"K-I-S-S" stands for "Keep It Simple, Sister (or Saint)!" I believe the Lord is urging us to SIMPLIFY our lifestyles! We've become a "spoiled generation!" Could this be why we're beginning to see "a FAMINE in the land?" Is God "downsizing" us? Have we been careless (we could care less) about not sharing with others some of what we have; therefore, we've WASTED so much? Have we been poor stewards (managers) of our goods and our money?
Let's ask God to reveal to us what's causing all this downsizing, falling economy, and crop failure in our land. Let's ask the Lord to EXAMINE our HEARTS....just as David did in His day.
The Israelites, in Moses' day, also became "spoiled." They wanted MORE (than the manna that the Lord provided daily)....they wanted THEIR way rather than follow GOD's way! Too much of anything spoils!!!
How much is ENOUGH? How much do we really WANT? Or--how much do we really NEED?
How GRATEFUL are we for what we've already been given? Let us worship "the Giver of the Gifts"....not the gifts!!!!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Posted by Ruth at 4:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 30, 2012
What kind of "A.D.D." do you have? There are 3 types.
The most well-known type is known as an "Attention Deficeit Disorder." People with this "disorder" jump from one thing to another; can't hold their concentration; are often out-of-control, etc. They are hard to tame and are untrained (like a wild horse). Very impulsive and they do not realize how it impacts/affects those around them.
I've been watching the Olympics. These athletes have a different kind of "A.D.D.". They have a double portion of "A.D.D." Ability and (the right kind of) Attitude; Determination and Discipline; Dedication and Desire. They compete and represent their country. They're passionate about hoaning their skills and being the best that they can be....not only for their personal gain, but to inspire others to set goals and be high achievers.
The 3rd kind of "A.D.D." They have all the qualities of the 2nd group + a spiritual component: They represent Christ and are playing for the Kingdom of God. They want to win for Christ and be on His team. They are "light bearers" and carry the torch.
Most of us are "couch potatoes" or "weekend warriors" when it comes to athletics. Same regarding our faith. Get up...get determined....discipline your mind and body DAILY so you'll be ready to "run your race."
Posted by Ruth at 4:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: I Corinthains 9:24-27, Psalm 119:105
Friday, July 27, 2012
What do you do with leftovers, scraps, and broken things? Whatever you do--DON'T DISCARD THEM!!! Let me give you some examples:
- My sister-in-law saves and collects small scraps of cloth--all of different sizes, shapes, textures, and colors. Then she sews them together and makes a beautiful QUILT.
- My husband says that I'm "The Queen of Leftovers!" I've made-up some pretty darn good casseroles out of leftovers! It is such a waste to throw away good food. But the way the economy is going these days, it's becoming a necessity to become more thrifty and creative with our food choices.
- Expensive mirrors were being shipped across the ocean; the ship wrecked and the mirrors were shattered. But just when they were about to sweep up the broken pieces and toss them into the trash--some bright person (with a creative mind) saw that they could be glued together to make a beautiful mosaic wall hanging. When the sun shone on the glass, it sparkled and displayed a whole array of various colors.
The Lord places value on the leftovers. He sees a use for them. No matter how BIG or how small--He saw value and a use for it. When a huge crowd of over 5,000 came to Him and were hungry, He fed them by accepting a little boy's lunch (consisting of 2 loaves of bread and 5 fish), which was probably the family's picnic basket) and fed 5,000+! After lunch, He even had the disciples pick up the leftovers--12 baskets. Can you believe that?
We're told to "think green" (and recycle)....but I say that Our Redeemer started the trend a long time ago!
People--we'll HAVE ENOUGH if we GIVE what we have to Jesus and ask Him to "recycle" or "multiply" it. And He will "transform" it, "reshape" it and/or make "something beautiful "out of it. He gives us "beauty for ashes!".
Posted by Ruth at 3:25 AM 0 comments
Labels: John 6:1-14; Isaiah 61:2-4
Thursday, July 26, 2012
What Are You Saying?
We enrolled our son in a Christian school when he was in the 3rd grade. One of the things that was quite different from public school was that the children were required to memorize 5 scripture verses each week. Well, he could memorize the verses very quickly....but I wondered if he understood what they meant.
My husband and I were in the middle of an argument one day--and our son casually walked in between us saying: "Do all things without murmuring and disputing," which was taken from Philippians 2:14. Point proven....he could interpret and understand scripture! Point taken...it stopped our argument! We just started laughing!
Negative speech is often accompanied by a lot of grumbling, complaining, and murmuring. These forms of communication can cause a lot of discouragement, depression, and disputing.
LISTEN! Is your day clouded over with critical comments, oppressive opinions, or negative conversation coming from those you come in contact with; and what words are coming out of your mouth?
Just a simple kind word of encouragement can really lift someone up who is feeling down. Give an UPLIFTING word to those you stop and meet with today--and I know your day will go better!
Posted by Ruth at 1:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: Philippians 2:14
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Spiritual Desperados
DESPERATE means "having a great need." Desperate people do desperate things! Let me give you a few examples from the Bible:
(1) Mary "crashed the party"...she was an uninvited guest at "The Banquet at Bethany." She sneaks in and runs to Jesus--weeping, falls to her knees, breaks an Alabaster jar of expensive oil, and begins pouring it on Jesus' feet and head--using her hair as a towel. How brave was that? She desperately wanted to express her love for Him.
(2) Zacchaeus, a well-known tax collector, who was short in stature, climbed a tree just to see Jesus. He dropped his money pouch, went off duty during work hours, and took a l-o-n-g lunch hour with Jesus. He was desperately hoping to change his life.
(3) Four friends were found guilty of "breaking- and- entering" when they tore through a roof and lowered their friend to the floor--facing Jesus (who was conducting a church service). They were desperate because their friend was very sick.
(4) A widow woman (without any relatives to help her) kept persistently pestering a judge, and was repeatedly "out-of-order" in the courtroom--desperate for the judge to hear her plea.
All of the above operated out of HOLY DESPERATION! They rebelled against religious protocol and defied political correctness.
Their needs were miraculously met when they moved out in FAITH. Let's quit playing it safe....let's become SPIRITUAL DESPERADOS!!!
Posted by Ruth at 3:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: James 2:17-20
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
3 Strikes and You're OUT!
It's baseball season again. Soon I'll be going to see a Mud Hen game, along with some friends of mine. I used to play and coach softball, so I understand the game very well. But, for today, let's take a look at batting:
Three strikes....and you're out! But even in baseball, you get a 2nd chance...a 3rd chance...and more to get a hit during the game. [And there are many more games to play along the way.]
Peter didn't know how to play the game of baseball, but he learned how to play the game of life!
- 3 times he DENIED Jesus....and STRUCK OUT!
- 3 times in The Garden, Jesus asked Peter (James and John) to stay awake and PRAY...but they all STRUCK OUT and fell asleep!
- 3 times he was asked by Jesus, "Peter, do you love Me?" , but on the 3rd try--he finally scored a HOMERUN!!!
I used to coach my players not to look at their hit or gloat over it....but to run as fast as they could to 1st base--looking straight at the 1st base coach. He would signal you if you were to stop at 1st base, or continue on. Our 1st base coach is Jesus; and by the time you're rounding 2nd base, you see Him standing by 3rd base--signalling you to hold up at 3rd--or go for homeplate.
Baseball is a team sport! You have others on your team; each has a specific position to play; all must pay attention to the coach. Being a believer (on Jesus' team) works much the same way.
So let me ask you a few questions:
- What's your "batting average" these days?
- Whose team are you playing for?
- Are you: A regular player?
- Are you on the injured list or the inactive list?
- Are you just setting on the bench?
- Are you just an observer of the game--setting in the stands?
- Or--worst of all--have you been thrown out of the game?
Posted by Ruth at 3:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: John 21:15-17
Monday, July 23, 2012
Private Secretary to Personal Scribe!
For some 25 years, I was a secretary. I worked for "doctors, lawyers," and even an "indian chief!" (My husband was an Indian Chief in Indian Guides, which was much like the Boy Scouts.) I was a Legal secretary, a Medical secretary, a Private secretary, and I finished my business career as an Executive Secretary for the Headmaster of a Christian School.
It was a common practice for me to be called each morning into my employer's private office to take dictation. He would dictate a letter--I'd write down what he said--then I'd transcribe it. I'm so old that when I was a secretary, there were no computers, tape machines, or the like. My boss would SPEAK directly to me....I'd write it down in shorthand (which is unheard of these days)....and I'd transcribe it by typing it up on my IBM electric typewriter. (I'm not so old that I had to write it down on stone tablets, however!)
Sometimes my boss would have me draft a letter or a document. Then I'd take it to him to look over, make corrections, etc. before I would type up the final copy. Then he'd sign it or approve it and return it to me to distribute (mail) it.
In the middle of a contract year, in the middle of typing a letter--the Lord "called" me to work for Him. (He called me into the ministry.) Promotions followed as well. Presently I have the honor of being His scribe. He tells me what to write...and I transcribe what He's told me to write. Often He corrects it before I'm allowed to distribute it. But we work together. I serve Him--He has the final say 'cause He's the boss! In "the natural," I was a secretary. In "the spiritual," I'm His scribe! Cool, huh!
God gives us talents and gifts to use. He equips us for the work He wants us to do. It doesn't matter if you're a homemaker, a stay-at-home dad, have a professional career, or are called into the ministry. What matters is that you serve Him by using your gifts and talents.
What do you do best? Whatever it is--give God your best! Watch and see how He will use you and promote you. And remember this, "do everything for His glory!"
Posted by Ruth at 3:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: Proverbs 18:16
Friday, July 20, 2012
We've all heard about "the dynamic duo," Batman and Robin, but how many of you are familiar with "the terrific trio" from the Old Testament? They're on God's "Triple A Team." Moses (who was Adopted by Egyptian royalty); Joseph (who was falsely Accused by Potiphar's wife and sent to prison); and Daniel (who was Abducted and sent to a foreign land).
All of them were forced out of their COMFORT ZONES. but they all Adjusted, Adapted, and Altered their living arrangements, but not their lifestyles. They all remained faithful and steadfast to the One True God.
Most of us have heard Robert Schuller's quote, "Flowers bloom where they're planted." Well, I have a similar quote, "Flowers grow in manure!" Not a very pretty picture, is it, but it's true! Life often stinks...life can be very unfair. But remember this--it's not what happens to us that is most important--it's how we RESPOND or REACT to what's happening to us!!!
Do we let things "get us down"...make us angry or depressed, become bitter or better...do we become more negative and nasty--or more positive and loving? Remember the old song, "Love Lifted Me?" Knowing that He loves me, promises to meet my every need, protects and provides for me, and will never leave me or forsake me is enough to LIFT me up when I feel, or am, cast down.
COMFORT ZONES can become dangerous places for our spiritual health. We become too soft, lukewarm, or lethargic if we're not challenged to grow and exercise our faith. Our faith has to be tried and tested (much like tempered steel or refined gold).
My prayer today is--
May the Lord's love
LIFT us up today...
May He carry us in His arms
And hold us close to His heart.
Posted by Ruth at 3:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: Psalm 42:5
Thursday, July 19, 2012
In Season...or Out of Season!
Christianity is "OUT of SEASON" in our country these days; it's not stylish or "in vogue" to stand up for your faith or walk around declaring that you believe in Jesus. In our culture these days cults are more popular.
Churches, priests, pastors, and parishioners, or those who carry (or are seen with) a Bible instead of a designer purse or a businessman's briefcase, are not flowing in "the mainstream of society."
TV and the media are taking "pot-shots" at Christians on a regular basis. Talk shows and news shows are slinging sarcastic stones and poking fun at Christians more-and-more regularly. Vampires, ghosts, and demons are exalted while The Lord (and His Son, Jesus Christ) are being made fun of and "put-down."
However, we (who are called by His name) are to stand up and stand out for Christ! We're to talk about Him, share about Him, and act like Him--"IN SEASON--or, OUT OF SEASON," as it says in II Timothy 4:2-5.
The world's growing darker because fewer believers are turning up the LIGHT! The flame of their faith is flickering due to fear or neglect. We're to let our light be seen (in our lifestyles) . We're to share the gospel --share from our hearts, for "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks." [Matthew 12:34; Luke 6:45]
Remember the little children's song, "This Little Light of Mine?" Remember to "let it shine"--"all around the neighborhood"--just reflect His love!
Posted by Ruth at 3:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: II Timothy 4:2-5
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
I used to live on a deadend street, which led down to a ravine and wooded area. There was a wooden barricade erected to indicate that this was a DEAD END. However, every couple of years a drunk would drive down our street, crash into the barricade, and tumble down the hill--unable to go any further. Somehow these accident victims were "misguided" by wrong information that our street was "the way" to get where they wanted to go.
God erects/places barricades and dead-end SIGNS to protect us from danger and to show us we can't go any further this way. He warns us ahead by posting signs that tell us: Sharp curves ahead; Falling rocks; Slippery or icy, etc.
Yes, there are so many SIGNS for us to look for and pay attention to...yet we WONDER why we should follow them or obey them.
God's DIVINE DETOURS may take longer, but if we want to arrive safely at our destination, it's imperative that we alter our plans and follow His instructions.
Look for His SIGNS today. You may WONDER why they're there; but--nonetheless--I urge you to pay close attention to them. Just trust "The One" (and only God) who put them there!
Posted by Ruth at 1:25 AM 0 comments
Labels: Psalm 37:23/Hebrews 5:8
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Most people have (and faithfully use) a daily planner or pocket calendar of some kind. A calendar--with our daily duties and appointments written on it helps us sight-see what we need to accomplish or attend to each day. However, most people fail to PRAY over their daily planner...and that's a BIG mistake!!!
I read this quote years ago, but it always stuck with me: "If you begin your day with prayer, you're less likely to unravel!" I found it to be very true....it really works!
I strongly urge you to leave time and room for unexpected [DIVINE] interruptions (which--I guarantee you--will turn into DIVINE appointments).
Don't "bind" yourself to your schedule--"bend" your schedule to "blend" with His (God's)!!! Be willing to be flexible--able to adjust and alter your plans. Don't say to the Lord, "I'm tied-up today, Lord! I'm not available!" If you remain flexible to His guidance, He will TURN your appointments into DIVINE appointments!
Jeremiah 29:11 says this: "For I know the plans I have for you...plans to prosper you and not to harm you...plans to give you hope and a future....[12]...call upon Me and come and PRAY to Me, and I will listen to you. [13]...Seek Me and (you will) find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.
Okay--let's look at your Daily Planner this morning. What appointments does He want you to pay close attention to? What appointments does He want to pencil in or delete? ASK Him! PRAY! Now you 're ready for the day!
Posted by Ruth at 3:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: Jeremiah 29:11
Monday, July 16, 2012
Take a "Time Out!"
My grandson loved the movie "Cars." One of the famous lines from the movie was, "I have a need for speed!" That sums up most of our society today.
- We crave, desire, and lust after speed!
- We jump in our cars and race down our neighborhood street--in a hurry to get to work, or get to the mall, etc.
- We "speed read" through a devotional or a scripture verse and deceive ourselves into believing that we're ready and prepared to face the world.
- We pop pills to pep us up; or drink energy drinks to keep us functioning at top speeds. (But then we can't wind-down and sleep peacefully at night.)
Many Americans are "addicted" to too much activity! Always busy...always doing rather than BEING STILL or quiet--taking TIME OUT to reflect, meditate, ponder, dream, or simply REST.
Psalm 46:10 tells us to "Be still and know that I AM God!"
When our children get too "wound-up," we give them a TIME OUT. When they're not "listening" to us, we send them to TIME OUT. Are we, as adults, in need of a TIME OUT?
The Lord once spoke this to my heart: "Slow down to go faster!" Remember the children's fable, "The Tortoise and the Hare?" It's the same principle!
Take TIME OUT to be still--to rest and reflect--to re-align your priorities--and refuel your spirit.
Have a GREAT day...and smell the roses along the way!
Posted by Ruth at 2:46 AM 0 comments
Labels: Psalm 46:10
Friday, July 13, 2012
My Hope Chest
In my bedroom I have an old Hope Chest that was my mother's. In it I collect/store GIFTS. Like a squirrel who gathers and stores nuts in the winter--I gather all sorts of things throughout the year, such as: Books, baskets of soap and lotion, stationery, coffee mugs, gloves, frames that hold inspirational sayings, etc. Then--as the Lord lays someone on my heart, or I think of someone who is feeling down, I surprise them with a card containing a note of encouragement along with one of these little gifts. Just a simple word of kindness as a small token of my love and appreciation of who they are and what they mean to me.
These gifts aren't valuable or lasting, but I pray the little "love notes" are worth much to them and that the words will be stored in their hearts and give them hope to keep-on-keeping-on.
Proverbs 25:11 says this: "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver." I pray you will be the recipient of a kind and uplifting word today. May it be a timely word that will be delivered and deposited into your heart.
May it lift your spirit.
May you value it--and value the one who
delivered/spoke it to you.
Have a blessed day....and bless somebody's day with a word of affimation and appreciation.
Posted by Ruth at 3:56 AM 0 comments
Labels: Proverbs 25:11
Thursday, July 12, 2012
The Map That Leads to Miracles
Every MIRACLE is precipitated by a firm STEP of FAITH. (If you want God to move, you must 1st take a step of faith.)
Remember the old movie "Field of Dreams?" First the farmer believed he had to build a baseball field in the middle of a corn field in Iowa (of all places). He'd heard "a word" (I believe from God); then he had to ACT on it! Faith requires action.
- Noah was instructed to build an Ark before the rain started and the floods came. (It had never rained on earth prior to this time.)
- The 3 men in the fiery furnace had to have enough faith in God to walk into the fire--not knowing if God would save them or not.
- The little shepherd boy, David, was told by God to kill the mighty warrior, Goliath, in a time of war.
- During a severe drought (famine in the land), a widow woman with a small son was instructed to bake her last loaf of bread and feed it to her house guest.
PRAY that God will give you
The PLAN to
PRODUCE the miracle....
Then...STEP OUT in FAITH to complete it!!!
Posted by Ruth at 3:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: James 1:22/2:17
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
For a couple decades I coached a variety of church basketballteams. We won several championships with the girls' teams, but one of my favorite teams were the "Mini Bantams." The team ranged in ages from 7 to 9. Actually, the league was supposed to be 8 to 10 year olds, but we didn't have enough players to fill the roster, so we had to drop the age limit down to 7.
We were given "hand-me-down" jerseys, which hung down to some of the players' knees. (What a "rag-tag" looking team were we!) We looked like little Davids trying to wear Saul's armor--going into battle to challenge the giant team of Goliaths!
The boys never won a game...BUT I couldn't have been more proud of them! Why? Because they had BIG HEARTS. In my eyes they were WINNERS! They gave it their ALL!
All I ever asked them to do was try to do their best and try to improve. Each week they got better. Each boy's skill level increased as the season progressed. Each one gave it their all. They ENDURED...they PERSEVERED...they played as a TEAM. No "hot-shots"...no "ball-hogs." They followed the rules, they never quit or complained, they listened to instructions.
Many years later I learned about how some of them had become successful in business, had achieved many awards, were outstanding citizens, and--more importantly--continued in their Christian faith. The boys taught me how to play the game and how to stay in the game even when it [appeared] we were losers.
- Don't give up! Give all that you have to God.
- In due season you'll receive the winner's crown.
- Daily compete with yourself by trying to become more Christ-like.
- Be a player on His team and you'll be a winner.
You can't change the whole world--
but you can allow Christ to change YOU!
Posted by Ruth at 3:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: I Corinthians 9:24-27
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Why Me, Lord?
As I've been writing about for the past few days--last week's funnel cloud attacked our neighborhood and tore up dozens of trees and damaged several homes. Our home was not damaged.
I began to wonder why ours was left untouched and others were hit. Was it because we were better? NO! Was it because we were lucky? NO! Was it because we were blessed by God's grace and mercy? YES! Why not me....why them, Lord? I only know that God sometimes "allows" bad things to happen to good people...and vice-versa.
Job was a very good, just (righteous) man--full of faith--yet, he lost everything quite suddenly (in a single day) when a fierce storm unexpectedly tore through his life. His home, his children, his livestock--all was destroyed.....except for his nagging, negative wife!
Later Job was struck with a terrible affliction. His close friends gathered 'round to comfort and advise him. They sat by his side for several days. They JUDGED him, gave him wrong advice and counsel, and--frankly--they didn't understand!!!
"Why was this happening to me?"I'm sure this was Job's question to God. God ALLOWED the devil to TEST Job's FAITH. Faith has to be tested! God even gave permission for the devil to test His Son.
Can you pass the test? Would you stand up for your faith as did Daniel (in the lions' den) or the 3 men who were cast into the fiery furnace?
We've all heard it said: "God doesn't give us more than we can handle!" WRONG!!! I believe that "God does give us more than we can handle"...but IF we walk with Him through the fiery trials (set ablaze by the devil), and hold onto our FAITH--we'll make it through to receive a BLESSING on the other side!
Posted by Ruth at 3:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: Matthew 5:45
Monday, July 9, 2012
A few days ago a fierce funnel cloud whirled through our Senior Village. Many trees were uprooted and damaged.
This morning, as I walked the dog around our neighborhood, I observed how quickly the leaves on the fallen branches were drying out. The branches are dying because they've been separated from the tree.
I then was reminded of a few years ago--following a storm--at harvest time, we went apple picking at MacQueen's Orchard. As we walked in among the trees, we noticed several branches had been torn from the trees and were laying on the ground. The leaves had dried up and the fruit was decaying on the branches. The broken branches could no longer bear fruit. So sad!
When we separate from "The Tree of Life"--we, too, become dry and cease to bear good fruit. Read what it says in John 15:4-5--
Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.
Verse 16 goes on to say: You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father, in my name He may give you.
Stay CONNECTED, my friends!
Posted by Ruth at 3:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: John 15:1-8
Friday, July 6, 2012
The Kingdom's Light & Power Service
Suddenly--without any warning--a funnel cloud tore through our neighborhood yesterday afternoon. Over half of the trees in the complex were uprooted or broken to pieces; siding, deck furniture, tool sheds, shingles, etc. were blown asunder. The houses on each side of ours suffered a good deal of damage. But...praise the Lord...our house was not damaged (except for a small, fiberglass shed). And, more importantly, NO ONE was injured.
This event reminded me of the biblical passage about "the house that was built on THE ROCK" that withstood the storms. [Matthew 7:24-27]
I'd been praying protection for our home (and the homes of our loved ones) ever since the terrific wildfires and severe rains/storms all around the country have been broadcast on the news these past several weeks. I believe God heard (and answered) my prayers--as He provided protection from this fierce funnel cloud. I just wonder IF I hadn't prayed, what would've happened. (Prayer is better insurance than STATE FARM!)
Oh--we were without electricity for about 10 hours, but thousands around the city are still without power. Our POWER SOURCE is more powerful and dependable than Toledo Edison's! Our LIGHT & POWER comes from The City of our King (Jesus)!
PLUG into His energy resources, people. And remember: THE WAY YOU PRAY TODAY DETERMINES YOUR TOMORROWS!!!
Posted by Ruth at 3:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: Matthew 7:24-27
Thursday, July 5, 2012
First thing this morning, I went to the kitchen sink and turned on the faucet to get some water. So easy--no effort! Years ago, however, kitchen sinks had hand pumps in which to draw water from their outside wells. It took some effort to get some running water: 1st you had to "prime the pump." This was done by pouring a CUP of water into the pump. Next you had to start pumping until the water would come up from the well. This took some effort.
Jesus met a woman at a local well. He was hot, tired (from a long walk), and thirsty--so, He asked her for a CUP of cool water. She had to draw some from the well. This, too, took some action on her part. In return, He offered her something better than a well full of water from a manmade well...He offered her LIVING WATER. The woman then went running into the city to offer a CUP of this LIVING WATER to whomsoever would accept it...taste it...and drink from this CUP.
First thing in the morning, I make a CUP of coffee and grab my Bible. Then I set in my recliner and read from His Word, meditate, and pray. This is my breakfast! Many start their day with a cup of coffee--but few begin their day with "The Bread of Life."
Don't skip breakfast with the Lord! Break bread with Him and drink from His "Well of Living Water." That'll FILL you and sustain you throughout the day.
Posted by Ruth at 2:33 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Deadly Limelight Disease
Limelight-disease spreads quickly to those who follow after and worship those in the limelight. It's highly contageous and can be very deadly.
I watch the TODAY show; and on Fridays they feature some rock star or country star. Crowds gather days ahead and camp out on the concrete city streets--in the cold, the rain, and the heat. They work themselves up to a "fever pitch" when their star (whom they worship) steps forth to sing a few songs and hip-hop dance. Recently Justin Bieber performed. The crowd of thousands, crammed on the streets (some for 4 days), waited to worship him. I called it "Bieber Fever!" I JUST DON'T GET IT!!!
Yet, when another star--a football player named TEBOW, quietly "takes a knee" on the sidelines of a football field, many boo, sneer-and-geer, and put-him-down for worshipping his God. I JUST DON'T GET IT!!!
Those who worship stars in the limelight instead of the ONE who is THE LIGHT (of the world) are "in the dark!" God said we're to have "no other gods before Him." IDOL worshippers are rising to epidemic numbers in our society and around the world--causing spiritual decay, disease, and death. Millions are blinded and led into darkness. Cults, demonic activities, hunger for horror films and filthy flesh flicks abound all over the land.
The only way to SAVE our land...the only way to SAVE our children is this: II Chronicles 7:14.
- We need more Tebows, people! Men and women who will "take a knee" and PRAY!
- We need those who will worship THE LIGHT...
- We need those who will walk in THE LIGHT...
- We need those who will shine THE LIGHT in a dark world.
Posted by Ruth at 4:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: II Chronicles 7:14
Monday, July 2, 2012
Many folks have more FAITH in the LOTTERY than they do in the LORD!!! Did you know that more people bought lottery tickets last year than went to church? Here's an example of what that looks like: If you stretched pennies, head-to-head, from Chicago--they'd reach all the way to California. There's nothing wrong with $$$....what's wrong is if you love and desire $$$ more than the Lord!
I Timothy 6:10 - For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
If you want to gamble, and use it as entertainment or a game, GO FOR IT! But only spend what you're willing to lose. It's a GAME....it's not supposed to be an ADDICTION!!! If you can't do it "in moderation"....and if you can't afford it....DON'T DO IT!!!!
Keep your PRIORITIES in the right order: Matthew 6:33 - (1) Seek 1st the kingdom of God and His righteousness, (2) and (then) all these things (like $$$) shall be added to you. [Paraphrased and words added]
Toledo's Hollywood Casino is bringing in a lot of $$$....but what's it costing us? Wait and see!!!
Posted by Ruth at 3:38 AM 0 comments