Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Physically Fit but Spiritually Starved!

This country is FULL of fat people and exercise junkies!  We seem to go from one EXTREME to the other.  We're told in scripture that "Blessed (highly favored) are the MEEK"...(not the weak)! 

Meek means "not going to extremes."  We either overeat or starve ourselves.  Models look malnutritioned and a large portion of our population is quite plump!  From one extreme to the other! 

We cram book knowledge and facts into our heads--learning new techniques and skills.  Our minds are filled and overflowing with things to think about.  We read tons of books on self-help and we devour the internet for more information on everything from soup to nuts.  BUT we STARVE and NEGLECT feeding our spiritual side.

Matthew 5:6  says, "Blessed (highly favored) are those who HUNGER and THIRST for RIGHTEOUSNESS, for they shall be FILLED (satisfied)."  Our society always seems to be wanting MORE....more $$$, more things, more time, more love, etc.-etc.  Yet we are never satisfied!

Those who do not KNOW God are perishing (from lack of spiritual wisdom and knowledge)!   They feel EMPTY; they know they are lacking something, but they're searching in all the wrong places. 

Come to His (dining) table today; feed from His Word.  He is "The Bread of Life"....He will give you "living water" to drink.  Only He can satisfy you soul!

Don't be conformed to the world's culture, but enter His kingdom and reside with Him!  And remember this--"The Kingdom of God is not meat nor drink, but righteousness, peace, and joy  in the Holy Spirit."  [Romans 12:1-2 and Romans 14:17]

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What Time Cannot Do!

People seem to believe that, if you give people enough time that "time heals all wounds."  WRONG!!!   There is only ONE THING that can heal relationship (heart) wounds--and that's to ask for FORGIVENESS.  Some people simply can't say they're sorry or ask for forgiveness; some cannot--and will not--admit that they are at fault.  SAD!  Worst of all--they harbor unforgiveness in their hearts, which ultimately will harden their hearts!  This causes "hardening of the arteries" and "clogs" the flow of blood to the heart.  That not only happens to our physical heart, but also to our spiritual heart.  If we stop the flow of Jesus' blood--His shed blood on the cross so we could have abundant, eternal life--we will die of a broken heart. 

If you don't forgive, and ask for forgiveness, you are endangering your health!  James 5:16 says that we are to "confess our sins to each other and pray for each other so that we may be healed."  This verse also means confess our faults and unintentional errors, too.  This is a RX for heart wounds. 

Relationships are torn apart, severed, and destroyed due to the failure to forgive!  Jesus came to FORGIVE--and He asks us to do likewise.  He died for all our sins, messes, and mistakes.  In The Lord's Prayer He taught us to pray, "Forgive us our sins (trespasses) as we forgive those who sin (trespass) against us!"

And know this: 

Time will not heal the wounds of sin--only repentance will!

Monday, February 27, 2012

A Grateful Heart

It says in II Timothy 3:1-5 that "in the last days perilous times shall come," and it describes what that's going to look like--and sound like.  It's pretty horrible!  But one word I'd like to center on this morning is being UNTHANKFUL.  I was raised to say "please" and "thank you."  I was taught to be "grateful" for things and to have "good manners."  Mom would often say, "If you can't say anything nice--don't say anything at all!" 

We're so careless ("I could care less!") with words today.  In this "It's all about ME" society, we are more prone to COMPLAIN if things don't go exactly our way, or center on us.  Philippians 2:14-15 says to "do all things without grumbling or disputing," which simply means STOP COMPLAINING.   Complaining is like a dark cloud that covers the SON-shine!

We're told to be "the light of the world," [Matthew 5:14]--but we add to the darkness in this world and dim our light when we complain, grumble, or cause arguments.

So--bring a little SON-shine into the world today; brighten the corner where you live; let your light bring a ray of hope, laughter, or a tint of color into a drab, dark corner of someone's life.  Smile....bless somebody today!  Say a kind word and be of good cheer!  FORGET NOT THE LITTLE THINGS!  (They can impact a person in a BIG WAY!)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Broken Trust

Broken trust hurts more than broken bones.  Broken trust can break a person's heart.  Words are the weapon that so frequently destroys a relationship.

We all have told "little white lies."  For example--when we say there is a Santa Claus; or when the phone rings and you tell your child to answer it and say you're not home.  Promises are broken on a regular basis.  Yes, I'll play catch with you when I get home....but when you do get home, you're too tired to play.  What we fail to realize is that we're "training" our children to LIE!

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue!"  [Proverbs 18:21We damage and kill relationships.  We debilitate by deliberately lying and breaking promises.  I heard this quote...and it certainly is true:  "The tongue is but 6 inches long, yet it can kill a man 6 feet tall!"  Women--our muscles are not as powerful as a man's....but our tongue is a sharp weapon of destruction!  (Vice-versa, too!)

Whoever wrote the little verse, "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me" didn't know what they were talking about! 

When someone is untruthful with you, it changes your future with them.  When we are careless ("I could care less!") or insincere with our words, we murder marriages, kill friendships, and ruin our reputation. 

I make a joke about the "new wedding vows"--I say they go like this:  "For better or for sickness or in health....OR--UNTIL I GET BORED!"  Folks, it's gotten just about that bad!

If we want to be Christ-like, we need to be trustworthy.  Say what you mean--mean what you say--think before you speak!  Trash talk is so commonplace; garbage mouths and gossip invade daily conversations.  Speak the truth, but speak with love.  Build one another up--don't tear each other down!

James 3:2 says that "we all stumble in many things.  If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man."  It seems to me that we stumble over our words more often than we stumble over our feet. 

Watch your step today....but, more importantly, watch what you say!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

How Good Is Your WORD?

My dad was a good honest man.  He was a plumber and had his own small business.  If  you called on him to install or repair any household plumbing, if he said he'd do it--it was a "done deal!"  He'd seal the deal with a handshake--and that was that!  His WORD was good!  Everybody respected my dad.  He was not rich or famous--nor was he highly educated.  But, he was an INTEGRAL man!  He had a good REPUTATION.  You could count on him!  If he started something....he'd finish it!

My dad was the same kind of husband and father.  Mom and we kids could always count on him.  He was a good provider and protector.  I always felt secure and protected around my father. 

Kids seem to identify God, The Father and compare Him to their earthly fathers.  Usually that's their 1st impression of God.  I had a good example of a father, so it was easy for me to accept God, The Father.  However, I've met so many people who had a cruel father, an absentee father, or who never knew their father; therefore, they don't trust in God, The Father. 

Divorces, broken homes, and dysfunctional families are so prevelant these days.  No wonder our Christian values are fading from the landscape.  What can we do about it?  Answer:  Be a living example of God's love.  Let your value system be like His.  Be honest, be integral.  Mean what you say....then follow through with what you promised to do.  Let your YES's be yes and your NO's mean no!

Be of a GOOD REPUTATION and help raise the standard in this land....."One nation, under God!"

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What are you LISTENING to?

When I was a small child I used to love to hear my mother read me a story.  I also loved to listen to my Sunday school teacher(s) tell me stories from the Bible.  Later I heard the Bible preached by my pastor.  Romans 10:15 says, "How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel..." and vs. 17 says, "So then faith comes by hearing...the word of God."

1st I heard the Word of God (recorded in The Bible).  Someone shared His Word with me.  As I grew, I learned to read the Bible for myself.  I always seemed to desire to hear what the Bible had to say. 

Nowadays it seems as though people LISTEN to everything else but the Word of God!  Could that be why so many doubt or disbelieve?  Jesus said, I AM the way, the truth, and the life!"  TV commercials are filled with false advertisements (LIES); TV shows are getting more depressing, demonic, and disgusting all the time.  God and Christians are made fun of and His Name is only used in vain for the most part in our society today.  Sad!  Sad because as we disrespect and disregard Him, we hear and see more suicides, murders, and robberys. 

We're not hearing...we're not listening to God's voice clearly because our minds are so cluttered with the noise of the world.  So I urge you today to BE STILL--quiet yourself down--draw away for a few minutes and read His Word....hear Him speak to you.  Turn off the TV as you get ready for work... and even click off the car radio as you ride to work--talk to Him (pray) for a moment or two.   Simple as it sounds, sing the children's song you learned so long ago, "Jesus loves me."  Feel His Presence....feel His love....He will hear your voice.  But do you hear His? 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Grow Up; Branch Out; Bear Fruit!

Look at the CROSS.  It has two parts:  A vertical beam and a horizontal beam.  The VERTICAL part of the cross represents our relationship with the Lord.  We 1st must develop a deep, abiding, personal relationship with Him before we can know how to lovingly relate to others(represented by the HORIZONTAL part of the cross).

First we must GROW UP in Him before we can BRANCH OUT and have healthy relationships with others.  Then we'll be able to BEAR FRUIT (good, godly character).

First we must learn to DEPEND on God.  We're not to put our DEPENDENCE in people....but we're to become INTERDEPENDENT with other people.  By that I mean we should always put God 1st in our lives, go to Him 1st before going to others for guidance, assistance, or fellowship.  However, He delights in placing others in our lives to help us, fellowship with us, and love us.

From time-to-time He will have to PRUNE us.  There are two kinds of pruning:  (1)  Cutting off and (2) cutting back branches.  Fruitful branches are cut back to promote growth.  But branches that don't bear fruit are cut off because they infect the rest of the tree.  People who don't bear fruit for God or who try to block the efforts of God's followers will be cut off from His life-giving power.

Therefore, let us be "grounded and rooted in His love" so we can grow up, branch out, and bear fruit--"fruit that will remain."  

Monday, February 20, 2012

A Cheerful Heart

In the movie "Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs," two of the dwarfs stand out as complete opposites:  HAPPY and GRUMPY.  One must've been "a morning person" (HAPPY) 'cause he woke up with a smile on his face and ready to start his day.  But, GRUMPY woke up complaining, mumbling, and with a frown on his face.

HAPPY needed to give GRUMPY a dose of "good medicine," for it says in Proverbs 17:22 that "a cheerful heart does good, like medicine."  GRUMPY had a sour attitude, which is worse than a sour stomach!

CHEERFUL means:  Good-natured; joyfully ready; a spirit of enjoyment in giving that sweeps away all restraints.

So, get on with your day... "whistle a happy tune"..."be of good cheer" [Matthew 9:2] and have a blessed day!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Who Is My Neighbor?

I used to think that "my neighbor" was the family that lived next door.  But I have since learned that my neighbor is the person(s) who cross my path each day.  It could be the grocery clerk, a co-worker, the passenger in the seat next to me on the plane, or my next door neighbor, or anyone!

In Luke 10, three men were traveling on the same road.  Each stumbled across a man who had been robbed, beaten, and left for dead laying on the side of the road.  The 1st man to see him is a Priest.  He, however, has his own "personal agenda," so he can't be bothered to stop or he'd miss giving his homily at the parish.  The 2nd person comes by--pauses for a moment, but realizes that his 1st priority is to assist in the church service (he's a Deacon, you know).  The Priest is counting on him to be there.  So he, too, passes by.  A 3rd man (whom the religious folks frowned upon and avoided) comes by.  He STOPS!  He is moved with compassion for the injured man and tries to attend to his wounds and take him to where he can be better cared for.  He goes way out of his way to help.

Folks, this was a DIVINE APPOINTMENT!  But for the Priest and the Deacon (Levite)--it was a MISSED APPOINTMENT!!! 

Watch...stay alert!  God may be planning a DIVINE INTERVENTION for you to help someone today.  It could be as simple as sharing a kind word, a smile, or pausing to encourage someone who is hurting.  Don't PASS BY--you'll miss a BLESSING!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Conceal or Reveal?

Pride always tries to hide (cover-up) its flaws and shortcomings.  A prideful person is always more concerned about his/her IMAGE than revealing who he/she truly is.  But--the TRUTH eventually comes out...the "masks" are removed. 

The politicians are proudfully proclaiming how good they are and what good things they've done.  Then, a short-time later, either a news reporter or some political opponent digs up some dirt about them to discredit them.  Some women wear make-up to hide their blemishes.  They look pretty flawless!  But once they remove it, they don't look so perfect.  We all try to show "our best side" to the public...but when we get home, those closest to us can see our "other side!"

In Luke 7:36-50 we see a woman, who was a SINNER.  But she HUMBLES herself and enters a public banquet (full of dignitaries, religious leaders, Jesus' disciples....and--THE GUEST OF HONOR, Jesus).  She falls at Jesus' feet and washes them with her tears.  She's weeping and grieving over her past sinful life--and, she's pouring out all her love and gratitude on Jesus.

Those in attendance are furious that she's crashed the party.  But Jesus shuts them up by saying that "this woman's sins are forgiven; she's demonstrated her love; her faith has saved her."

The best GIFT we can give Jesus is our sins.  He will then take all of our sins upon Himself and carry them to the cross.  All we need do is confess them, repent (turn away from sin) and turn to Him....worship Him....BELIEVE in Him as our Lord and Savior....and RECEIVE a new

BELIEVE and RECEIVE!  It's as simple as that! 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Many believe that Jesus was a "meek-and-mild" sorta guy!  They picture Him as being overly sensitive and gentle.  But I'd describe Him as a man of "steel and velvet!"  Steel is strong and velvet is soft (compassionate, gentle, and loving).

MEEK does not mean WEAK!  Jesus was a carpenter for many years.  Therefore, He had to have a strong body to cut down trees, hammer wood together, etc.  He had to have a strong mind to battle satan in the wilderness and in The Garden before He endured the crucifixtion.

What, then, is the definition of MEEK?  "Not given to extremes!  EXTREME means "Doing anything in excess; radical; harsh; drastic.

We live in a culture that goes to EXTREMES.  Either sliding to the side of being passive and bland, or overly agressive to the point of danger and destruction.  Those who are ADDICTED seem to be most out-of-control.  I know people addicted to sports, texting, road rage, etc.--which is just as bad as those on drugs, into porno, or alcohol.

Matthew 5:5 says, "Blessed are the MEEK..."!  The word MEEK is rarely spoken these days.  Too bad!  We need more men and women who are demonstrating a lifestyle of meekness.  They get enough rest, eat a well-balanced diet, work hard and play hard, etc.

A good illustration of MEEKNESS is of a high-spirited horse that is sensitive to the master's reins.  In other words, he has been "trained" to follow the leading of his master.  We all want to be "free spirits" and "do our own thing."  However, the Lord asks us to submit to His leading.  That doesn't mean He breaks our spirit!  It means we willingly submit out of our love for Him.  The movie "War Horse" is a great example of what I'm talking about.

Jesus flexed His muscles and got angry (kicking the moneychangers out of the temple)--but He demonstrated a righteous anger--not an out-of-control anger.  "Be angry...and sin not!"  [Ephesians 4:26]  A righteous anger helps us hurdle over our fears and fight for justice and fight to protect the innocent or the helpless.

Keep your sword of STEEL tucked into your sheath of VELVET until you need to use it to fight against evil.  Lead a life of MEEKNESS (strength under control) for His glory!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Today is Valentine's Day.  Thousands of roses will be purchased along with tons of candy galore; many men will take their wives or their significant others out for a romantic dinner, and some will go as far as to purchase a diamond heart-shaped necklace for the lady they love.  That's nice!  We all need to feel "special" once in a while. 

But what about the day-to-day expressions of love?  What about those little acts of kindness, gentle touches, and sweet words?  Too many marriages and relationships grow cold quickly because they are not attended to....the spark is gone; the embers are barely warm; the fire has gone out!

Couples take each other for granted, get too wrapped up in "other things" and neglect comforting and cuddling one another.  Too tired and too distracted to give quality time to one another.

Next month my husband and I will celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary.  And we both can testify that "love suffers long but is [also] kind."    Yes--we've hurt one another and disappointed one another over the years, but we still are deeply in love.  Why?  Because we can say we're SORRY and because we both can FORGIVE!  We believe that "love endures"...we believe that marriage is a COVENANT (with God and with each other)--not a manmade contract!

Even Billy Graham's wife said this when asked if she ever considered divorce:  "Divorce?  No!  Murder, YES!"  I had a good laugh about that comment (but I understood where it came from).  The "enemy" will do anything to destroy a marriage!  He floods our minds with evil thoughts, but Mrs. Graham knew how to brush them out of her mind.

In the Greek, EROS love is all about sex and romance.  PHILEO love is a friendship love.  Both of these are "conditional" kinds of love.  But there's a 3rd kind of love--AGAPE love.  This is God's love, which is "unconditional." 

My husband and I have not (by a long-short) perfected AGAPE LOVE, but that's our AIM!  That's our TARGET!  We're far from hitting the BULLSEYE.....but we get closer and closer each and every year. 

LOVE...God's kind of love...never ends!  "Lovers Lane" can lead us all the way to "Heaven's Doorstep," if we walk with God all the way to our eternal home.

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!  Share your love today!

Monday, February 13, 2012


What is your VALUE system?  What do you BELIEVE in?  Whom do you TRUST?  Jeremiah 17:7-9 says "Blessed is the man who BELIEVED in, TRUSTS in, and RELIES on the Lord, and whose HOPE and CONFIDENCE the Lord is.  For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters that spreads out its ROOTS by the river; and it shall not see and fear when heat comes; but its leaf shall be green.  It shall not be anxious and full of care in the year of drought, nor shall it cease yielding fruit."

The Lord is our SOURCE of BLESSING!  The "key" to blessing is to put your hope and trust in the Lord  "Isaac sowed in a year of famine and he received 100-fold; and the Lord BLESSED him."  [Genesis 26:12]  Our blessing does not depend on the economy, other people, or the weather--it depends on our RELATIONSHIP with God.  God will use circumstances to draw us to Him, but the circumstances won't determine the outcome...our relationship with Him will!!!

The LIFE of the tree comes from its ROOT.  Therefore, it is imperative that we be "ROOTED and GROUNDED in [His] LOVE."  [Ephesians 3:17]

Friday, February 10, 2012


Many people leaf through the pages of their Bible much like one leafs through a merchandise catalog--looking for all the "good stuff" (like God's blessings and His promises).  But, they skip over the pages that deal with sin or suffering--discipline or chastening.  They love the items dealing with grace and mercy, but only glance over selections on service and submission.

How faulty our faith becomes when it's used simply to acquire possessions and power.  Our faith will depreciate in value quickly if we mis-spend it on acquiring possessions, pleasure, or power rather than investing in a relationship with the Lord.  We need to spend our TIME getting to know Him rather than trying to get something out of Him!

We make EXCUSES for not taking time to be with Him.  In Luke 14:15-24, Jesus tells the story of a man who prepared a great supper and invited many to come.  He sent "special invitations"--but those who received them began to make excuses such as:  One had some real estate (property) to purchase; another had livestock to look after; and, another blamed his wife--saying he had to stay home and attend to her "honey-do list."

Either due to poor planning, scheduling, or wrong priorities many reject His INVITATION.  They decline devoting time to be with the Lord.  Therefore, quality time with Him falls to the bottom of their list of things to do and places to go.

Warning!!!  If we refuse to include Him in our lives, He will eventually withdraw His INVITATION to "come and dine" at His table!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Flaws of Favortism

We are to identify with Christ, but far too often we prefer to identify with (what the world calls) "successful people!"  We treat someone who is well-dressed over someone who looks shabby.  We honor those with titles after their names and walk by or ignore the "unknowns" in the world.
Jesus tells us we're not to show FAVORTISM.  In Matthew 25:40 He said, "If you've done it unto the least of them, you've done it unto Me."

We often are very "selective" regarding how we treat people.  We're more motivated to react out of our prejudices and preferences than out of love.  I've recently seen the movie, ''THE HELP."  It really speaks to this issue of prejudice, partiality, and prominence.  These southern belles showed honor to those who dressed better and were of a "higher class"--making appearances, race, and wealth more important than godly character.  These women were rich in worldly goods, but spiritually poor.  They had "a form of godliness"...but they lacked authenticity--they were shallow and sugar-coated with pride!  They abused and misued their staff!

"An empty religion will betray itself in RELATIONSHIPS!  To make superficial distinctions among people, preferring those of prestige and position, is incompatible with the faith of our Lord, which excludes favoritism based on wealth or class. " [Footnote from The Spirit-Filled Life Bible, p. 1897]

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Our grandson is playing on his very 1st basketballteam consisting of 2nd and 3rd graders.  They had a double-header last night.  The gym was packed with cheering parents, screaming coaches, and energetic players.

As I sat back and began to listen to the crowd in the stands, I was reminded of "the great cloud of witnesses" that are spoken about in Hebrews 12:1.  This great crowd was composed of the people described in chapter 11.  Their faithfulness was a constant encouragement to God's people.  It is a reminder that we do not struggle alone.  The fans and families at the basketball game were there, in the stands, to also encourage and support their kids who were in the game.

I'd coached basketball for 18 years; I was a player before that (and even played fed. ball).  But now I'm a 70+ grandmother--too old to play.  Yet I found it hard to "watch" my grandson play(getting bumped and knocked down--not having the ball passed to him throughout the entire game--yet trying so hard to help his team).  I knew how to "play the game"--I knew how to "coach a game," but all I could do was CHEER him on and ENCOURAGE him from the bleachers.

It upset me that one coach and his team were "talking trash" before the game and were being taught to get away with whatever they could in the game.  When I coached it was instilled and drilled into my players to be fair and to demonstrate godly character.   I tried to set that kind of an example as a player, too.

Kids need to have "role models"...."heros" to follow after.  There's  the "HALL of FAME" for sports heros (which requires physical/athletic skill)....but there is also the "HEROS of the FAITH" (listed in Hebrews Chapter 11, which requires spiritual character).  I ask you, which would you rather belong to?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


God's TIMING and your MATURITY must "marry" one another before you can "conceive" or "birth" your CHILD of PROMISE!  Your dream/vision is 1st conceived in your spirit, but it takes time for it to be birthed (become visible for all to see).

In my earlier years as a Christian, I found it rather easy to know what God wanted me to do, but I often mis-timed when!  Just like Sarah and Abraham:  They knew God promised them a child; so, they waited and waited and WAITED!  Sarah grew IMPATIENT, so she devised her own plan.  Abraham slept with her handmaiden and birthed a child out of wedlock (Ishmael), which really complicated their lives and caused a lot of heartache.  BUT God kept His promise--later Isaac was born.  [See:  Genesis Chapters 16-17]

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, "To everything there is a season, a TIME for every PURPOSE...".  We need to MATURE in Christlike character before we'll be able to see our dreams and passions manifest in our lives.  We must 1st develop our faith--add to our faith patience--and many other qualities--before we become mature enough to handle our "child of promise."

I Corinthians 13:11 says, "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought like a child, but when I became MATURE, I did away with childish things."  (Paraphrased)

Keep on GROWING in Christ....keep BELIEVING His promises!  Watch your dreams, and the desires of your heart, come true.   


Monday, February 6, 2012

The Love of a Grandparent

Grandparents often age like fine wine!  They seem to have more PATIENCE and take more TIME with their grandchildren than they did with their own children.  They've learned to FORGIVE (overlook and excuse) mistakes and accidents (like spilled milk) more easily than their mom and dads.

They don't seem as "up-tight" and "rushed" as do parents these days.  They "stop and smell the roses" and appreciate simple things and quiet times moreso than do their grown children.

My grandparents lived with us--and I was BLESSED!  Every day my grandfather would help me with my spelling words before I went to school.  After school grandma would always have a snack waiting for me (as both my parents worked).  We never had "outside" babysitters--my grandparents were always there.

I now am a grandparent; my circle of friends are all grandparents.  But I have two friends who are a "cut above" the rest of us.  One always has a "special" activity or event planned when her grandkids come over to her house.  It could be decorating a t-shirt for Valentine's Day or going to a pro-football game to celebrate a grandson's birthday.  She spares no expense--she goes way out-of-her way (and her comfort zone) to make a memory that will last a life time.  My other grandparent friend will drive hundreds-and-hundreds of miles (alone on the road in the winter time) to be able to spend a few days with her grandkids.  These two grandparent friends sacrifice TIME, comfort, energy, and $$$ to build a relationship with their grandchildren.  They SACRIFICE much...and they do it with JOY!

They're leaving a LEGACY of LOVE before they pass on!  What will you be leaving behind that will be remembered?

Friday, February 3, 2012


So many people are SELF-centered and think the world revolves around them!    "It's all about ME!"  That's how so many act and talk.  Everything has to center around them and what they are doing or who (they think) they are.  They're so "full of themselves" that there's no room for Jesus!

Then you have those INDEPENDENT types who are always saying, "I can do it myself" or "I did it all by myself!"  No--Jesus says in John 5:30, "I can of Myself do nothing" and He followed that up by saying, "I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me."  (Even the Lone Ranger needed Tonto!)

Last, but not least, you have those people who believe--and say, "It all belongs to me!"  WRONG!!!  Everything comes from God's hands and is put in our hands.  It all belongs to Him!
"The Lord GIVES...and the Lord can TAKE IT ALL AWAY!"  That's what He did with Job--He gave him great wealth, good health, a large family, and many blessings; then--He took them all away (except for a nagging, pessimistic wife).  But Job hung onto his faith--passed the test--and God returned to him more than he had before.

A daughter just recently told me about her mother, who will part with NOTHING!  She says "it's MINE and I'm going to keep it all!"  She has 2 automobiles and a truck, she doesn't drive, but won't part with any of them.  She HOARDES everything!  So very sad!

Love GIVES!  Love is demonstrated by our acts of kindness, forgiveness, compassion.  Love gives of its time, talents, and out of its treasury. 

IF YOU HAVE NOT LOVE--you have nothing
IF YOU HAVE NOT LOVE--you are nothing!
[I Corinthians 13:2-3]

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Change Me, Lord!

One very important aspect of prayer and what it does for us:  It purges, prunes, and changes us.  Prayer reveals what needs to be changed or corrected in us.  Hebrews 12:6 says that "whom the Lord loves, He chastens (corrects)."

Often we "ask amiss" [ James 4:3] when we pray.  We pray for what we WANT, but God gives us what we NEED! 

We're so preoccupied with praying to change people or change our circumstances that we have little time to allow prayer to change us!  We think God is pleased by our efforts to back Him up against a wall and demand or threaten Him to keep His promises.  We cry out, "I want what's coming to me...I deserve it!  You are bound by Your Word.  You must give it to me, or I 'll know Your Word isn't true!"  This is WHY we miss the true meaning of faith and prayer. 

We see God only as a GIVER and ourselves as the RECEIVERS.   However, prayer and faith are the avenues by which we become (are transformed into) GIVERS.  We are to give Him all our sins, shortcomings, selfishness, and failures.  In exchange, He gives us all that we have need of:  Forgiveness, mercy, grace, and unconditional love.  His love includes chastening (correcting us when we go astray, disobey, or refuse to submit to His discipline).

We are so SELF-CENTERED and SELFISH (it's-all-about-me-mentality).  We need to become SELFLESS (think of ourselves less and of God more).

May our prayer be, "change me, Lord!  Change me more into Your likeness!"

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Golf is such a strange game!  I'm trying to learn it, but I find it very frustrating!  However, my husband and friends allow me to use a "mulligan" quite often when I mess up.  A mulligan is like a "do-over."  You get a "2nd chance" to hit the ball....and you disregard the 1st shot.  Pros are not allowed to use a mulligan--only amateurs, like me.  But I'm getting better--my husband used to allow me as many mulligans as I wanted....but now I only use a few in a round of golf.

I couldn't find the word MULLIGAN in the Bible; but I found a few words that mean much the same thing:  GRACE, MERCY, and FORGIVENESS.  God gives us as many "DO OVERS" as we need to finish the course!  He is patient with our efforts and lack of ability.  He is pleased that we keep trying to improve. 

During a round of golf I am able to hit a few good shots...and that's why I keep coming back to try again.  Our Christian life is much like that....we mess up sometimes, but we also do well at other times. 

There are different personalities on the golf course:  Some are so perfectionistic that they can't enjoy the game; some throw their clubs in anger and frustration; some just do whatever they want --not paying attention to any instruction; some take lesson-after-lesson and practice on the driving range a lot before even going to the course.  And some devote their lives to the game.  But golf is just a GAME! 

Many Christians "play golf.", observe how they act (on and off the course)?  Many Christians "play church"!  Watch how they act  (in and out of the church)!