Don't play THE BLAME GAME!!!
BLAME never attracts--it always detracts from one's APPEARANCE.
BLAME never brings together or compliments--it always causes a SEPARATION.
BLAME never repairs--it impairs...causing rips & tears; it causes one to come apart at the seams.
BLAME only sees the speck of lint on her sister's GARMENT--but never the huge grease spot on her own!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Posted by Ruth at 3:21 AM 0 comments
Labels: Luke 6:42; Matthew 7:5
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Smoldering Fires
Smoldering fires only need to be slightly stirred to burst into flames. If left unattended to, or not put out, they can burst into a raging fire--capable of destroying everything in its path (families, forests, etc.).
Anger management classes aren't enough! Just gathering head knowledge won't do it. Only a heart change will! You may learn enough to "manage" (tame) your anger, but if you truly don't remove the root system that is "feeding" the anger, the angry beast will attack, injure, mame, or kill you--and anyone in its path!
You may be able to train yourself (much like an animal trainer trains his lions), to submit and behave--but if the cat....or threatened, offended, or injured--the painful pussycat will pounce, attack, and devour anyone in its path....including you (its trainer)!
Another way to describe anger and its affects is: Anger is like an acid--it destroys flesh! I see it eating away at flesh. When someone says "that just burns me up," they're not kidding! Anger and wrath BURN and destroy flesh!
Your Word tells us not to "let the sun go down upon our wrath." It must be dealt with and eliminated quickly. Douse it with His "Living Water!" [Jeremiah 2:13/17:13; John 4:10-11/7:38]
Satan plays with fire! Don't play with fire, my friend! Allow the Lord to supply you with an unending supply of "Living Water"... and cool off!!!
Posted by Ruth at 3:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: Ephesians 4:26-27
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Yesterday was the hottest day ever recorded in Toledo during the month of May (106 degrees). Everyone was encouraged to drink a lot of water. Dehydration is a very dangerous thing. It can cause dizziness, disorientation, fainting, or even death.
Marathon runners often receive cups or bottles of water from by-standers along the route. Everyone knows the runners won't be able to finish their race if they become too dehydrated. They will fall short of the finish line.
Even Jesus was becoming dehydrated after walking a long ways on a dusty road. He paused at a well at high noon (the brightest and hottest time of the day) and asked for a drink of water from a woman of the night. She was an outcast in the city--shunned and shamed for her sins. She drew some water from the well--and He received it from her. In return, He told her He could give her "living water" from a well that would never run dry.
Our relationship with the Lord should be like was of GIVE-&-TAKE: We give Him our sins in exchange for life (eternal life). SUCH A DEAL!!! Who could pass that by? But many do! The Priest passed by...the Levite passed by...only the Samaritan (shunned by the religious) offered to help the one who had fallen on the side of the road. [Luke 10:30-37]
Jesus says that if we do something for the least of them--you've done it unto Me. In other words, when we give a cup of cool water to someone who is thirsty, or feed the hungry, or visit those in prison or the sick, etc.--we've done it for Him. That's the DEAL!!!
People are hurting! Many are unemployed...many have lost their homes....many have no medical insurance...many have no one to help them. Jesus wants us to care enough to help where we can. We're to GIVE where we can; and, in so doing, the Lord will supply our every need. In other words--we need to: SUBTRACT in order to MULTIPLY!!!
Remember the little lad who gave his lunch to Jesus (and He multiplied it to feed over 5,000)? Remember the little widow lady who emptied her jar of flour and cruz of oil for the Lord's prophet?
(She never ran out of food during the famine.)
We may be in a recession....or a great time of depression, but if we continue to give what we have to SERVE the Lord--He will MULTIPLY it...He will SUPPLY all our NEEDS.
Posted by Ruth at 3:20 AM 0 comments
Labels: Matthew 25:31-46
Friday, May 25, 2012
Ships that have been "LOST at Sea" are found sometimes centuries later by deep sea divers in search of "buried treasure." They dive deep in hopes of discovering broken pieces of pottery, old coins, and other artifacts of great worth (even though they're marred and broken).
Everybody "ohhhs-and-ahhhs" when they see these long, lost treasures that have been rescued and reclaimed from the bottom of the ocean--left and lost for such a long time. NOW they've been found!
I'm reminded of the parable that Jesus told about "The Lost Sheep." The Shepherd leaves the 99 sheep to search for the one that was lost.
Most of us are like dumb sheep! We prefer to stay behind with the herd...huddled together...eating, drinking, and being merry! We eat of His Word, drink from the Shepherd's well of (living) water, and prefer to be merry and content. But only a few of us are willing to go out onto the hills, into the dark valleys to search for the one who is lost; the one who has fallen; the one who is sick or injured!
Many hear the cry for help. Many hear the Good Shepherd calling and compelling us to join His "Search and Rescue Team." But few are willing to enlist--few volunteer. Sad, but true--many are called, but few choose to respond to His call.
Posted by Ruth at 2:56 AM 0 comments
Labels: Luke 15:4-7
Thursday, May 24, 2012
The Lord can fix a broken heart. He can re-start a heart that has quit beating. He can exchange a damaged, defective heart and replace it with a new heart. I've seen it happen--right before my eyes. My husband is "living proof" of just such a miracle!
Several years ago, my husband had a heart attack...and he died! But--after everyone had given up on him--God intervened--He performed a (spiritual) heart transplant and gave him a NEW HEART--then He breathed life back into him.
In the years since, I've "seen" a different man. Oh--he's older, walks slower, has had knee replacements, wears hearing aids, etc.--BUT he has a NEW HEART!!!
He has a deeper love for God..."a heart after God." He serves the Lord with gladness and doesn't take life for granted anymore. His nose is daily in the Bible--researching Scriptures--seeking after God with a sincerity and a passion to serve Him (and people).
His OLD heart wore out and failed him; but his NEW (spiritual) heart is functioning fine!
HOW'S YOUR HEART??? Have you had a check-up lately? Will you allow the Lord to EXAMINE your heart? Go to Him today and let Him give you a thorough examination.
Below is a RX to follow to keep your heart healthy. Take these gos-PILLS daily as needed:
Psalm 4:7/26:2/100:2; Ephesians 6:5/I Samuel 16:7
Posted by Ruth at 2:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: Psalm 51
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
What Do You Have To Say?
"Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks," so the Bible says. What's your heart full of? Is it gratitude...or a bad attitude?
As a chaplain, my primary skill is to LISTEN to people talk. If I just listen for an hour to somebody talk, I can pretty much tell you what's in their heart; what's most important to them; what they value or believe in; or whom they care most about.
Those who are merely "acquaintances" of the Lord tend to talk mostly about themselves. Their conversations generally center on SELF. SELF wants to be "the center of attention." It's "all about themSELVES"...SELF wants to "sit on the throne" and have the Lord be servant and subject to their demands and requests. Disguised as PRAYER, they order God to do this-or-that; or--they demand that He bless them with this-or-that!
They ROB themselves of a right relationship with the Lord. Satan has deceived them to believe they have "the right" to all their requests and demands! However, "satan comes to rob, kill, steal, and destroy---but God has come to give us a more ABUNDANT LIFE!" [Paraphrased from John 10:10]. Anyone who puts SELF 1st receives counterfeit goods....made of "wood, hay, and stubble" rather" than "gold, silver, and precious stones" [I Corinthians 2:8-17]
If you have an "Attitude of Gratitude," you'll surely have PLENTY...your life with OVERFLOW with'll have an ABUNDANT life!
Posted by Ruth at 3:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: Matthew 12:34
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Choose Your Attitude
We have a choice--each and every day--regarding our attitude. We can't control everything that happens to us; however, we can control how we react or respond towards people and pressures that come into our lives. We can either choose joy or sadness....gloom or gladness. We can either have an attitude of pessimism or optimism.
Most of us take a mega-vitamin daily. In addition to that--we need to take a spiritual vitamin every day--one that contains mega doses of joy and gladness so we can overcome gloom and sadness. This will help protect us from becoming infected by others who are "carriers" of contagious dis-eases!
"The disciples were GLAD when they saw the Lord" because He "put GLADNESS in their hearts (and ours, too)." Therefore, we are able to "serve Him with GLADNESS." John 20:20/Psalm 4:7 and Psalm 100:2 - paraphrased and capitals added]
Oh--and before you go out--remember to put on some "SONscreen"--(the "Oil of Joy"...which is much better than "The Oil of Olay") to keep you from getting "burned!" And cover yourself with "The Garment of Praise" to protect yourself from those negative nats that circle about you!
Posted by Ruth at 2:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: John 20:20/Psalm 4:7; 100:2
Monday, May 21, 2012
There was an old TV show called "Mission Impossible." The team was given an impossible mission to accomplish, but somehow they managed to complete it. In reality, some things are impossible for us to accomplish on our own....BUT "with God ALL things are possible!" Should you choose to accept this mission--He will show you the way to accomplish it.
In Habakkuk 2:2 we're told to "write the vision (also another name for a Mission Statement) so those that read it can run with it." Moses' Mission Statement can be found in Exodus 3:16-17; John the Baptist's Mission Statement is found in Luke 1:14-17; the church's Mission Statement is found in Matthew 28:19. In fact, all those great men and women who were "called" by God had a personal Mission Statement to follow.
What's your personal Mission Statement? Are you focusing on how you want to live your life, on what you want to accomplish; does it list your values, contain action steps, and include your dreams? Do you have a PLAN for your life? Do you have a road to travel on...a destination you want to reach, etc.?
Remember the cartoon FAMILY CIRCUS? Often it would show a little boy walking home from school (or from somewhere else)...but he wandered all over the place...pausing here, stopping there, being delayed, and not paying attention to the time or where he was going. It was cute, but it he had no real plan....he just wandered around and dilly-dallied--sometimes getting lost along the way.
People, if we ever want to reach our "Promised Land," we've got to have a PLAN; then we must follow the plan! Dr. Victor Frankl (a Holocause survivor) said "We detect, rather than invent, our missions in life." Don't try to do it YOUR WAY! Do it HIS WAY! Why? Because His Way IS THE BEST WAY! In John 14:6 He says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
Do you have a personal Mission Statement? You'll find yours (just as I found mine) in His Guide Book --The Bible. (I found mine in Isaiah 58:6-12.)
Once you are given your Mission Statement, write it it....and run with it! Don't stray from it, but GO (with Him) ALL THE WAY !
Posted by Ruth at 3:53 AM 0 comments
Labels: Matthew 19:26/Habakkuk 2:2
Friday, May 18, 2012
Cover me, Lord, with Your Presence!
There's a line from an old song that goes like this: "You've got to accentuate the POSITIVE...eliminate the NEGATIVE...and don't mess with MR. IN BETWEEN!" Well, I had to learn that lesson the hard way!
Many years ago (in my early 30's), I spoke at an Ohio state convention for The American Association of Teachers. Evaluations were handed out after each speaker spoke and copies were given to the speaker. I started to read my evals, and one of the first ones I read was very critical in one area. It read--"You should dress better!" (This particular eval came from a lady who wore designer suits and was quite well-to-do.) Her comments threw me for a loop...her condemning words stopped me in my tracks! She JUDGED the "outer wrapper" rather than the contents!
After reading her eval, I felt like a complete failure; I became dejected, discouraged, and quite depressed. I shut down! However, a few weeks later I crawled out of my dark corner and had built up enough courage to read the rest of the evals. And they were all POSITIVE!!!
We are so prone to look at the "outer appearance"...what a person looks like rather than who they are! We look at credentials and titles rather than if they are honest, integral, loyal, etc. We are more impressed with how much stuff they have (property and portfolios) rather than seeing the value of the person themselves. (Note: The people chose Saul to be King because of his appearance whereas God chose David to be King because of what was in his heart!)
The POSITIVE in my life is Christ (who always lifts me up); the NEGATIVE in my life is the devil (who always puts me down); and MR. IN BETWEEN is my flesh (my human nature, which always wants to find fault)! So remember this:
and don't mess with MR. IN BETWEEN!!!
Posted by Ruth at 3:29 AM 0 comments
Labels: John 10:10
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Caught In the Middle
Have you ever been caught in the middle of a divorce...caught in the middle of a huge debt you couldn't pay...caught inbetween a job change (unemployed), etc.? You couldn't go back to "the way it was" and you can't seem to go're stuck--in limbo--and struggling. You feel desperate and as though you are sinking! Well, this happened to Jesus' disciples, too.
The disciples had been commanded by Jesus to get in the boat and "cross over to the other side." About halfway across, a fierce storm arose. Now several in the boat were experienced fishermen; however, they'd never seen a storm like this! Furthermore, they didn't expect this could happen to them 'cause Jesus was on their side! Afterall--Jesus had told them to get in the boat and row to the other side. All they did was TRUST Him and OBEY Him. Now what?
Now--they were fearfully floundering around in the turbulent water like fish caught in a net. They couldn't believe this was happening to THEM (of all people)! Why--they were Jesus' CHOSEN disciples....His best friends! Now they were just THE FROZEN CHOSEN....paralyzed by FEAR!
Suddenly Jesus appears to them--walking on the water--and calls out to them, "Take courage, I AM here!" Jesus is not just "a fair weather friend." He's there through all our storms, trials, and tribuations; in the darkest of nights; He is our friend who sticks closer than a brother. After all....He is the great "I AM!"
Peter finally gets it...and calls out to Jesus. He asks to come to Him and permission is granted. Peter walks on water for a moment. But he loses FOCUS--he takes his eyes off Jesus...he hears the roar of the sea...he feels the waves splash on his face...he swallows some sea water...and he becomes scared and starts to SINK!
Then Jesus stretches out His hand and they walk together back to the boat. He stretches out His hand once again--and He calms the storm.
Take His hand....He will lead you safely to the other side....He will calm the storm....He will give you peace. Just CALL on Him in times of trouble--and take His hand!
Posted by Ruth at 3:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: Matthew 14:22-33
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Fan...Follower...or Friend?
Jesus called His disciples His FRIENDS! A true friend is one who walks with you, talks with you, listens to you, believes in you, and stands by you through thick-and-thin. In like manner, if we want to be called Jesus' friend, our priority is to 1st love Him; 2ndly--to love one another, and 3rd--our pathway (our walk in life) is to love as He loved us.
Many Christians today call Christ their friend--yet they are only acquainted with Him....mere fans and followers....but not friends! Oh--they've read His Book (the Bible) and listened to some of His teachings, and heard about His miracles, but they only follow at a distance. They come-and-go as they please. Seeking a thrill...only "fair-weather friends" at best. Acquaintances and fans following the excitment--seeking a "free pass" to heaven, or an "instant healing" for what ails them. They only know about some of the highlights about Him, but they don't intimately KNOW Him!
Those acquainted with Christ float on the surface of His heart whereas friends of Christ dive deep down into the depths and discover the hidden treasures of His heart. "Deep calls unto deep!" [Psalm 2:7] Only those who hear Him CALL...only those that KNOW His voice...only the ones who SEEK to SERVE Him will truly come to KNOW Him and become His intimate and close FRIENDS.
Let our determined purpose be to KNOW Him--to become more progressively and deeply in love with Him. There's an old chorus that says:
"The greatest thing in all my life is KNOWING Him;
the greatest thing in all my life is LOVING Him;
the greatest thing in all my life is SERVING Him."
If we put these things 1st in our lives--He will, indeed, call us His Friend!
Posted by Ruth at 3:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: John 15:14-15
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Delayed obedience is nothing more than PROCRASTINATION! When we delay doing what we know we're to do, we delay receiving a blessing. We're given a task to do, but we "put it off"...wanting to do it when we want to do it--not when we're asked to do it. Folks, this is a form of passive-aggressiveness!
We miss out on divine appointments, opportunities, and blessings when we DELAY responding to His Word. Atrophy begins to set in; we develop a poor work ethic; our promises carry little weight--most are forgotten, broken, or stored away for another day.
God told Adam and Eve to "tend The Garden." That meant to maintain it; to continue to do good work. When we DELAY doing what we need to do (or what we've promised to do), the work piles up like a traffic jam on the expressway. Everything comes to a stand still!
Procrastination is a form of pollution that can poison God's people. Once affected by this dis-ease, we start to stumble and fall. I Peter 2:8 says, "they stumble being disobedient to The Word to which they were appointed." Again in Titus 3:3 we're told that we're "foolish, disobedient, deceived--serving lusts and pleasures...".
Remember this--"Delay causes Decay!"
Posted by Ruth at 3:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: I Peter 2:8/Titus 3:3
Monday, May 14, 2012
Family Lines & Fault Lines
Found in family lines are generational patterns that can be traced back to the 3rd and 4th generation. They are formed from learned behaviors. And if they're not discovered and dealt with--the family's foundation can crack and crumble. It is imperative to our spiritual well-being to dig beneath the surface of our lives and identify our "spiritual fault lines."
Remember the song from SOUTH PACIFIC that went something like this: "You've got to be taught to hate and fear...year after've got to be carefully taught!" That's LEARNED BEHAVIOR!!!
Spiritual fault lines cause "life-quakes!" Two siblings "draw the line"--daring the other not to "cross the line!" One steps over and drops a BOLDER of BLAME on his brother...and the whole earth shakes, quakes, and splits--forming a FAULT LINE!
Fault lines form when behavioral, emotional, and personality traits consistently erupt in displays of negative (sinful) energy.
So how do we patch-up the cracks? How can we avoid the breaking and quaking? One way is found in Philippians 4:8-9--
"...whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy--meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me [Paul], these do, and the God of peace will be with you."
The Apostle Paul followed Christ's example--and Christ sealed (closed-up) his "fault line"--making him whole again.
And know this: Only the God of peace can hold (bond) you together and keep you from falling to pieces!
Posted by Ruth at 2:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: Philippians 4:8-9
Friday, May 11, 2012
Follow His Recipe
My husband loves my tunafish salad recipe--and he decided to make it. It's a summer salad that contains a bunch of stuff--like macaroni, sweet pickles, eggs, olives, sweet peppers, onions, celery, Miracle Whip, etc. It contained so much stuff that he neglected to add the main ingredient--TUNA!
The MAIN INGREDIENT in our recipe for THE BREAD of LIFE is the Lord! Don't leave Him out! Seek Him 1st--then add the other things. [Matthew 6:33] The recipe can be found in Psalm 37:3-5, which is as follows:
TRUST: Follow His instructions and you'll have GOOD results;
DELIGHT in what you're doing and you'll be able to FEED on FAITHFULNESS;
COMMIT to the Lord. Many today think that commitment is a jail sentence! But commitment means something different with the Lord--He sees it as a COVENANT relationship--lasting for all eternity (as it never gets stale). He will "never leave you!" [Hebrews 13:5] And, remember, you "can do nothing" without Him! [John 15:5]
Eat THE BREAD OF LIFE daily until you become full and satisfied. [Matthew 6:11] Jesus is THE BREAD OF LIFE. [John 6:48] "Taste, and see, that it is good!" [Psalm 34:8-10]
Posted by Ruth at 4:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: Psalm 37:3-5
Thursday, May 10, 2012
The TOWER OF BABEL was the tallest structure (built by man) on the earth in its day. What motivated its building? FEAR!!! It was erected on a FOUNDATION of FEAR (following THE GREAT FLOOD of Noah's era). The people built this TOWER for the wrong reasons and with the wrong materials (pride and a desire for power)--leaving God out of their plans. Their priorities were OUT-OF-ORDER; they put themselves 1st! Therefore, their tower fell...and GREAT WAS ITS FALL!
In our day there was another symbol of success that was erected. In fact there were two SILOS OF SUCCESS--we called them THE TWIN TOWERS. They, too, were built by man--built to house man's riches (IRA'S, mutual funds, portfolios, 401K's, stocks and bonds, etc.). They, too, fell...and GREAT WAS THE FALL!
I know not why THE TWIN TOWERS were attacked by terrorists. For I know that "the rain falls on the just and the unjust." But, I know that if we build on a firm spiritual foundation (THE ROCK), we will not be defeated. However, we must not build leaving Christ out (our Cornerstone). [Matthew 21:42/I Peter 2:6]
We cannot put our faith or our trust in material things...nor can our motivation be to accumulate wealth (GREED), which leads to arrogance (PRIDE). Our motivation should be to serve God 1st (as His stewards); our priorities should be to "be fruitful" (successful) and "multiply" (share with others some of our surplus/excess).
God's Word tells us in I Timothy 6:17-19, "Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. Let them do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share, storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life."
Let us build on that which will last throughout eternity!
Posted by Ruth at 3:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: Matthew 7:24-27/Genesis 1:28
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Teeter-Totter Training
Let me paraphrase I Corinthians 13:11 - "When I was a child, I spoke like a child...I understood as a child...I thought as a child...and I acted as a child. But, when I grew up, I PUT AWAY childish things."
When I was a kid, we used to play on teeter-totters. (Kids today don't know what I'm talking about!) It was fun to keep the other kid dangling and hanging up high--unable to get down. We also loved to drop 'em down hard--letting them crash to the ground. But, being able to keep perfectly balanced with the other kid was a real challenge.
The grown-up (Christian) version of that game differs a great deal from the child's version. When you mature in your faith: You will speak words that will lift up people--not put them down. You will understand how to play by Jesus' rules. You'll think good things about others. You'll act kindly and be gentle--showing mercy and grace. Also, you will put away criticisms and condemnation. Lastly, you'll play fair and try to lead a balanced life.
So when I feel or hear myself starting to get NEGATIVE and getting down on myself or putting others down--I can spring back up and lift them up with a POSITIVE word of affirmation.
Life has its UP's and DOWN's...just be aware and play fair! And, remember, Christ lifts up the humble, but puts down the proud.
Posted by Ruth at 3:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: I Corinthians 13:11
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
There I Go--Thinking Again!
You may have seen it on TV, read it in "Playboy Magazine," or gone to an X-rated movie--but, nonetheless, it's tempted you to SIN!
"Sin is not in the's in the BITE!" 1st--the eye "sees" it; 2nd--the mind "stores" it in its memory bank; 3rd--you start to "desire" it; 4th--you put those thoughts into "action"; then it becomes SIN!
Our "battles" always begin in our thoughts (our minds). Jesus' greatest battle was not on the was in The Garden! That's where He mentally and emotionally was His will wrestling with His flesh. His flesh didn't want to hang out to dry--nailed on a cross. The battle was so severe and intense that He sweat drops of blood. Satan was tempting Him to sin against His Father.
Sometimes, however, temptation comes in a more subtle setting. In another garden (The Garden of Eden), satan seduces Eve, who seduces Adam, to commit sin by disobeying God's one and only command--"do not eat from The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil." She saw the tree...she desired its fruit...she picked it, bit into it, then offered it to Adam. They both knew better!
After they bit into the sweet, delicious fruit--it suddenly turned sour! Sin has a bitter taste...maybe not in the 1st bite, but--after a while--it sickens your system. So what's the antidote for this (spiritual) sickness?
- Go and tell "The Great Physician" (God) = CONFESS your sin!
- He will give you something to purge your system = FORGIVENESS.
- In the future, resist the temptation.
- You can dump me in a bathtub full of booze...
- You can throw me in a haystack of tobacco...and neither will tempt me; but--
- Take me into a bakery, and--I CAN'T RESIST!!!
Okay! I confess! I had a couple of cookies for breakfast....but they were OATMEAL (and oatmeal's good for you--right?).
Posted by Ruth at 3:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: James 1:12-15
Monday, May 7, 2012
Flawed Flower Pots
We were in a garden shop the other day; and, I was looking around at all the flowers they had placed around the store. The flowers were displayed in simple clay pots. The flowers were beautiful, but the clay pots had many flaws--cracks, chips, and were marred. They reminded me of a verse from II Corinthians 4:7 - "...we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us."
Yes--we're "flawed"--just like the clay pots--yet, when we accept Jesus Christ, we contain something beautiful (Christ is alive within us...and is growing)! We come filled with dust--dirty from sin--yet out of us comes such beauty.
How do we grow more of Christ within us; how do we grow more of Christ for others to see? I believe one way is to work into the soil of our hearts a daily application of CONFESSION and PRAYER. [See: James 5:16] If applied consistently and correctly, it will keep bugs and dis-ease away.
We're to draw people's attention to the beautiful flower within us...not to us, the flawed pot!
And remember this: "Flowers grow in manure!" It may not be a pretty saying, but it's the truth! Life gets pretty dirty and messy--but you can beautify your world by allowing others to see Christ in you. And, what's more, you'll be a sweet-smelling aroma to offer to a stinky world.
BLOOM....BLOSSOM...and BEAR FRUIT (fruit that will remain)! [See: John 15:16]
Posted by Ruth at 4:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: James 5:16/John 15:16
Friday, May 4, 2012
The Lord's Latte
The "in-thing" to drink these days are coffee lattes. Well, the Lord likes them, too! Here's His favoirite, which consists of: A cup of kindness; add a good measure of faith; and, top it off with a dash of laughter.
We've all read that "the JOY of the Lord is our strength" in The Book of Nehemiah. We all need some JOY JUICE every day. It's better than vitamins! And it is essential that we drink at least one liter of LAUGHTER a day to keep our hearts healthy. [Proverbs 17:22]
I have a plaque hanging on my kitchen wall, and another over the doorway in my bedroom, that reads: LIVE...LAUGH...LOVE. They're there to remind me every day to LIVE LAUGH often and outloud...and to LOVE unconditionally.
I bet Jesus started water fights in The Jordan River to cool off on a hot day. I'm sure Jesus got silly sometimes during His "Sermon on the Mount" just to ease the seriousness of His message.
I know He loved to laugh, play around, and have fun, too.
Some people have COMMON SENSE....some seem to have NO SENSE...but what we all need is a good SENSE of HUMOR. After all--God has a good sense of humor....He made us (and I'm sure we make Him laugh a lot over some of the senseless things we say and do)!
Laughter relieves stress. Laughter never started a war. Laughter comes in an unlimited supply--free and available to ALL. So, today, and every day, make someone laugh...and have a good laugh yourself. Know this: "God loves a cheerful giver"--so give a cup of good cheer to someone who needs a good laugh today. And remember--
LIVE (life passionately)...
LAUGH (often and outloud)...
LOVE (unconditionally)!
Posted by Ruth at 3:39 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Follow His Footsteps
Most of us are familiar with the story FOOTPRINTS (in the sand), but I want to tell you a story about FOOTSTEPS (in the snow).
When our son was little (maybe 2 or 3 or 4), I saw him following behind his father, who was walking in the snow. The snow must've been knee-high for my husband (but hip-high for my son), to make it easier for our son to follow him, he shortened his steps and slowed down his pace. That made it easier for our son to follow in his father's footsteps. And father was setting a good EXAMPLE for his son to follow. He led him and kept his eye on him--both walking close together.
In like manner, we are our Father's children...and we are to follow Him. He keeps His eye on us and we're to stay focused on Him....following in His footsteps....following His EXAMPLE.
Remember--some may only be able to "see Jesus" through your EXAMPLE! So beware--they're watching you...and some might follow your lead. Therefore, BE A GOOD (CHRIST-LIKE) EXAMPLE!!!
Read the following EXAMPLES in Scripture:
I Peter 2:21 - Christ's example.
II Thessalonians 3:9 - Be an example yourself.
I Timothy 4:12 - Paul was Timothy's example (his spiritual father and mentor); Timothy was an
example to others.
Jude 7 - Two cities who set bad examples.
Posted by Ruth at 2:23 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
What Are You Investing In?
There was a RICH FARMER who had so much grain that he had to build BIGGER barns to hold it all (or should I say "hoard" it all)!!! In other words--he didn't share with anyone...he kept it ALL for himself!
His SIN was not being rich....his sin was that he didn't include God in his decision-making re: his riches (investments)! His error was in asking the wrong question. He asked, "What shall I do?" He should have asked, "What do You [God] want me to do?"
Jesus had warned in Luke 12:15 -- "Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses." Later, the farmer spoke this to Jesus: I will say to my soul, SOUL, you have many goods laid up for many years; take your ease, eat, drink, and be merry." But the Lord replied to him: Fool! This night your soul will be required of you, then whose will those things be which you have provided? So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not RICH TOWARD GOD." [vs. 19-21] That night the farmer fell DEAD! He woke up bankrupt (in hell)! And great was his fall!
There are many HOLLYWOOD HOARDERS and BEVERLY HILLS' residents who will all fall from fame and fortune....finding themselves BANKRUPT of faith. Oh--not only in Hollywood or Beverly Hills....but all over America--who will find themselves filthy rich, but spiritually poor!
Many celebrities have six or seven mansions all over the map; they make millions on their movies, and live luxurious lives. Some (praise God) give to the poor and invest in worthy projects to help those in need. But too many--withhold from the poorer while they become richer.
Many in political and high government positions have robbed from the poor and given themselves great paychecks. There was a man in Jesus' day who worked for the government--he was a tax collector named Zacchaeus. After meeting with Jesus for lunch, he did a complete turn-around. He gave half of all he possessed to the poor and restored fourfold what he had taken under false pretenses. He was a CHANGED MAN!
What's in the HEART of the investor is what counts, for "where your heart is, so lays your treasure!" [Paraphrased from Matthew 6:21]
Is your heart filled with faith and love for the Lord.... or is it filled with the love of worldly goods?
Posted by Ruth at 3:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: Luke 12:15-21/19:1-10
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Damaged goods--merchandise that's been "marred" due to too much use, misuse (not used for its original purpose), or abused (carelessness...."I-could-care-less" kind of people)--has now been tossed aside, devalued, and tucked away in an attic.
It was once a fine piece of pottery--but it was passed down from one generation to the next. The 2nd generation passed it over to the 3rd generation; they passed it by--not realizing its value. Now, a 4th generation family member found it stored away in a dark corner of the attic and recognized its worth.
This family member took it to the only place where it could be restored--"The Potter's House." The Master Potter knew exactly what he wanted to do: He made it again....he made it into another vessel.
It was once A VESSEL of DISHONOR--used to collect garbage (hate, fear, unforgiveness, pride, unbelief, jealousy, greed, etc.)....but now he redesigned it/re-created it to be filled with fruit ("Fruit of the Spirit," which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control). He transformed it into A VESSEL of HONOR.
The Lord, of course, is "The Master Potter," and we are His "vessels." What kind of a vessel do you want to be? The choice is yours! You just have to make yourself pilable and moldable in His Hands.
Posted by Ruth at 3:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: Jeremiah 18:1-4Galatians 5:22-23