Monday, April 30, 2012

One-Stop Shopping

I don't like to shop.  The fewer stores I have to go to--the better!  One-stop shopping works for me.  Walmart's, Sam's Club, or the like--where I can get groceries, clothes, gift cards, and gas all in one place.  Yet--on the other hand--I prefer the local family-run businesses and restaurants, as they are more personable and friendly.

Well, a huge crowd followed Jesus all day.  It was getting late....and they were growing the disciples were getting concerned--knowing they had but a few loaves of bread and a couple fish.  They began to get cranky and panic--what were they to do?  But--STANDING NEXT TO THEM WAS JESUS!!!  In other words--they had all that they needed.  He was their SUPPLIER...their SOURCE....their SUFFICIENCY!  [II Corinthians 9:10]  Once they turned to Him--asked Him what to do--He prayed to His Father...then multiplied the bread and fish--feeding over 5,000--and even had 12 baskets of leftovers that He had the disciples gather.

Mary (Jesus' mother), on the other hand, knew her SOURCE!  She knew where to go to get more party supplies.  She, the disciples, and Jesus were attending a wedding at Cana.  The wedding party ran out of wine.   Mary saw this, and didn't want the family to be embarrassed, so she asked her son (Jesus) to help them.  He instructed His disciples to fill six waterpots with water--and He took care of the rest (He turned the water into wine).

What am I trying to tell you in these two stories? GO TO JESUS 1st!   He is just one request away from helping you.  Remember-- 

JESUS IS STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO YOU.  Just take your problems and your concerns to Him--then follow His instructions, and you'll be okay.  Do that today....and every day.  He's the best business partner you'll ever have 'cause He's "about His Father's business!"  [Luke 2:49]

Friday, April 27, 2012


It's better to 1st fold your hands in prayer rather than point your finger to find fault.  It's better to seek divine wisdom to discern a situation before you form an opinion.

FINGERPOINTING PEOPLE are people who:  (1)  "Form" opinions--making idols out of them and erecting them permanently for all to see; (2)  They begin their conversations with words like:  "If you ask me"...or "In my opinion!"  (3)  They rapidly spue out words of condemnation quicker than a machine gun can fire off a round of bullets.  (4)  Their ideas outweigh the facts in the matter and they quickly jump to conclusions by hurdling over the truth.

Isaiah 58:9-11 tells us to "get rid of...the fingerpointing and malicious speaking."  And instead we are to:  "offer ourselves to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted one."  In so doing "our light will shine in the darkness, and our night will be like the noonday.  The Lord will always lead you, satisfy you in a parched land, and strengthen your bones.  You will be like a watered garden and like a spring whose waters never run dry."  [Taken from the Holman Christian Standard Bible]

Jesus drew a line in the sand with His finger--warning us to stop pointing our fingers and blaming others when we're just as guilty of just as many faults!  We're to stop leaving our fingerprints on the stones we want to throw at people. 

A better way to respond is found in Galatians 6:1 -- "you who are more spiritual RESTORE such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted" (just as He did for the woman who was caught in adultery by the FINGERPOINTING of the Pharisees).

Drop the STONES of CONDEMNATION....stop POINTING YOUR FINGERS...just simply WALK AWAY (fold your hands) and PRAY!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2012


A meddler is a person who interfers in another person's affairs; a mediator is one who tries to settle disputes; one who tries to find the truth in the matter--by listening to both sides--without taking sides.  A mediator is essentially a peacemaker.

Peacemakers (or mediators) often become the targets of attack when they "see" things differently than the meddlers, backbiters, and gossipers see it!  Once the truth is revealed that they (the meddlers) are more the troublemakers than the one(s) they're accusing, they retaliate!Retaliation causes wars and persecution.

Stephen was a PEACEMAKER...and the religious leaders PERSECUTED and punished him by stoning him to death.  However, as he was being stoned, he looked up...gazed into heaven...and "saw" the Lord.  In so doing, he didn't even feel the stones hitting him...his focus was totally on the Lord.

It says in the Beatitudes that "blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God;" and it says that "the pure in heart will see God," but it also says that "those who are persecuted for righteousness sake shall inherit the kingdom of heaven."  [Paraphrased from Matthew 5:8-11]

Those who have a "persecution complex" take correction too personally...they think that everybody is attacking them...they're only concerned how matters affect's all about their IMAGE!  The religious leaders who stoned Stephen that day were not acting in righteousness...they were acting out of rage!

Stephen was being persecuted for righteousness sake.  Stephen's last words were:  "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit...Lord do not charge them with this sin."  Stephen forgave his persecutors.

Maybe you're not a meddler--nor a mediator--but you can be a person of prayer and ask God to intervene on behalf of the one being wrongly persecuted.

Whose SIDE are you on?  Jesus has drawn the line!  He said, "those without sin--cast the 1st stone!"  [John 8:7]

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

From Start to Finish

The Lord is "the Alpha and the Omega (the Beginning and the End)".  [Revelation 21:6]  He was always there, is ever-present, and will be with us forevermore.

Our life with Christ starts when we "lay-it-all-on-the-line" and give our hearts to Him.  Then we've entered the race--focused on the finish line (heaven).

Many people enter the race (much like they do in The Boston Marathon).  Thousands and thousands are lined-up at the starting line--eager and excited to begin--but many are only wanta-be-winners who wind-up winded, weary, and drop out along the way--failing to finish--disqualifying themselves.

The Apostle Paul was keenly aware the he had to discipline and train his mind and body in order to finish the race.  He stayed "on course"--remained focused on Christ,  crossed the finish line,  and won the crown  (Jesus was there, waiting for him at the finish line, and placed it on his head).  [I Corinthians 9:24-27/II Timothy 4:7

Many follow Christ, many spectate (watch from a distance), many more drop out--but there are a few who GO ALL THE WAY.  

It takes endurance and daily commitment to be a winner, but all who FINISH the race, Jesus is there to say, "'Well done good and faithful servant; you were faithful...enter into My joy!"  [Paraphrased from Matthew 25:21]


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Take the Highway (High-Way)!

There's an old movie entitled, "The Dirty Dozen."  It was about a band of military men--misfits that didn't conform to the military who were given a "last chance" to serve (or be put in prison and dishonorably discharged).  They united and used all their skills and strength to help win the war against Hitler's army.

There's another band of men, which were recruited by Jesus....His 12 Disciples.  Most of them were uneducated--fishermen and the like, one was a tax collector (an IRS man) whom the people very much disliked, etc.  Jesus said to them, "Come--follow Me," and they all did.

Three years later one went "A.W.O.L." and betrayed Jesus.  He turned away from his band of brothers and turned Jesus in to the religious authorities.  He became a "stool-pigeon" for a a sack of filthy gain ($$$)!  On the other hand, the thief who was crucified along side Jesus turned to Him-and followed Jesus to heaven.  One chose the Highway to Heaven....the other--the Highway to Hell!!!

I read this quote the other day:  "When one door closes, God always opens another door...but you may have to set in the hallway of hell for awhile!"  We may be suck in a hard place or a deep, dark place in our lives, but we don't have to stay there; we can't sit "on the fence" by the side of the road--nor can we stay in the middle of the road forever.  We must choose either the Highway to Heaven or the Highway to Hell.  Which way are you going--either you will turn away (and go your own way)--or you will turn to Christ and follow Him. 

Which way are you headed?  I'm heaven-bound!  That's my final destination. 

Monday, April 23, 2012

In Case of a Fall

The experts said that the Titanic was "unsinkable!"  However, it sunk when it hit an iceberg.  A huge jet aircraft had to make an emergency landing because a single, small bird disabled its engine.  The giant, Goliath, who was covered in heavy armor, carrying a sword and shield, was killed by a small shepherd boy, named David, who had only a stone and a slingshot.  In other words--"THE BIGGER THEY ARE, THE HARDER THEY FALL!"

People can get "puffed-up" with PRIDE...thinking they are big shots...that they are in control...that they know all the answers and are invincible...but "pride always comes before a fall!"  [Proverbs 16:18]

Recently, a famous Christian artist (Thomas Kincade) suddenly died.  I'd admired his artwork and had read a book he'd written--confessing his faith in Jesus Christ, etc.  So I was shocked to learn he'd gotten divorced, was in deep financial trouble, living with a woman, and had basically turned his back on God.  Oh--it grieved me so!  WHY...was it the fame, the fortune, or the flesh? 

The little shepherd boy, David, became a mighty King--yet he, too, fell into a similar lifestyle.  BUT--there was ONE BIG DIFFERENCE between the two:  David repented, confessed his sins, and returned to a right relationship with the Lord.  That's why God could say, David, "you're a man after My own heart!"  [I Samuel 14:7Read Psalm 51, which is David's prayer of repentence.

Thou we fall, we shall not be cast down forever, if we turn to the Lord, and ask Him to cleanse our hearts, and He will lift us up again.  [See: Psalm 37:24

Remember, only His love can  lift us up!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Do You Have "P.E.P"?

The Olympics will soon be underway in England.  Athletes from all over the world will come to compete.  They've trained and prepared for in-and-day out, for this one event--this one chance to win a metal (hopefully gold).  (That's more than I can say about most Christians!)

I've been active in church all my life.  I've ministered in over eight denominations over the years; and, I've found in every one of them, the same thing.  Most of the congregation lacks "P.E.P." (Passion; Endurance; Perseverance).

Dedicated athletes can teach us a lot about discipleship.  Both require commitment (which requires discipline), loyalty (loyal to the team--and a team player), knowing how to follow-through and finish (cross the finish line).

Most so-called athletes are like most church members:  They set on the bench (or in the pew)--they are "weekend warriors" only (Sunday attenders).  They complain, but don't commit; they drop out rather than remain faithful; they do their own thing rather than set under the authority of a coach or a pastor.

Skilled and highly-trained athletes, as well as disciples, need to heed the Apostle Paul's advice:
(1)  Finish the race; (2) Don't disqualify yourself; (3) Know whom you're competing against.  [See:  Acts 20:24; I Corinthians 9:24-27; II Corinthians 10;12; Ephesians 6:12]

Remember to put "P.E.P." in your step today!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Christ's Method of Crisis Management

The world would have labeled Jesus a "Conflict Manager" or a "Negotiator," but in His day they called Him a "Peacemaker."  Both deal with defusing, disarming, and settling disputes.  However, Jesus, (The Peacemaker) settled the matter more skillfully by using Godly wisdom--not mans!  Read the story of "The Woman Caught In Adultery" and you'll see what I'm talking about.  [John 8:2-12]

A PEACEMAKER is one who has ended conflict with God by removing that which causes enmity between God and men--human rebellion and sin.  Also, one who has done everything with his power to end conflict between himself and his fellowman.  NoteYou cannot make peace unless you are at peace!

As we submit ourselves to God, He uses us as peacemakers.  Peacemakers are not always neutral.  Jesus took sides against the Pharisees, Sadducees, priests, elders, scribes, family, etc.  He was on the side of truth--right vs. wrong.  You cannot be a "chameleon" and serve God!

Peacemakers do not necessarily compromise.  There's a difference between the "never-take-sides" person and the "compromiser."  The former stands aloof from the struggles of opposites, but the latter attempts to knock off the sharp edges of the combatants so they are palatable to each other.

To be a peacemaker:  (1) Be at peace with God--not holding hatred against men.  (2)  Strive for peace as the end while recognizing that the means to that end may be painful and result in opposition rather than peace.  (3)  Live unselfishly.

And, in closing, may I pray:  "May the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in every way."
[II Thessalonians 3:16]

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Love Lifted Me!

Most people, when they get OFFENDED, become defensive!  When someone disagrees with them, or has a different opinion, they STUBBORNLY defend themselves and generally REJECT the offender.

It says in I Samuel 16:23 that "Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry" (as = equal to).  Basically what that is saying is--if I am holding onto it (the offense) and not dealing with it, it becomes something I protect or give too much attention to.  I obsess about it rather than confess my sinful attitude towards the offender.  In so doing, I am making the offense an IDOL in my life.

Witchcraft is nothing but "stubborn manipulation!"  The devil stubbornly manipulates others to listen to him and turn away from The Truth.  So when a person "stands their ground" and demands that they be judged right (justified) in the matter, they are stubbornly manipulating the situation to their own motives rather than simply forgiving and moving on.

Galations 3:1 says, "who has bewitched you?"  So you see, when you start listening to the devil and allow him to persuade you to hold onto a grude or offense, you are commiting a bigger sin than your offender!  You sink down to the pit (the devil's level) rather than rise above to higher ground.

All resistence to doing what you know God says to do is nothing but stubborn idolatry, withcraft, and manipulation>  So what must you do?  "Submit to God and resist the devil."  [James 4:7-10]
Humble yourself by confessing your sin--and He will LIFT you up!

[His] LOVE LIFTED ME....and set me FREE!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


My husband had recently gotten out of the Air Force and had landed a very low-paying job at the airport; I was in my 20's; and, we had a young son.  Money was tight--I had just enough left that week to buy a few groceries.

It was a very gusty, windy day--and there was a hard downpour of rain.  I had a fist full of $1 and $5 bills in one hand and coupons clutched in the other hand when I turned the corner of the building to the store.  Suddenly, the wind whipped-up fiercely and my rainhat blew off.  I automatically went to grab it; and, when I did, I let go of the $$$$!  The bills went flying in every direction!  Instant PANIC ATTACK!!!

I went running wildly after the $$$, but it was blowing away from me faster than I could get to it.  I cried out, "Oh, God--HELP ME!"  The next thing I knew, a man in an expensive business suit jumped out of his car and started helping me...and, another lady (on her way to work) stopped to help us chase after the cash.  I was able to grab two bills...they found the rest.  Believe-it-or-not, but I got ALL the money truly was a "miracle!"  I turned around to thank them...but they were gone.

God had heard my desperate cry...He had sent two strangers (or angels) to HELP ME:  One man dressed in an expensive business suit; the other, a lady, on her way to work.  Jeremiah 33:3 says, "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things..." (and that He did)!

I never forgot that day...I never forgot that "mini-miracle"...and I've never had another PANIC ATTACK! 

The Lord truly is "a present HELPer in times of trouble!"  [Paraphrased from Psalm 46:10]

Monday, April 16, 2012

Call 91.1

We all know what happened on 9/11:  The Twin Towers where planes crashed into the Towers and destroyed not only the buildings, but many lives.  It was a terrible attack on America!

We also know to call 911 on the phone when we are in danger, have had an accident, or are in some kind of trouble.

But--there's another 911 that we should consider:  God's Distress Signal is 91.1.  We should go to Him 1st when we're in danger, in trouble, need assistance, or have been hurt.  What am I talking about?  I'm talking about Psalm 91:1 (actually the entire Psalm)!  Call 91.1 and Extension 2:

Psalm 91:1 - He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.  [2] I will SAY  to the Lord, "my refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!"

It's up to you to ask for Him by Name!  It's up to you to call out for His help.  He should always be your 1st line of defense; your first contact; the lst name on your "speed dial."

The Psalm goes on to tell you that "it is He who delivers you" is He who will "cover you"...etc.
Personal prayer is your POWERLINE.  Many people believe and rely on a church's PRAYER CHAIN, which is good---but it can be easily broken if one person fails to forward the call.

Remember to call on the Lord 1st....His personal number is: "91.1"; it's a direct line!  He is standing by to to help you 24/7....He never goes off duty.  He's always there for you.   

Make that call NOW!  Don't wait too long; don't dial a wrong number; speak to Him personally.  He's waiting for your call.

Friday, April 13, 2012

God's Weapons of Warfare

True Story:  C.B. Morelock, a war correspondent in World War II, reported an unexplainable and miraculous occurrence:  Sixty German aircraft strafed more than 400 men who were pinned down on the sandy Dunkirk beaches without the benefit of anyplace to take cover.  Although the men were repeatedly attacked by machine guns and bombed by enemy aircraft, not one single man was hit.  Every man in that group left the beach without a scratch.  Morelock stated, "I have personally been told by Navy men who picked up those particular survivors from Dunkirk, that the men not only recited Psalm 91, but they shouted it aloud at the top of their lungs!"  [Taken from the book, Psalm 91, by Peggy Joyce Rutn & Angelia Ruth Schum]

Many SHOUT out God's name in vain...they spue out obscenities and curse God--blaming Him for this-or-that.  But if we'd only shout out His Name, in faith, believing He is "a present help in time of trouble," we'd see more victory in our lives.  [Psalm 46:1]

Speaking or praying The Word (Scripture) releases POWER.  Prayer precedes power!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


A mother hen was in the barnyard--watching over her brood of chicks--when she spotted a hawk overhead.  The mother hen did not run to those baby chicks--instead, she squatted down, spread out her wings and began clucking for them to "run to her!"  They came running from every direction, as fast as they could, to get under her outspread wings.  Then the mother hen pulled her wings down tight, tucking every little chick safely under her.  To get to those baby chicks, the hawk would have to go through her 1st!

When I think of those baby chicks running to their mother, I thought of this verse:  Psalm 91:4 - "He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings you may seek refuge."  That one little word, "may" is important.  We can choose to run to God or we can choose to reject His outstretched arms--it's our choice.  In Matthew 23:37 the Lord says, "Jerusalem, often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a HEN gathers her CHICKS under her wings, and you were unwilling."  (These verses show the maternal hovering side of His protection.)

We, as grandparents, play a simple, fun game with our grandchildren.  I'm the MOTHER HEN and grandpa is the HAWK.  Grandpa starts to chase the CHICKS (our grandchildren)...and they quickly RUN to me...jump on the couch...and I "cover them" with a blanket and hold them tightly in my arms.  We giggle and laugh 'cause that's a "SAFE ZONE."  Grandpa can't get them when they're under the blanket and tucked in my arms.

God would say to us today...."Oh, My little children, run to Me!"

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Watch Where You're Walking!

My friend had an injured knee and needed water therapy to help strengthen it.  So, she signed-up at a local health club that had a large indoor pool.  Not being familiar with the pool, she thought she was entering the shallow end of the pool, but it actually was the deep end.  As she went down the steps into the water, she missed the last step and fell face first into the water.  And she quickly was in "over her head!"

God tells us in Psalm 37:23 that He orders our STEPS; and, sometimes--even though we're trying to follow His directions--we can still slip and fall.

Now my friend cannot swim....and she's trying to cling to the side of the pool.  Someone shouts out to her, "Just hang on and walk around the side of the pool to the shallow end," which she did.  A "word" came to assist her.

In like manner, God sends His Word to help us.  In verse 24 we're told that "though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down, for the Lord upholds him with His hand."  God's HAND was upon her that morning; God gave her "a word" of instruction and "a way" out of danger.

Life has its ups-and-downs, but our Lord is always there to lift us up.  We just need to heed His instructions and trust Him to show us the way.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Clean the Inside 1st

Everybody was smiling, dressed nicely, and "appeared" happy at church on
 Easter morning....EXCEPT for one man I met.  He looked grumpy and very uncomfortable.  I assumed he didn't want to be there.  I knew his wife--and she's indicated (on a few occasions) that she's in a very unhappy marriage....but she's "sticking-it-out!"

Most people put on a good "act" when they're at church, or out in public--but (I often wonder) how do they behave at home--behind closed doors? 

I've had the privilege of visiting hundreds of homes because of my ministry as a hospice chaplain.  I've seen a lot of things (behind closed doors).  It may look pretty on the outside of the house, but there's a lot of pain, abuse, discomfort, and filth that you find when you get inside.

God's dealing with me to not only "appear" good--as though I have it altogether--on the outside (when I'm in public), but particularly when I'm at home...especially with my husband and loved ones. 

Jesus said to the scribes and Pharisees (the religious leaders of that day):  " clean the outside of the cup...but inside you are full of extortion and self-indulgence...1st clean the inside of the cup...that the outside will be clean also!"   Jesus wants us to be as clean on the INSIDE as on the OUTSIDE.  Oh--I don't mean just our houses, but our hearts!!! 

Many children received chocolate Easter bunnies in their Easter baskets yesterday (Easter Sunday).  Some were made of solid milk chocolate.....some were hollow inside.  (I prefer the solid ones!  You get so much more chocolate!)  And--like the chocolate Easter bunnies, many people are hollow inside--and they need to be "filled" with Christ Jesus; then, and only then, can they be made "clean" inside and "whole."

I pray you're not "faking it"....I pray you're "authentic"...a solid Christian--filled with the Holy Spirit and rejoicing that you've entered a NEW LIFE with Christ.  If not--TASTE, and see that He is good!  (Even better than chocolate!) 

Monday, April 9, 2012


We all know that words can kill, mame, and destroy relationships....but so can SILENCE!  It's a
s-l-o-w, but effective death!

"Body language" is very effective.  My mother used to only raise an eyebrow--and I would immediately realize she was upset with me.  Dirty looks, heads hanging down, or shaking one's head in disgust, etc. are other ways the body speaks.

REJECTION involves ignoring, turning your back on a person, withdrawing (walking away; removing yourself; shutting down); not receiving anything from a person.  I have a couple close relatives (well--they're supposed to be close) who won't ACCEPT anything I have to offer them....not a gift, not love, not anything!!!  But, what I've come to learn is that if they won't accept me--they're rejecting the Christ in me.  The more I try to show them His-kind-of-love, the more they REJECT me!

It has always been my weakest feel rejected.  However, I am learning this:  "When I am weak" (and I am weak and vulnerable in the area of REJECTION)--"He is strong through Me."[II Corinthians 12:9-10]  The Holy Spirit is my "Spiritual Trainer," and  the Bible is my manual to overcome rejection by exercising my FAITH and building up my spiritual muscles in this area.

And what I'm s-l-o-w-l-y learning is that "they" (those who reject me, and the love that I offer,  over-and-over again) are getting weaker and failing to thrive becaue they're refusing to forgive and therefore are starving themselves from a relationship with the Lord.  For if they REJECT (the Jesus in me), they are rejecting Him as well.  They're shooting themselves in the foot!  They are walking cripples!  They are walking away from what they have need of.  Oh--it's not me that they's God's love (and forgiveness) that they have NEED of.   

I John 3:14(b) says, "He who does not love his brother abides in death.   Yes--it's a s-l-o-w death to REJECT love!  [See verses 10-15]

Jesus expressed His love for us by dying in our place.  He set an example for us to LOVE ONE ANOTHER as He loved us.  He died so that we can LIVE, LOVE, and have LIFE (a more abundant life)!

Friday, April 6, 2012

What's So GOOD About It?

Today is called "Good Friday."  It was the day that Jesus was the worst day of His life!  But it was the BEST DAY for those who call themselves "Christians."  Jesus died a terrible death on the cross (and was resurrected three days later) so that we might have eternal life (with Him, in heaven, some day).

When I was growing up, on "Good Friday"  businesses closed and people went to church.  Between noon and 3PM everything seemed to STOP!  Nowadays businesses stay open, shoppers flood the malls, and many still get the day off--but fewer and fewer churches are open to hold services to REMEMBER HIM, and the sacrifice He made for us.

The only "Friday" many celebrate these days is going to "TGIF's"  (a local restaurant called "Thank God It's Friday") to be with friends and/or family for fun, food, and a GOOD TIME!! 

In a recent tornado, a mother laid her body down to cover, protect, and save her children.  She lost a leg and part of the other.  She was willing to give her life for her children.  She sacrificed much that day....but Jesus sacrificed much more.  He took our sins upon the cross--and "covered" us. 

Oh--most of us will celebrate Easter by going to church...dressed in new outfits, smelling the lillies, singing songs, and shaking hands with the Priest or Pastor--but that's about it...except for the big meal at a local restaurant (maybe TGIF's) or at some family dinnertable.  And maybe we'll even pause to pray before we eat.  Wow!  What a sacrifice!  What a celebration!

But, how many of us would have been brave enough to set at the foot of the cross and weep and mourn.  There is "a time to weep...a time to mourn"...and that is today!   Easter morning is a time to "celebrate."  That's the morning that we should all sing, "Christ, the Lord, has risen today!"

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What's In A Name?

To name something is to give it uniqueness.  Names have reputations.  In Proverbs 22:1 it says, "A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, loving favor rather than silver or gold."

As an ordained minister, I have baptized and dedicated many babies.  When I do this, I research the name, write it on parchment, tie it in a ribbon, and give it to the parents.  I believe the name helps to identify who we are to become.  For instance, my name is RUTH, which means:  "Compassionate; pure one; etc."  I try to live up to that name. 

Businesses and brands have names and reputations as well.  My dad was in the plumbing business for over 40 years.  And--even 18 years after his death--people were still calling us and requesting him to do their plumbing.  That's because he had a GOOD REPUTATION!

Believers are named after Christ...we're called "Christians."  We're in the family of God; we're His children.  Are we living up to the name....or are we damaging His reputation? 

America's reputation is not what it used to be.  Sad, but true!  Corrupt politicians, broken marriages, delinquent kids, crime, etc. have damaged our country's reputation.  So how can we regain a good reputation 'round the world?  Here's the answer:

"If My people, which are called by MY NAME, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."  [II Chronicles 7:14]

Too many in this country take His Name "in vain."  [Exodus 20:7 - the 3rd Commandment]  In other words--they only use His Name to speak prophanity!

We need to WATCH our WORDS...CHANGE our WAYS and LIVE up to the name we call ourselves... CHRISTIANS! 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I love to receive gifts and packages--don't you?  When I see the "UPS" truck pull up, I can't wait to meet the delivery man at the door.  Well, God has a delivery man, too....a SPECIAL MESSENGER comes knocking at your door...."YPS" ("Your Personal Savior")!!! 

Yes, Jesus will personally come to your DOOR and "knock" (Revelation 3:20)!  Please receive the "gift"....put it on...wear Christ for all to see!  Wear Him everywhere--for all to see!  (Romans 13:14/10:15).

Don't CONFORM to this world, and it's fads and customs!  Be a CUT ABOVE--wear His garment-line....and be-dazzle (shine) those who've never seen such beauty!  (Romans 12:2; Matthew 5:20)

Lord, I pray--COVER us with Your Presence!  Amen.

Monday, April 2, 2012


Lottery mania has seduced and hypnotized our society! A jackpot of over 640 million dollars has dangled in front of dazed people like a carrot before a horse! 

The odds of being the winner would be like choosing one penny out of a line of pennies that stretched end-to-end from Chicago to CA!

I heard it told that more people bought a lottery ticket than  went to church in a whole year!  Whatever happened to the 1st Commandment ("You shall have no other gods before Me.")?  [Exodus 20:3-5]

"Lady Luck" is worshipped by gamblers; "graven images" are worshipped by religious cults; and--the "love of" money is what many sinners and so-called saints (believers) bow their knees to.  Money lines the pockets of the rich and famous--those who have power and celebrity status.  And many of the "have-nots" worship those that "have!"

There's nothing wrong with money--or having money--what's wrong is if we WORSHIP it (love it), make an IDOL of it, or LUST after it!  [I Timothy 6:10-11]  We need to keep 1st things 1st!!!  WHO should be before WHAT!!!  "Seek Him (Christ) 1st, and His righteousness....then all these things shall be added unto you ."  [Matthew 6:33]

There were millions and millions of 'LOSERS who "bought into" the lottery.  And even the winner needs to beware how he or she handles and dispurses the $$$$.  (I've heard that the big winners in lotteries are usually broke within 5 years.)