just goes to prove, though, that you can "teach an old dog new tricks!" However, I'm improving! I'm getting better! Why? Because my partner (and coach) believes in me; he tells me I can do it; he encourages me. Why else? 'Cause I keep trying!!!
Our faith is like that, too. We only fail if we fail to try! That's all the Lord asks of ENDURE, PERSEVERE and FINISH the COURSE! And remember to WALK with Jesus all the way!
Posted by Ruth at 3:17 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 8, 2012
Need some "R-&-R?"
The best way to relieve stress is to rest and relax (unwind). I unwind (and relieve stress) best by playing sports. I love to run and hit a ball--this is very "freeing" to me. Often times I know I need to do something physical in order to feel better mentally and emotionally. I can forget all my problems, the demands people put on me, or the things I have to do when I'm playing tennis or ping-pong. (Golf, however, sometimes stresses me out!)
Some people relax and unwind by reading, knitting, woodworking, gardening, playing cards, etc. I bet Jesus even unwound by having water fights in the Jordan River with His discipes--dunking them and splashing water on them--or simply skipping stones.
"All work and no play" is not good! There needs to be a BALANCE between rest, work, and recreation. We're a 3-part being: Spirit, soul, and body. We need to attend to each part in order to stay healthy and strong. You can become "so spiritually-minded that you're no earthly good" or so focused on the physical that your soul and spirit suffer deficiencies.
Jesus had His feet on the ground, but His head in heaven. By that I mean He walked, talked, and interacted with people here on earth--but kept in constant communication (and a right relationship) with His Heavenly Father.
Even the Son of God needed times of "R-&-R!" But, He always knew when it was time to get back to His Father's business! [Luke 2:49]
Don't let "the thief" R-O-B YOU....rob you of: Rhythm; Orderliness; Balance. Live an abundantly full and balanced life in Christ!
Posted by Ruth at 3:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: John 10:10
Thursday, June 7, 2012
What Do You Need In A Storm?
I'll tell you 1st what you don't need....FEAR! We can't avoid storms--we all will encounter storms in our lives. So how do we overcome our fear of storms? Keep your focus on Jesus--just as Peter did when he walked on the water in the midst of a horrific storm. Have FAITH that He will supply you with whatever you have need of during the storm IF you listen to His instructions, trust, and obey--He will show you the way through the storm.
Look for the LIGHTHOUSE when you're in a storm. (He is our lighthouse.) Grab onto an ANCHOR when you start to drift. (He is our anchor.) If you're not moving, you need a WIND to blow against your sail. (He is the wind.)
He is HERE...right now....He will never leave you....just call on Him in time of trouble. But don't stop there! Talk to Him each day, walk with Him, abide with Him. Do this--and you'll be abundantly blessed.
He will supply all that you will ever NEED if you will seek Him 1st. Just reach out... grab ahold of His Hand....believe in Him...have FAITH in Him--and FEAR NOT...He will carry you safely through life's storms.
Posted by Ruth at 3:35 AM 0 comments
Labels: Philippians 4:19/ Matthew 6:33
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Walk with Me
Puppies are so cute and cuddly! But--they make lots of messes....they poop and wet, chew and whine, tug and pull on a leash when you try to walk with them. They have to be TRAINED! The dog's master is responsible for the training (or seeing to it that a dog trainer is involved). However, some dogs never get trained. No one cares enough to take the time or make such a costly investment.
I love to walk with my dog every morning (usually at sunrise). Some days he walks right beside me (without any tension on the leash). Other days his nose gets him in trouble (he's part beagle and collie). He tugs and pulls so hard that he nearly chokes himself---wanting to go his own way--being lurred away to chase after a bunny or follow the scent of another 4-legged creature. Yet--when he obeys my leading--we both walk effortlessly along.
Why do I choose to lead him and not let him loose? 'Cause he will get into trouble, he might run into traffic and get killed or injured; he might get lost or kidnapped; or starve, etc. But if he stays with me, he will be safe, have a good home, plenty to eat, a nice bed, and well taken care of and loved.
Don't we act like a puppy or like my dog? We want to go OUR OWN WAY....we PULL AWAY and DISOBEY unless we are trained in the way that we should go. [Proverbs 22:6/Hebrews 12:11]
I love to walk with my dog by my side, at the break of day. In like manner, I love to walk in the light of His Word, by His side. I pray I don't tug or pull, but that I will simply submit to His leading along the way.
Posted by Ruth at 3:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: Ephesians 4:2 and 5:8-11
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
There's an interesting story in the Bible about two brothers. The younger one rebelled, took what he could from the father, and left home to waste it all on wine, women, and who knows what else! What a BAD BOY was he!!! The older brother, however, remained home and took care of his duties and responsibilities--always obeying his father. What a GOOD BOY he was!!!
The younger son soon ran out of money--became homeless and the only job this Jewish boy could find was to work for a pig farmer! He finally realized it'd be better for him to return home, ask his father's forgiveness, and hope he could at least reside there and work as a servant for his father.
What a surprise when he returned! His father rejoiced, wrapped his arms around him, threw him a big party, placed a ring on his finger and a robe on his back. BUT, the older brother REFUSED to FORGIVE his brother or accept him back into the household.
I don't believe we can truly LOVE if we can't truly FORGIVE. Love doesn't excuse or ignore sin. It doesn't accept bad behavior. However, LOVE loves the sinner. In "The Lord's Prayer" we are to ask, "forgive us our trespasses (sins) as we forgive those who trespass against us."
Once the younger son repented and asked forgiveness, he and his father restored their broken relationship and reconnected. But the elder son refused to forgive or enter in to a relationship with his father or his brother.
So many go to church faithfully--and try to follow all the rules--but they are nothing more than modern-day Pharisees! They obey The Law, participate in the rituals, give their $$$ to charities, and do countless "good deeds" daily. Yet--they never "enter into" a personal relationship with The Father. The one who really LOST (in the end) was the elder brother. He, too, needed to repent for his sin of unforgiveness and enter in to a right relationship with his father and his brother.
Where are you today? Are you lost...have you gone astray? If so, turn around and go the right way back to The Father and let Him wrap His arms around you. Just receive His love and forgiveness.
Posted by Ruth at 3:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: Luke 15:11-32/Matthew 6:12
Monday, June 4, 2012
Tennis was my game! I went to state and regional tournaments on several occasions and played on several different teams. I could run after a ball and hit it with a fair degree of accuracy--no problem! BUT trying to hit a golf ball that's standing still--with accuracy--is entirely another matter! I've only been playing golf for about 5 years. Oh--I improve each year....but I'll never be more than a "hacker!"
I prefer to play SCRAMBLES ("Best Ball"). That way I have some "help" along the way. On my ladies league my partner hits her "irons" better than I do (shots closer to the green) whereas I am better at driving and putting the ball. Working together we manage to have a better score.
Jesus sent His disciples out two-by-two and we're told that "two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor, for if they fall, one will lift up his companion" in The Book of Ecclesiastes. Makes sense to me!
We NEED one another! Even The Lone Ranger had Tonto! And a "3-cord" is better yet! In other words--include the Lord in everything you do. So start your day by seeking instructions and wisdom from God before you go to work or do anything else. You'll have a better day.....and it'll even improve your golf score!
Posted by Ruth at 3:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Friday, June 1, 2012
Jeremiah was sinking into a deep depression. He started to BLAME God for his emotional and physical distress and discomfort. He felt trapped and weighted down. He was sinking spiritually. He was feeding his FEARS rather than his FAITH! And know this--"What you feed grows!" His fears were flooding his mind and he was drowning in discouragement and the devil's lies. {See: Lamentations 3:1-9]
Then, in verses 21-24, he shifted his attention--he ALTERED his thoughts--remembering GOD'S PROMISES: (1) The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; (2) His mercies never come to an end; (3) They are new every morning; (4) Great is Thy faithfulness; (5) The Lord is my portion.
In verse 25 he came to the realization that "the Lord is good to those who WAIT for Him." God was making some ALTERATIONS in Jeremiah. But Jeremiah had to "stand still" while God was doing this work in Him.
What's the bottom line? WAIT on the Lord to make the necessary ALTERATIONS. Where you once fit into the worn garment of DIScouragement, He will ALTER it -- and you'll be ENcouraged as to the way it fits.
Posted by Ruth at 3:07 AM 0 comments
Labels: Lamentations 3:1-24/Isaiah 40:31